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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Great pics Lew. Did you get close to the Parlaiment Buildings as there even more impressive up close with all the work they put into them. Nice to hear you had a good time.
  2. Congrats on the tourney Steve. Sounds like a pretty good turn out. Thanks for the report Jen. Mike
  3. Great report and it looks like an awesome tourney.
  4. Great report and pics hearingfish. Good on you for getting him out fishing.
  5. Great pics and report Joey. Thanks
  6. Very Nice, Good luck with it and lets see some pics when you get it on the water. Mike
  7. Good show and Moose the FNC guys have really improved the show and format this year. Been a great season so far, they are back to the good stuff.
  8. I've landed on the lake a few years back to pcik up some fisherman and they had a great time there. I would imagine the fishing would be the same as any other lake inthe area, yellow or white jigs for walleyes and spoons for pike. I've been flying out of Nakina for the last 6 yrs and will be back again this summer. What time are you going in July and who are you flying in with?
  9. First thing I thought as well Rick. Time out and change the line but who did he have to put on tougher then the guys all ready out there.
  10. If there anything us Canadians know its ice. I know more about it in my drink rather then breaking it though. Glad we could help.
  11. Good clean shoulder hit no different that Scott Stevens used to throw on a regular basis. Listen to Don on saturday and I'm sure he'll say the same thing. As for Ruff he's never had any class and again proved it last night by sending in the goons. Going to be a different story on the rematch when Mcgratton gets ahold of Peters. As fishinonthebrain said lets put Peters in goalie gear and see if he can fight. Emery was loving every minute of that last night, not bad for a guy that only played Junior C hockey. I'm sure the NHL will be all over the game on the weekend, not sure which way it will go but either way it will draw some attention.
  12. Old time hockey but someone from Ottawa should have came in and helped out Emery in round two. But then again there's not many tough enough on the team to do it.
  13. Keep up the great work Maureen and I'll be watching for it. Mike
  14. Looks like a great adventure. Thanks for the pics and the report and sometimes the best trips are the most adventurous ones.
  15. I catch most of mine out in the deep trolling but they do catch the odd one off the pier in Port Maitland at the mouth of the Grand River and up and down the river shore.
  16. Sorry to hear about your loss fishergirl. My condolances to you and your family. Mike
  17. Thanks for the report Jeff. I used to get up there all the time fishing, nice to hear there's still a few being caught.
  18. He was in for his usual early morning visit this morning.
  19. Wish Sheri all the best Lew. I hope she has a speedy recovery, broken ribs can be one of the toughest injuries to get over. She had better get over it and ready for muskie opener with you.
  20. Nice job Phil. Thanks for the pics.
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