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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I put this in hook ups...but for those that don't use the "View new post" icon thought I'd put it here as well. Hope nobody minds. I'll be going back to the lake to close down the cottage and grab my boat after Thanksgiving. Curious if there is anyone, or a couple of guys, that are interested in going North with me on Tuesday the 9th, or Wed the 10th of October, and coming home on the Saturday or Sunday. Nothing you'd need to bring other than some food, your beverages and your favourite fishing equipment. This would give us an afternoon/evening and then three full days to fish...and you would also have a part day while I am spending about 3 hours winterizing the cottage plumbing and getting docks ready for ice up before we load up and leave for home. You can meet me here and leave the house here in Penetang, or I can pick you up anywhere along #12 from Midland to Orillia. #11 all the way North or #69 to Parry Sound, 124 to Sundridge and #11 to Temagami. I'll be gone to Montreal from Sunday until early Friday am next week, so please send me a PM and I'll go thru them next Friday and get back to you as quickly as I can then to confirm go/no go. I know Dano wants to go...but I"m thinking his business partner may have something to say about that considering a trip to Montreal next week and then BOQ in Novemember. Cheers, Wayne
  2. Yes, she apparently still is Phil! I reeled in a couple early in the season and they are still on the throw away camera Leah bought after I dunked the first digital. After that I took great satisfaction in learning how to find the fish and putting my guests on them. I was quite happy just "guiding" and letting my guests enjoy the fight. SP - yes we are on the Grid..close enough to town for that and a few islands past us have power as well. Thanks for all the comments folks!
  3. Thanks for the comments so far guys! Even got some PM's from a couple of the younger guys thanking me for the inspiration to work hard but enjoy life, and those mean a lot to me. I bugger off the whole summer now to keep Leah in cleaner air and keep her out of the hospital, but the penalty for me will be 6 or 7 months of 12 to 16 hour days in the shop all fall/winter...as long as I stay of OFC (said that last year didn't I!)
  4. Yes Terry Canon A570IS I hope I'm still moving at 81, but hope I'm not the ticking time bomb my mother is afraid that her next step's her last.
  5. He's done..just figures he should get my 80 grand worth out of the shirt! Computer/Electrical Engineering.
  6. That's it Mike ! Pike was fun to get in, standing on an 8 inch wide deck!
  7. Thought I’d break the summer down into Months and post what we’ve been up to up North. We had a great summer, with Leah only taking ill a couple times during the rainy/cold times in July and earlier in September. I succeeded in doing some firsts, both on the fishing front and renovation fronts. Taught my two young nephews (Leah’s sisters kids) how to cast successfully and safely. One even caught a “BIG” rock bass from around the dock. Fished with my 81 year old mother and my 50+ year old sister for the FIRST time in my life. Targeted Lake Trout all season and got pretty good at figuring out where they go when it’s calm and when the wind blows. Had numerous guests up this season and not one went home without putting a Laker in the boat…or four for that matter. I learned how to split rock to any thickness I desired and hell I even managed to make it stay on a wall. May not be to Bricknblock standards…but I’m happy with my creation. Thanks to a good friend/customer (another reason why you should treat customers like they’re a king), who picked me up at the end of my dock and flew me into the back country one day, I finally got a comfortable enough feeling to explore the back country solo and over the last couple weeks did some exploring and fishing on the back lakes of Temagami. Here’s the month of September Anybody know if these are wild or domestic rabbits. We are told the previous owners had rabbits and may have released them on the island As I mentioned, and Dano had posted in his thread back in the summe, I was splitting rock this summer in anticipation of doing the wall behind the wood stove. Here I am nervously starting this project. Day 2 asking myself if I’m really sane! Took 7 days of 1hr to 4 hours (depending how many stones I could safely “stack”) to get to the top with one rock to go and on the 8th day. Placed it the day before we came home to take our daughter back to Ottawa for University. I now know I can split and rock a wall. Been there…done that…never again! LOL Then the infamous canoe gang came to visit….led by my youngest daughter in the purple sweater Canoes can be towed at 16MPH…17 and they tail walk and flip over! Wood stove install all done and burning Got Jim Krech, the owner of Dad’s tackle shop, out for a morning of down rigging. As we were quitting, to get him back to the store, he popped his line off the rigger clip and his rod doubled over. Fought a monster for a few minutes and then it was gone…2 minutes later a 19”r grabbed the spoon and we quickly netted and released it without a picture. Leah enjoying the sunshine while trolling Last week I finally got around to trying my skills at getting in and OUT of the smaller back lakes. Brings a whole new meaning to having the whole lake to yourself….and you quickly realize every step you take better be thought out as there’s nobody to help you! Makes it hard to take shots of yourself/fish to. This one is just the camera resting on the seat back. I later learned my ram mount will clamp to my door. Took some takeoff and landing video that I’ll try to figure out how to post later. Every pilots nightmare…but I landed on it sucessfully Caught a clam bottom bouncing. I even felt it close it’s yap Got into another Lake and found some lazy pike that acted like I’m told Muskie do. Lazy follows, submarine disappearances. Took about 4 times for each of these fish to finally take the bucktail. Smaller one I took home to eat as it was bleeding pretty good. The bigger guy in need of a good meal is my personal best, finally beating 3 feet, and he measured a skinny 38” and a tad long. Grey Owl Lake. Had my camera Ram mount clamped to the tree beside the rope and it fell off…right about where the paddle handle is and my last shot on the old camera. I’d changed memory cards before going back to shore after this shot. That’s it…our summer to date. Off with Dano on Sunday for 4 days of Muskie hunting the St. Lawrence and the Ottawa River! Cheers, Wayne
  8. Thought I’d break the summer down into Months and post what we’ve been up to up North. We had a great summer, with Leah only taking ill a couple times during the rainy/cold times in July and earlier in September. I succeeded in doing some firsts, both on the fishing front and renovation fronts. Taught my two young nephews (Leah’s sisters kids) how to cast successfully and safely. One even caught a “BIG” rock bass from around the dock. Fished with my 81 year old mother and my 50+ year old sister for the FIRST time in my life. Targeted Lake Trout all season and got pretty good at figuring out where they go when it’s calm and when the wind blows. Had numerous guests up this season and not one went home without putting a Laker in the boat…or four for that matter. I learned how to split rock to any thickness I desired and hell I even managed to make it stay on a wall. May not be to Bricknblock standards…but I’m happy with my creation. Thanks to a good friend/customer (another reason why you should treat customers like they’re a king), who picked me up at the end of my dock and flew me into the back country one day, I finally got a comfortable enough feeling to explore the back country solo and over the last couple weeks did some exploring and fishing on the back lakes of Temagami. Here’s the month of August Funny how there’s work to do each month before I can go fishing. New laminate floor going down…green carpet gone! Got that all done just before this wonderful couple dropped by the dock. Dano and Fern off for a week of houseboating on Temagami Iguess all women are the same when it comes to pictures! ..and off they go to have fun! Here’s my customer, that has become a close friend, dropping in to pick me up and take me on a tour of the back country of Temagami Was really happy our son made it up this summer. Leah was happy to have him around for a few days as you can see in her face.. The view from Caribou Mountain if you’ve never been up there…you should go. Can you tell he’s mine? About says it all ! Son tugging on a Laker up around Racoon Point in the North Arm The Eric Lindros hold on another one.. Shot I thought was neat off the engine cowling Dang…more work.. Ready to play Maple Mountain fire tower…looking South Took Leah into Florence Lake for some exploring and a swim My buddy Tom came up and I put him on 4 lakers in a couple of hours. This was his best at 27 inches and fat. His wife Sheila helping me flip the grill over and can’t wait to try Lake Trout for the first time. And my Daughter with the biggest of the season..32 inches long Got my 81 year old mother and older sister out fishing. Have never fished with either of them in my life! Why do we leave this stuff so late in life? Sisters big Laker…better than a boat skunk! And the highlight of my summer! My 81 year old mother, quad bypass at 66, three aortic anurisms beyond operating size out tubing !
  9. Thought I’d break the summer down into Months and post what we’ve been up to up North. We had a great summer, with Leah only taking ill a couple times during the rainy/cold times in July and earlier in September. I succeeded in doing some firsts, both on the fishing front and renovation fronts. Taught my two young nephews (Leah’s sisters kids) how to cast successfully and safely. One even caught a “BIG” rock bass from around the dock. Fished with my 81 year old mother and my 50+ year old sister for the FIRST time in my life. Targeted Lake Trout all season and got pretty good at figuring out where they go when it’s calm and when the wind blows. Had numerous guests up this season and not one went home without putting a Laker in the boat…or four for that matter. I learned how to split rock to any thickness I desired and hell I even managed to make it stay on a wall. May not be to Bricknblock standards…but I’m happy with my creation. Thanks to a good friend/customer (another reason why you should treat customers like they’re a king), who picked me up at the end of my dock and flew me into the back country one day, I finally got a comfortable enough feeling to explore the back country solo and over the last couple weeks did some exploring and fishing on the back lakes of Temagami. Here’s the month of July Got heavy into ripping the living room apart. Came out one evening and found this little guy left behind by his mother. A few hours later he/she was gone again and appeared again late in September eating in the front yard every night at exactly 7pm with his mother/father. Slapping down some ceramic floor for under the wood stove. I think I get to go fishing soon…. Teaching my nephews how to cast their new spincast reels. Jim at Dad’s outfitters deserves some thanks here. Took the lads over there for a couple rods, line, etc that totaled 85+ dollars and he asked me for $35 ! and their mother wonders why she’s broke ! Think he’s happy ? Had the father-in-law out on the arm when this nasty looking think dropped down like a submarining Muskie…. Common site on Temagami…I’ve seen as many as 42 loon swimming together out on the open lake. How many of you have a wife that will climb on a roof….let alone lower the chimney liner down the masonary so you can attach the tee thru the wall inside? Father-in-law didn’t have a very good hold on this one…lol Drove home with the father-in-law so I could get my airplane. Took a better shot of Sandy Island while crossing Nippissing for you Marty! Back out on the arm downrigging with my younger (than my older one) sister waiting for her fish… and here’s the first and with both she reeled in and Dang they were good!
  10. Thought I’d break the summer down into Months and post what we’ve been up to up North. We had a great summer, with Leah only taking ill a couple times during the rainy/cold times in July and earlier in September. I succeeded in doing some firsts, both on the fishing front and renovation fronts. Taught my two young nephews (Leah’s sisters kids) how to cast successfully and safely. One even caught a “BIG” rock bass from around the dock. Fished with my 81 year old mother and my 50+ year old sister for the FIRST time in my life. Targeted Lake Trout all season and got pretty good at figuring out where they go when it’s calm and when the wind blows. Had numerous guests up this season and not one went home without putting a Laker in the boat…or four for that matter. I learned how to split rock to any thickness I desired and hell I even managed to make it stay on a wall. May not be to Bricknblock standards…but I’m happy with my creation. Thanks to a good friend/customer (another reason why you should treat customers like they’re a king), who picked me up at the end of my dock and flew me into the back country one day, I finally got a comfortable enough feeling to explore the back country solo and over the last couple weeks did some exploring and fishing on the back lakes of Temagami. Here’s some of the month of Junes activity… Boat outfitted and ready to troll.. My always happy fishing partner Rigging the “basin” right in front of our place heading towards Hwy#11. Balls at 25 feet pulling spoons. Leah with a nice eater Nice morning shot looking West Out on the North East Arm rigging at 70 feet or so. This shot shows how easy it is to get suckered into the peace and tranquility. This is where we battled 6 footers to get the canoeing kids in early September Was pulling out the Deville oil stove to install a Nepoleon wood stove…so the 5” liner had to go and a new 6” had to go down. Gotta do some work between fishing trips! aint that a beaut…can’t believe someone would spend $2K and buy green lol ! The inside mess I started with And then she let me take her fishing again… Had a great time spending a day with Lew on Nippissing and all the other OFC members and guests at Lakair. Here are many on Tombstone for the Friday fish fry at Noon. One of Leah’s pike from the Lakair trip
  11. Sent you a PM as well Emil https://www.gov.on.ca/ont/portal/!ut/p/...d=STEL01_086165
  12. LOL Kev...thought about that... Filled the sink and it even floats, so I can now drop it in the lake and scoop it with the net!
  13. I'm playing with it right now. Seem to have full function of all the camera features. Can change all settings, work the menu, switch from taking pictures to play back. Flash pictures seem a little dark, but I haven't tried any with the supplied diffuser plate in place yet. The ironic thing...when Leah bought me the first camera for Christmas she asked if I wanted this water proof case. I said "no...it's the same price as the camera...if I get it wet and ruin it I'll just buy another camera". But after two cameras in 4months..well....
  14. Out this morning Brian! Thanks for your efforts against this monster...
  15. Gonna try to play with it tonight or tomorrow to be sure I've got how it works down pat, before I head for Montreal on Sunday am. Want to be sure the camera is workable and takes clear shots when above water. Don't want my monster musky, or Roy's head blurry !
  16. ...and a submarine for it to go inside. So I think I'm good to go again. Three digitals in one season, but Henry's cut her a deal on this one.....for being such a good customer this year. LOL
  17. Absolute Bull...my 275 Verado burns 12.2 Gallons/hour at 42MPH on a 2150 Baron. That is less than 0.3 gallons per mile. AT WOThrottle it burns 35 gallons per hour and I'm doing 61 MPH...max burn is thus about a half gallon a mile. I've used less fuel this year....with more time/distance on the water...than I did last year with my 115HP 2 stroke Johnson on a 17' boat. Hasn't used a drop of oil since it's first 10 hours break in. ...and by the way..how many Evinrude/Johnsons did you have blow up on warrantee this year. Temagami Marine had 9 brand new BRP engines blow their power heads this season. Warrantee's great...but doesn't do much for the cottager up for 2 or 3 weeks with no boat. The previous 2 years it was the larger Hondas with issues. Haven't seen a Merc torn apart on the floor there yet. ..and can I hazard a guess that Evinrude-dude = Spectaculure
  18. Dang....is it this time of year again already ! Thank god I'm heading back out fishing in a couple of days, for a couple of weeks, so I won't have time to read much of this sheeeet.
  19. Had a wonderful view of the changing colours this afternoon.... while skirting home under the low cloud layer....unfortunately no pictures of this fall spectacular to share with you from the air, as my camera seems to be "geocaching" at the bottom of Grey Owl Lake, just North of the North-West Arm of Lake Temagami. Dropped in there on Monday for some pike fishing and thankfully I'd just changed my memory card over from the last months worth of pictures to a new blank memory card. If you have time next season maybe you can drop in there and find it for me....oh...and maybe my leatherman knife from Spawning Lake as well...Thanks! Hope to get a post or two together before heading for Montreal on Sunday AM. Can't believe the summer is over and how fast it went by....but I know there's no sympathy for me here... LOL Leah's off to Henry's Camera tomorrow..... for my third Canon digital of the season! This is the way this season went....
  20. Hell and Dano and I came close in just two nights ! Congratulations Bud ! A rare feat in this day and age. Leah and I hit 25 while at the lake on August the 4th...where the time flies when your havin fun I don't know! Wayne
  21. You will be there Dano ! Glad you had a good time Andy! ....23 more days! UMMMM , sorry Terry...You've got to stand up taller when you wave your arm! LOL
  22. Thanks for your comments everyone. Just hope that some day that the little micochip in the back of your brain that stored this story might pop up a red flag for you one day. Without any intention of being rude,...For those that keep plugging "always wear your PFD that's the rule in our family,etc, etc"...... Don't fool yourself ! Part of why I shared this story is that's the way I've operated since the first kid was born 24 years ago. Long before a PFD was "cool"! We used to slap a life jacket on our son when he was about three years old and tie him to a tree in Kelso Park, in Milton, to fish the reservoir. People used to go by and make rude comments that we were treating the kid like a dog and I used to tell them off and that it was better than a drowning! I spent most of last night going thru my entire digital picture albums of holidays and all our photo albums and yep....there's not one picture of our son and two daughters in a boat without a lifejacket on. Heck in most I even have one on to set the example.....even the last camping trip at Finlayson PP in 2004 with my daughter and myself both standing on the dock with our days catch wearing out bright yellow PFD's. Now like anything in this world, drop you kid off somewhere and turn your back. Five 19 to 22 year old young adults out for fun, hot weather and well you know the result. Thanks and hope I've got you all thinking, Wayne
  23. Thanks Aaron...another wise tale that others can learn from.
  24. I think they'd started with the PFD "install", as the one in the middle had just put hers on before they were flipped...the others were paddling to stay afloat and if they had of stopped to put theirs on would have been flipped too. They'd come out of a nice sheltered area and by the time they realized what they were into it was too late to turn around...all they could do was try and keep their bow into the waves. I'm pretty positive they'll all wear them next time they canoe. The whole thing was TOO rushed. No extra day for weather...had to be home Sunday night... as we left Monday am early with a trailer full of furniture and supplies so she could make a class 8am Tuesday. This will be the main thing next time...day out for weather...no rushed trips and you're right Smitty, we all lived before the age of cells and sat phones. I hate them both too and make maybe one call every 5 months on my cell. It's just in this case of a rushed, unplanned adventure a sat phone could have been a life saver as well.
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