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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Nate...I hear your momma calling you for beddy bye time....
  2. Yep...exactly Mike ! Can't wait for water temps below 50/55F . An unbelievable surface temp reached 60.3 today and the weeds are all still a vibrant green! Won't be any walkable ice soon this year.
  3. ..but unfortunately like Roy told us in Montreal... "you can't put a follow on the cover of Ontario Out of Doors!" Kickingfrog (Rob) and Glen (Glen) arrived at my place this morning about 8:35. Worked good for them with Glen coming from Alliston and swinging into Barrie and picking up Rob. We headed down to Pete Peterson Park in Midland and launched the Lund, parked the truck/trailer and off we went in search of Esox. I'd picked up a CT-700B reel last week and on Saturday a Compre to put it on..so we had enough equipment for all of us to troll with...and we trolled and we trolled, all pulling a different style of bait and colour. Early into the morning, out on the sound, I stopped the boat so we could all clean the weeds off our baits...as we'd unintentionally went over a hump covered in them. As I was reeling mine in...with over 2 feet of weeds trailing behind it I saw that tell tail shadow coming. Glen saw it too and it followed right to the boat and sat less than an inch below the surface. I tried to get some weeds off the bait and keep her entertained at the same time and she hung around for a fair bit...long enough that Rob could also come over and look at her. Best we figure... comparing what we saw immediately to my gunnel scale immediately above the fish.... is the + side of 52 inches. Learned the hard way to always have a casting bait rigged and ready! So when I went to rig something, I grabbed the new Lindy 8" Tiger tubes I got took for (well in all honesty I was dumb enough to pay it) at Tromblys for $27.99 (one rigged, one spare). I go to put it on and hook it to my reel to set to one side and the treble hook falls off. The trailer wire sleeve was not crimped. Crimped that end and the other end falls off the single hook for the same reason. Find that sleeve on the floor and crimp that one. Not impressed in the least and have an email off to Lindy on that one. I'd even sharpened the hooks on this bait Sunday with a file...and nothing fell apart then. Anywho... We stopped a couple times to cast and I stuck with the Muskie gear and the lads downsized. None of us raised anything and Rob had some perch nibbling. I had two 4 inch perch follow an 8" bait...guess they thought it was momma! All in all just seeing that monster had us all pumped and in the end very satisfied with the day on the water. Can't beat a high of 26...wind dropped to nil by noon and went back to a light chop by 4PM. Off the water about 5:30 and had Rob and Glen headin home by 6PM. If you get a chance to fish with either of these guys go for it. Good boat companions...didn't break anything...and they brought lunch to boot! Three hours later now and it's pouring out...I think we picked the right day for this week. Pics from the day.. Kickingfrog gettin settled in. Glen doin the same Gave the right of way to this guy for some reason. Another load of grain before winter. Glen fishing with 2 rods...LOL Rob enjoying the flatness of the sound. Rarely this way anytime of year..let alone October Glen's catch of the day. Rob and Glen throwing smaller baits trying to entice some pickeral/pike just to get that fishy smell on them so their wives don't think they went to the peelers today.
  4. Can I look too Bud? Nice mess of feesh!
  5. Good idea if they are indeed single pinholes Glen...but I suspect if he has pin holes...he has intergranular seperation all around said pin holes...and that needs to be stopped in it's tracks, treated and sealed up complete with some new alum over it.
  6. Piliform(sp) corrosion. Moisture trapped under paint, battery acid, electrical as Rick pointed out...many things cause it. You need to stop the corrosion by etching it and then get a coat of 2 part epoxy primer on it. Chromate if you can find it. As for the holes themselves...a properly fitted patch RIVETED over the entire area, picking up good material.
  7. I just wish you guys could put this much passion into your fishing reports !
  8. Nice clean fish with some meat on it !
  9. Mike...before you use those 8" Lindy tiger tubes...make sure the treble trailer is actually swagged in place. Went to use mine today and luckily I hooked it on my reel and cranked it first as I was just getting a back up rod ready. The treble fell of..the crimp sleeve hadn't been crimped. Did that one and the other end fell off. The loop around the single hook wasn't swagged either. Last Lindy product I'm buyin!
  10. Mornin Lew....off to cruise GBay today !
  11. Hey Mike...them tubes are a bit big for Bass buddy !!! LOL BTW..what is BPS's price on them? Got raked for $27.99 at Tromblys yesterday. Ordered a bunch of 10" ones today from Redoctober for $15.99 a pair with one rigged/one spare. Think I may have to make some moulds and pour them myself some day. Nice day on the water with the lads and Peter..get our Team 7 stats fixed up would yah!
  12. Lundboy...you're not just another pretty boat! LOL Good stuff and good to see someone with their head on straight.
  13. I wouldn't assume that... Spool it out behind the boat with nothing on it and reel it back in...or across a football field.
  14. I'm also looking at the link Mike the Pike sent me...waiting to hear how many bank managers I need to coral to buy a couple of those folding/portable homes. They're pretty neat. Still don't know if I own this parcel of land...we ran into a week long snag/delay with a trust that has 1/3rd ownership in this patent land. They need to have it appraised before they're willing to sign off on behalf of the trust.
  15. Great stuff Keram...I've got a property covered in various mushrooms and puff balls...just terrified to eat the wrong one.
  16. Okay..now I gotta make sure Randy was indeed correct. This is what I dug up ! Also the only time I've ever seen a season on Sunfish! ................... On Lake Nipissing (division 27) and the West Arm of Lake Nipissing (division 15) some fishing seasons have been extended to provide increased angling opportunities. In addition, the ministry has also changed the quota for some species in the West Arm to be consistent with those in the rest of Lake Nipissing. See tables below for details. Species 2007 Open Seasons for Lake Nipissing and the West Arm Walleye and Sauger Jan. 1 to Mar. 15 and 3rd Sat. in May to Oct. 15 Largemouth & Smallmouth Bass 4th Sat. in June to Nov. 30 Northern Pike Jan. 1 to Mar. 15 and 3rd Sat. in May to Nov. 30 Muskellunge 3rd Sat. in June to Nov. 30 Yellow Perch Jan. 1 to Mar. 15 and 3rd Sat. in May to Oct. 15 Sunfish Jan. 1 to Mar. 15 and 3rd Sat. in May to Nov. 30 Lake Whitefish Jan. 1 to Mar. 15 and 3rd Sat. in May to Nov. 30 Lake Sturgeon Closed all year 2/…
  17. Nice report Mike and despite the losses....memories are in there somewhere ! LOL
  18. Thanks WJ..but if you read it all you'll see I can't build any cottages. I'll have a couple years, or more, of OMB applications, hearings, appeals, etc before that's gonna happen. They can't stop me from building platforms and tents though. Not even sure I could get away with what TJ has done using 2 x 4 walls/rafters. I may have to use the alum tube frame that the tent company sells with their prospector and Jutland tents to keep the township planner in check. Your portable camp set up sounds good...I'd like to know where you buy stuff to do it for $300 though..with plywood almost $50 a sheet, etc.
  19. Thanks Lew..and sorry you missed it. It will give a couple guys a chance to see what it's like though and hopefully we find a big gal or three! Had planned to get out at least once a week until the BOQ G2G'r in November, but I just had a guy from Montreal drop an airplane off yesterday...and he'd like his engine changed, from an auto conversion to a lycoming, and a lot of other stuff he'd like done before late next Month...so that might put a kybosh on that idea! And Phil...what can I say other than behave yourself so you're ready for a full season next year Bud !
  20. Oh it's been snagged 2 tone... two guys confirmed for tomorrow..at least one more in the back up seat. Hopefully we can come up with something worthy of a report tomorrow evening.
  21. It may very well just be his non-gates belt slipping as well..
  22. Nice pike Lew! Maybe you need to carry a bottle of this in the boat... http://www.prosoftbaitglue.com/store/index.htm
  23. I forgot you have to go on-line, on the MNR site, before you fish to see what this weeks rules are. Deleted the regs from the paper issue from my post above...
  24. Just playin with you...some may not know and if the cops come along you can be charged for tying to a marker. Nice fish your father got. Still teaching you to this day and you can't beat that...
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