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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. The stuff memories are made of Tiz !!! Oh and by the way, it's a federal offense to tie off to a navigation marker!
  2. We use to go into a farm field on Big Bay Point rd that had a creek about a foot wide and a foot deep running thru it. The first time i was taken there I thought the guy was nuts...but we ate well on specs/brookies.
  3. Not unless it's a '69 Dodge! Old GM's wouldn't run with the battery pulled, but dodges and fords would! New stuff ain't gonna run at all without a battery hooked up. Paul...were do you find the time to go thru these old threads?
  4. I know..Short notice as I thought I had someone in the boat with me and Monday is the best day.... so I can get some customer work done this week as well as a grave side service to attend on Thursday. Do you feel a cold coming on, gotta cough...then call in sick ! Launching in Midland...all you need to bring is lunch for the both of us, I have the rest. Or you can bring your Muskie gear if you have it of course. PM me please
  5. Cliff...how much do you guys pay your scuba diver to put these things on your hook, day in...day out? Beauty fish Bud ! Definitely bigger than the one I have on the wall.
  6. I got pretty close....drive over to Orillia and blew $320 in Tromblys Tacklebox ! New 7'6 Heavy Shimano Compre to put my CT-700B on for trolling, some #0 and #1 snap swivels and swivels for BOQ, some Fin-S minnows for ice fishin........ And if POURED rain on the way home and the lakes are ROUGH.
  7. Some boats drain well. My glastron livewell was directly above the transom area and all hoses were straight downhill. Other than a bit of water the unit itself held..everything drained on it's own. This one I wasn't gonna take the chance with. The hoses go off the thru hull pumps and then drop a few inches into the hull and one is running ~ 15 feet to the bow..so who knows where all it goes...and the main concern for me was the power wash pump/intake screen chamber/hose/etc. That said, many boats will be fine just pulling them out on the ramp, I just wasn't gonna take the chance with mine. Your mileage my vary!
  8. Great stuff Dan! Do you know if she went to OCAD in Toronto...she has the style they seem to teach there....oh and what's she doin workin with Mahumba, she should be in or running a graphic arts/advertising company.
  9. Tomcat's got it there ... "permis de peche" for a week is $34.67 with tax...available simply by walking up to the courtesy desk at any CTC once you cross the border. Neither Dano or I speak/understand any french and the young gal didn't let on she spoke any english...and we had no problems getting ours...oh other than stroking out the 19__ on the application, putting 2007 and then having her tell us that was for our birth date!
  10. Just playin it safe Rizzo...took a total of 15 minutes, $6 for the caps and $3.50 worth of antifreeze. No matter what there are low spots in the livewell feed lines that aren't gonna drain completely. If a pump cracks off = boat sunk. The power wash was a $400 item and again if it cracks open = boat sunk. So for $10 (next year will be $3.50!) and 15 minutes of my time...I'll be doin this every year.
  11. Got to thinking about the livewells and power wash pump and realized that even if I blew/vacuumed them out, a trip on the lake would have water finding the pumps/low spots in the hoses and the power wash intake screen/pump filling with water. Fine in most cases when you are on the water...but the trailering home would freeze things and possibly bust things. First I vacuumed/blew out the recir pump in each livewell. Then I removed the intake screens from the transom and attached a 1" rubber hose and a funnel. Turned the bow live well fill pump on and added plumbing antifreeze until it spit out clean into the livewell. Then turned on my power wash and ran it, feeding in more antifreeze, until it came out consistantly pink. Same deal with rear livewell. All the antifreeze that drained out the livewell drains and intakes when I removed the hose was caught in a bucket. This antifreeze was then dumped into the boat hull bilge to take care of that small amount of water that never leaves the hull from rain. I then put the plugs in the livewells and added a bit of antifreeze to each. Mainly the rear one is my concern as it's drain plug level is exactly freeboard water level..so if you leave the plug out it gets a shallow layer of water in it. I then teflon taped the pump inlets and installed 3/4" NPT caps on each of them to keep the water out...I hope. I also filled a 16oz spray bottle with antifreeze. This is for in the boat to spray the rod locker lid seat and bow deck hatches so they don't freeze down from condensation...... that is very heavy in the fall with the water temp higher than the outside temp.
  12. Anyone remember Nater's last post? Beauty fish Mike and great to get out on a GBay trib. Maybe next time take the kid and he will cover the gas and show you how to really do it...
  13. ..and why TJ had a full width screen window put in his on the back wall.
  14. Hey Blaque...grab that free Tempest boat hull and you're good to go.....
  15. Dropped by today. Too bad I blurred the one of him taking off while trying to pan thru the patio door.
  16. Yah..but as far as I know she's not willing to part with her biggest one.
  17. Save that line for the spouse.....
  18. That's right Johnny...so hurry up and buy that new truck and higher HP boat ! LOL
  19. Like I said...just the way I read the piece of paper that is was used in conjunction with your Nav Gold or Platinum chart. IT does say lower down though... "use as an accessory to our Nav Gold only; it is not intended for Navigation as information vital to safe navigation is not displayed on the fish n chip. That said it sounds like it works on it's own...but I don't know that for sure.
  20. The point I made earlier was serious. It doesn't matter whether you leave your food on the table or 15 feet above it hung from a rope...the bear will come either way to your campsite. The only thing it changes is whether he eats your food on the table...or you in the tent because he can't get the stuff 15' up.
  21. Got mine in the mail today Blaque and the way I read it I have to have it and my matching Great Lakes/Maritimes gold chip in the unit at the same time. I'll see if it makes any difference on Georgian Bay. Most of what I read on their website though shows US waters detailed only it seemed.
  22. Like Brian Says...if you don't know exactly what you are looking at, nor have the technical knowledge to determine what you are getting without seeing it run..go elsewhere. If you know what you are doing and are willing to gamble then go. Consider a lot of the stuff is repo...so it may have been blown up before the bank repo'd it, wasn't winterized and has sat for a few years, etc.
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