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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I didn't ask that question...lol...just spinning my mind a bit at this point. Will know tomorrow, Thursday latest if I own ~4500 feet / 26 acres of Lake Temagami waterfront.
  2. I had no doubt Dan knew what he was talking about.... unfortunately we're missing a great poster on OFC because a few threads seems to go "here" every year around this time !
  3. With the permission of the mods I ask this simple question. If you were to consider a week or two vacation on Lake Temagami, where a 2 bdrm cottage rents from about $800 to $1000/week, would you consider renting a prospector tent like TJ has up at Camp Jiggy Jiggy (pic is his beauty get away spot). First off would you rent such a structure and secondly what % of what a cottage rents for would you consider paying. Tent would have propane..stove/BBQ..fridge, a furnace possibly and lighting. On at least 7 acres of land that you'd have to yourself and a view to die for. THANKS, Wayne
  4. Don't sell yourself short Connie...now that Phil guy...welll...
  5. I'm still trying to figure out how he disarmed the bear of his weapon.....
  6. Thanks Shawn...but it doesn't mean they correlate a colour that they see better with food. I see a red canoe from a further distance on the lake than say green one...but it don't mean I want to eat it. LOL
  7. Sounds smart ! Just looked at the Imperial Stainless Steel liner install page, in case I was dreaming. It states in 5 places, on a single page, "Do not fill the air space between liner and masonry with insulation or any material" And this is based on the liner going down the sound block structure without the old clay liner in it.
  8. I was just going by what it says right in the Imperial installation manual..."do not fill the air space between the masonry and the liner with any material". Ours made it down inside of the old clay tile liner just barely. I put a 6" down ours.
  9. I was just gonna say that skeeter...it sure didn't save anything but maybe a plastic prop... with it breaking off. Can buy a handful of props for what repairs would cost. Just hope those wires and insulation aren't screwed..looks a tad out of shape now and it's a "commutator"
  10. yah...but when you're shivering on a Lake LE island do you think yogi is gonna swim out there? LOL
  11. I don't know Dan...we gonna let that bugger in our cottage? Nice fish Terry...photoshopped or not ! LOL
  12. Lake Temagami is still 57.2*F...and the Lakers are still hiding down at 40 to 60 feet. Be awhile yet before they hit the shoals to spawn. Ice is a ways off yet Pete...I hope!
  13. Congrats Bud! One of life's best catches....
  14. Thanks Bud! The flying car has been around for about 70 years now. And that one really flew...none of these "new" ones have done the test of time yet. Floats Terry...coming right up...
  15. The whole idea of the liner in a masonry chimney is that the air space between them is the "insulation". You are not to fill the space with anything or the liner will/can overheat. CH....you need 7 feet minimum floor to ceiling for most wood stove legal clearances...but there may be some model out there for you if you look around. My "certified" installer...
  16. If I've said it once,,,I've said it twice Bud ! Stellar report, as always !
  17. Nighty nite Bud. Those chillins come to your house early.... ...oh and remember...no political threads on OFC... LOL
  18. Met a guy at the Temagami town dock this summer that told me he caught a Salmon on NIppisssing, thru the ice, a couple years back and made Ontario Out Doors or similar with that one.
  19. Thanks for sharing with us Gerritt. We're all here with you/for you, and you and your family will be in my thoughts as I travel tomorrow.
  20. HAHAHA...have fun guys! Will catch the post next week Glen.
  21. Thanks Pete! I'd also like to add for those looking to get into Muskie fishing, like I did a couple years back..skunked to this point.... that I highly recommend a trip like this, or fishing with someone really comfortable with them to show you the right way to net, photo and release these wonderful fish. No where near as wild as I thought they'd be once netted. They tend to calm right down, like "get this over with and let me swim"...unlike a pike that generally goes nuts in a net. Any fish shown in this threads photos, in the boat, were only there for 15 to 20 seconds. Fish just stays in submerged net after removing the hooks (hooks removed with fish under water in net) and with Marc once you lift it out you get 2 quick shots before it goes back. Cameras turned on...fish comes up out of net..2 quick shots and right back into the water for the smaller ones and into the cradle and back in the water for bigger ones so they can be measured and then slowly released back to the depths. No measuring in the boat....he doesn't even bother with girth measurements and there wasn't a tape anywhere in the boat either. Just the measurement strip on the Frabil floating cradle.
  22. Nope...none of them are gonna let you use their 15% employee discount ! LOL
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