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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Great work on the video JP. I'm hoping they used the ice they pushed under to refill the hole with before they left. Mike
  2. Thanks for the report and pics Twister.
  3. Great video. Ok I thought they'd pull her back 30 feet of something and let go but never that far. That's scary crazy. Thanks Rick
  4. I think if they want it the locks won't hold it, so your better to taking it off and locking in the boat when you have to. I know its a pain but you'll probably have it longer if you keep it hidden.
  5. Glad to hear everything is going well. Take your time let it heal right and best of luck with the recovery. I hope you get lots of fishing in before returning to work. Mike
  6. Honestly I think most of them work well. It's just a matter of find one with the features and toys you want. You should be able to get a decent one for the the dollar range your looking in. I've owned Hummingbird, Eagle and now lowrance and they have all worked well for me. So watch for the deals and know what you want when it comes up. Good Luck
  7. Great pics. I'm all ready thinking of may all ready, can't wait for the warm weather now.
  8. Great pictures, looks like a beauty beach to hang out on. I might not go swimming there though. Thanks for the pics and good luck when you get down there Jamie. Mike
  9. You sure have had some great adventures. Thanks for the great pics and keep them coming.
  10. Your going to have a blast Doug. I'll be watching for the report and all the pics. If you need any info on Red Lake for travel or accomodations along the way, I have a few friends from up that way that I can ask. Just let me know. Mike
  11. Sounds like your having a great time down there Cliff. Keep the reports coming. Mike Sounds like your having a great time down there Cliff. Keep the reports coming. Mike
  12. Cool site. There's lots of great top water muskie action in there. Thanks
  13. Aaron you have a pm with lots of info. Mike
  14. Looks like a great spot. Good Luck with it.
  15. Great report, Thanks. Surprising there not much ice up there yet cause the nights have been a bit cool. Nice to hear you caught a few fish and had a good time.
  16. Welcome aboard and thanks for the offer of info. Enjoy your time here its a great place to be.
  17. Welcome aboard Mark. Enjoy your time here.
  18. Never had it but good luck with the surgury and recovery. Mike
  19. Nice work guys. Your tougher then myself to be out on the water today in a boat. Thanks for the pics and report.
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