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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Correct Bob..for sure. I still carry my 22 rifle in the airplane though.... for small game survival food if I screw up a back lake landing...that 22's just enough to piss the bear off to get my mauling over quicker!
  2. Most guys like to palm the reel and for most stuff the 400's a tad big...although I really don't mind casting with it for a few hours at a time, throwing big baits for muskie. I have a Quantum PT501 that I bought at least 4 years ago. Use it all the time and still smooth as silk. Really hard to have an "all around" reel for all species.
  3. But then I'd have the added expense of recording equipment Mike.....
  4. So you're saying it would be perfect for most mixed OFC events Doug?
  5. Only reason they're air tight is so they float when you flip your canoe. Hanging has nothing to do with attracting bears...just the idea is you put it up high enough and far enough away from the trees so they can't reach it. Still gonna attract them whether it's in the air, or on the table ! Doesn't change anything one ioda as to whether you have a bear on your campsite!
  6. Dang Jed...thar ya go scarin me with them thar pictures again !
  7. Whole new meaning to pulling the trigger in bed... ...not a great place to keep it loaded that's for sure! Behind the headboard's much better....
  8. Thanks everyone and Mike...That would mean I'd have to be up there all winter. Not gonna happen, at least at this point. I have 7 months to get a full years work done here in the shop/hangar..... to continue doing what I've been doing (goofing off for 5 months a year! LOL)
  9. Brian will 'splain it all Gerritt..but in the mean time Brian...did you hand in my cheque? It hasn't been cashed as of today !
  10. The issue with Shimano stuff is it has to go thru Shimano Canada before it hits the shelves + + +..blah blah blah. I'm even told BPS can't bring Shimano stuff up from their US warehouse, it has to be bought from Canadian distrubution...BUT that said they don't stop them from shipping to Ontario Customers...my Calcutta700B just arrived from BPS online order service in the USA. They bulk ship to the border and then Xpress post it out of Windsor so no extra surprise at the post office when you pick it up..BUT my online order was $301.99US with the $22 shipping charge in. Now that it's here..the slip in the box is the original $301.99 + $29.40 Duty + $18.56 GST for a total of $349.95 The numbers don't add up %age wise to the value and I also presume this is still US funds that are being billed to my card...that the banks will do their magic and make 4% on doing the exchange. Still cheaper than the over $500 it would cost me anywhere in Canada right now. I believe in supporting our economy, but it's darn hard to do so at these prices. Just be cautious of what you are ordering online and if it includes taxes/duties etc or not. Stuff that's made offshore does have an import duty of usually 4.5% on it + the 8% PST and 6% GST. Correction...thefishinhole.com out in Alberta has lowered their prices quite a bit I see. This is the current cost in Canada for the 700B so I'm still saving $90 or so and if they were in Ontario there'd be another 8% on top! Item Description Qty Each Price Total Remove From Cart Move to Wish List 3855501-CALCUTTA 700B B/C RL $399.95 $399.95 Login $399.95 Sub Total $13.95 Shipping *** $24.83 Tax $438.73 Grand Total
  11. Edzacery...it could have jumped off an overhanging tree into his boat...and he shot it dead right there and then....
  12. I've printed that out for black mail purposes Andy ! Thanks everyone...keep your thoughts coming, as this "project" will be many years in the making in one form or another.... if it happens at all. The platform/tent idea came about as it's a legal use of the land and I'm looking at ways to cover property tax and OMB expenses somehow while I fight for severances of the property and building permits. Not sure at the cost of these tents whether I'd be ahead just to leave the land vacant... while I jump thru hoops..
  13. 58 days of Muskie season left....let me think...NOPE !
  14. He'll be fine. Appears to be a quick healer that fella. Be well Phil ! Call Connie to swing by and pick you up to go fishing....
  15. As I said it would have propane..stove/fridge/ etc. As for hydro..you aren't gonna get that at most cottages on Temagami. Part of what people pay BIG dollars for up the main lake. Like the 2 acre island that's for sale with a "rustic" cabin for 1.2 million right now!
  16. I'm more afraid of a moose than a bear !
  17. Currently water access. If I get it I'll be jumpin thru OMB hoops for a few years to get building permits/serverances and there is the possiblity of a road across leased crown land to get to the property. I'm not banking on that one though considering there's not supposed to be any shoreline access, other than what's already there on Lake T. In the mean time they can't stop me from putting up platforms and tents. I'll of course have to install a few docks for boats...with easy access from the town site's free launch and parking. If I actually proceed I'd probably have to have some boats for rental as well.
  18. Dang...we'll have an easy hook up...food barrel hangin gizzmo to appease the fraid - e- cats!
  19. That's the kind of comments I'm lookin for Terry. Wanna see if it's worth the effort and expense. From what I've seen so far these "camp jiggy jiggys" aren't overly cheap.
  20. Thanks Joey !! and Corey...lets not get ahead of ourselves ! LOL (but sure to happen sooner or later !! )
  21. Great stuff Mike. I hope to get out there early next week in search of some GBay Muskie myself.
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