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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Straight and boring! Don't forget to stop in Moonbeam to take your picture under the UFO!
  2. Guess I should have phrased that differently. Many are legitimate sales...just not done in the true "spirit" of ebay..so don't expect the item to be available by the time you want to bid closer to closing date. You will find that if you are bidding on a Muscle car on ebay that most of these guys will pull their auctions early..even days early... and sell directly. They use it as a sales flier instead of an auction. There are about 10% that are indeed scams...using stolen identities and pictures of someone elses car sold previously on ebay. Most are pretty easy to spot due to cut/paste mismatches and where they expect you to send money and/or how to send money.
  3. Dave...next time running it amongst a normal day of fishing shows would work much better.... for a MUCH larger audience. 12 consecutive hours of "1 real...2 bait" works for nobody but the single guy getting through the day alone...and even he'd have to be pretty desperate. Wish I wasn't on dial up so I could actually see Joey do her thing...
  4. Great stuff Dan !! A few more years of OFC G2G'rs and we'll all be dressed like twins... same Faux Farm hats and Lakair Hoodies... LOL Oh....and THANKS!!!! for making it dial up friendly. Wish more would do the same.
  5. Listing is no longer available...so something was wrong or it was a scam like 90% of the muscle cars on ebay.
  6. LOL Lew! I tell all my nieces and nephews the same thing...don't go messin up my summer at the lake with a wedding..hit City Hall if ya need to instead! Congrats Eddy..or should I say Paula! Shows he's serious about her asking for your permission...I remember doing the same with Leah's father...took some doing to get up the courage but has been well worth it.
  7. For Don and myself JP...THANKS! Wayne
  8. Good question Don...even their site shows it listed and yet not available for any Lowrance units. Site also shows the Canada Lakes Hot Maps and we were told when ordering my LCX110C and boat that it wasn't available until Jan sometime.
  9. Don't want to disappoint you Glen ! Everyone knows I never catch anything... apparently....just ask Calimari
  10. Clicking and giving them a false "interest" count only stengthens their cause as well. Financial costs mean nothing to them!
  11. Got a Storm 10" kickin Minnow and a Canon A540 powershot camera ....so now I can take clearer landscape pictures next season!
  12. Glad to see the small "family" stores closed Steve! They ALL should be !
  13. When I put my deal together part of it was the Navionics Premium Hotmap for Canada. Supposed to have Lake Temagami in amongst that long list above. We were told it was not available yet when they tried to order...supposably January 07 it would be out.
  14. Gee maybe I should get up the gumption to call them one day. I've been with Rogers for 21 years ! Just retired my $1600 Motorolla bought in 1985 due to it's failure and upgraded to probably the first version of a handheld (for a $1 on ebay) to stay analog for the back lakes. My plan gives me a whole 10 minutes of airtime a month and has always been that way. Existing customers have never been able to get a free phone offer and keep the same phone number they've had for being loyal for years. Mind you BOQ in November was the FIRST time I used more than 10 minutes a month in all those years...so maybe I'm just fine. LOL It's an emergency tool...not a two way radio !
  15. Joey....any knowledge of when you'll be on....I can't handle these silicon wonders for 12 hours... waiting to see your wonderful face! (nor will my family.... )
  16. The fish need time to wrap their presents too you know.... ..and what Tom said. Amending a limited season would require more hoop jumping than changing an open season to a limited season.
  17. Great report Tom and thanks for putting it up !!
  18. The pro kicker is geared slower and has a 4 blade prop. I think this is the same deal on the "big foot" models. The 9.9 "Pro" Kicker with Electric trim/tilt is about $4200 for the console steering model
  19. I've already Pm'd with Mike Remo. Not much I can offer in the good and bad of lodges up there, so I told him to start this thread. I also already advised him he'd be happier on one of the smaller area lakes for numbers and boat comfort (read WAVES) if he's using a small lodge rental boat.
  20. Same deal here bucktail...guess we'd better pair up ! LOL
  21. What do you mean "would" Ron. I may be able to launch it and use it for our outing..... LOL
  22. You can go a little further North and fish Lake Temagami... IN A BOAT !
  23. I'd use the use the kicker for days you want to do the slow troll and for the muskie 5mph use the 115 >IF< need be. That's my plan anyhow...I went 9.9 on my 2150 Baron.
  24. Have a great day TJ !! Unplug the phone...turn off the computer and go for a walk in the woods with your honey!
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