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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Thanks for the heads up Steve. I was talking on the phone with them the other day and didn't even notice. dsn Floyds has been own by Bill V for the last few years, the Hales haven't had it for a while now. I'm sure either way they'll be in the same fishing ground as before and the fishing will continue the same as it always has.
  2. Floyd Hales up in Beaverton has always been good to me. Huts are always clean and well maintained but I'm not sure if he has the huts out in laker and whitey fishing grounds yet. You would have to phone and find out. I'm sure most of the hut operators on Simcoe will have huts that will do him well. Good Luck
  3. Sandy from what I hear the fatalities where one each from Montreal and London.
  4. Great unit Squid. Good Luck with it.
  5. I'll have to check with the wife and see what's going on for the weekend but if free i'll be there. Mike
  6. Great pics. I bet they bring back some long forgotten memories and proof that you actually do catch fish. Thanks for posting them.
  7. Dang I was in there yesterday and didn't even see them. I've wore out my last pair. Thanks for the heads up.
  8. Hey Glen. It's true check out my report on quinte, thats where I got my info and minnys from on wed. Mike
  9. I don't do anything with mine other then hang it down in the hole pointed towards bottom and then put the unit on the cable to hold it in place. Then it's easy enough to get out of the way in a hurry.
  10. We still use Annie for all our training. She has become quite advanced in the past few years. She now has equipment to create a pulse for checking and plugs for the defib leads for training. She used to have a fake plastic hair piece that came off and one of the guys used to wear it around, it fit his head perfect. Always good for a laugh.
  11. Hey Richard I remember when we were fishing in the fall I took abuse all day in the boat about the Sens and Leafs game you were seeing that night. If I remember correct wasn't the score something like 6-0 for the Leafs. When will you learn bud the Leafs Rule. Gerritt have a great time at the game. Mike
  12. Way to go Ben and Thanks for the report and great pics.
  13. Thanks everyone. Tom, yeah lots of great fish meals in the works. Terry if your ever heading down this way let me know. Gerritt I'm already out of fish so it will have to be next go and I'll let you know how it goes. Kenny nice things about the 4 wheeler it does all the work for me and hut sets up in about a minute. b2kptbo let me know when your free if you want to get out for a fish. Mike
  14. Now lets see some results with the gear.
  15. Well I had a free day yesterday and with all the cold weather figured it was good to go. So I headed down to Belleville area and first two stops were at Skevy's and Cara Outdoors to get some minnows and info. Got great minnows from each and even better info, Thanks guys. So with all the choices I struck out and got set up for the afternoon. Here is my set-up. First fish never came till about 4 pm and it was about 6 lbs, after a quick pic it went right back into the bay. After dark and with the full moon the fishing really got going. Here is a pic of the finder showing my jig action as the fish approaches I stop and jiggle it a bit and he comes up and sniffs it then swims away. If I wasn't taking the pics I probably could have convinced him to bite. I took a few home for the table with the biggest 19". So It was a great trip to start the hardwater season out. All of them were caught on a Mr. Champ in green tipped with a couple minnows. Set lines with minnows never had a hit all afternoon and evening. The fish really picked up as the sun went down so if you can stay till after dark it sure is worth the effort.
  16. Nice fish. Congrats. It should be a great year out there now with the late ice and lot sof hungry fish to be caught.
  17. Hope you received mine by now and congrats again. Mike
  18. Nice fish Jordan. Thanks for the report and Hope the exams all went well.
  19. Nice fish Justin. Hope you enjoy the tasty meal. Keep the reports coming. Mike
  20. I thought I saw your name on the list. Are you liking the change?
  21. Welcome back Ryan. Anything new in the west half of the city. If I remember right I think you moved to a new home at work. Mike
  22. Looks like a great trip. Thanks for posting the report.
  23. Sorry to hear that Cliff. But give them time and they'll figure him out.
  24. Nice work Jack, thanks for showing the pic.
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