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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Very good advise fisherman...I was just going to post for that small of a battery..about the size of a small ATV battery... the simple plug in "adapter" style charger is more than sufficient. Like the one you use for handheld radios,,,but a tad heavier output. I have one of these on our little Moto4 ATV. Does the trick when it's needed.
  2. I know a good place Joey...no knowledge required on the subjects part that they have a policy on their head....
  3. Good stuff Remo...and don't let these import/GM lovers get to you. LOL
  4. When I saw the subject...I thought it was a post coming out of Kingston Pen....
  5. Rocks, the size of bowling balls, painted orange...from 250 feet UP !
  6. Are ya ever home long enough to find out Ron? Maureen's Ice Fishing for Tyler event is Feb 24th if I remember correctly. Maureen will pipe in sooner or later I'm sure. Spiel...hurry up and get your '07 shift schedule bud...it's gettin busy.....
  7. Sure you can...whether it's advisable or not is another. Lexxington just had a post on buying an ATV from the US..same logic applies here. I have a customer that bought a new Toyota..top of the line model that wasn't available in Canada for 2006 so he had to be the first to have one up here. Catch is he has a US address as well so warrantee wasn't an issue. He had no problems having it serviced up here for warantee work. Here's some of the details you need to know to get it across. http://www.customs.gov/xp/cgov/export/expo...tor_vehicle.xml Once you are done there then you have to deal with Canada customs to fill out a form #? (I forget). Then the brand new vehicle has to go to CTC for a safety check. Remember many US vehicles don't have day light running lights..mandatory in Canada as a starter on extra costs.
  8. Yep...the guy he was following made it across though. I drove by there on Thursday and it's iced over...hopefully no repeats this year.
  9. The click on pics have nothing really to do with size...but how you post originally. Using the "upload pic" gives your the thumbnail pic to click on while using [ img ] code in your post will put up the true picture. But like I said...you need to reduce your picture to less than 800 x 600 first and at a lower resolution so they load quickly.
  10. LARGE treble from the back of an air boat/scoot. Done all winter long on Little Dog channel in Honey Harbour...were at least they can bail and jump to the shoreline before it goes down. Unfortunate...but only a matter of time before the first drowning is announced on the Radio. Two winters ago it was my daughter's (now X)boyfriend's cousin on Orr Lake....and of course at night!
  11. You were having back issues Lew...were you on Flexeril(sp) at the time... LOL I've got weeks I don't remember....
  12. River rat here...grew up with the Rideau in the back yard. We swam all day as kids...then after hours moved our venue to the town pool where we could use the diving boards without lifeguards hassling us.
  13. You mean it's you Randy...the Northern Pike master... I'd be a last minute, so don't let me get in the way of filling that hut. Thanks, Wayne
  14. Why I said I "hate to say it" Bill. I want good ice as much as the next guy. Makes everything white a runway and I'd really, really , really like an ice road down Temagami this season. With the snow dumping and dumping we may be in the same mess as last year unfortunately. Kerry...the reason it said not enough space or similar is that your pictures are still FULL size out of your camera. YOu need to reduce them to something reasonable like 800 x 600 and for us dial up dinasours a final res less than 60K would be swell.....
  15. When I see one of Stanton's airplanes gracing it's surface...I'll think about it! I hate to say it...but that will all be gone by the end of next week.
  16. GBay..Marc Thorpe has the same motorguide...maybe he knows how to shut it up. I bought an extra foot pedal to have one at each end of the boat. I doubt I'd use the key fob...unless maybe mounted right to a rod.
  17. Wouldn't the obvious two be Bass Pro and Lebarons UA1990?
  18. I bought me one of those as well Shad..thanks to Ron's last minute suggestion...Pic is the W55...mine is a W75 x 60" with a lot of accessories attached to it..LOL. Guess that stuff will be on my "what did ya buy in 2007" list. This years stuff..where do I start...no issues with anything so far.
  19. 19 x 14 smallie on a 10" Mr T jerk bait! 31.5 Wally on a blueberry muffin Manns 20
  20. My wife and I are talking back and forth online right now planning tonights "games"....does that count....... ...and BTW bowling is the game before this one gets wacked as well...
  21. Terry's got the nail on the head there Paul...made in Japan and there is an import duty on them, although I'm not sure what it is. Off shore Fishing gear was 4 or 5% if I remember correctly when I looked it up last year. Also the dollar is only about a 15% exchange rate right now so YES no matter what the duty.....you're/we're getting hosed. Licencing agreements come in to play as well...no different than buying a Shimano reel in the USA or Canada. TE400/401 = $359 US but $525/550 or so in Canada because they have to go thru Shimano Canada to add another player before they hit the store shelves.
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