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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. With all the work you deserved a braeak for fishing. Better luck next time round with the fish though.
  2. Nice fish Phil. Glad to see the weekend went well.
  3. Good thing you got back or you cold of logged the first swim of the year as well. Good Luck with the repair.
  4. Sounds like a great day. Thanks for the report I think i'm going to get out there next week.
  5. Nice work Steve. Thanks for the report.
  6. The river been on fire this year. Thanks for the report.
  7. Nice fish, congrats on a great outing.
  8. Well done. It was a great read and loved the pics. Thanks for taking the time to put it up.
  9. Happy Birthday Brian. Hope your having a good day.
  10. Very nice Roger. Good Luck with it.
  11. Take it easy Gary and rest up for the upcoming season. Thats quite the operation to have to go thru so give it time. Good Luck Mike
  12. Glad to hear it went well. Hopefully next year it hits a weekend i'm not working.
  13. Great report Moose. As usual they are great fish and pics.
  14. Very nice Eddy. I can't wait for retirement. Lets see some fish pics when you catch'm.
  15. Happy Birthday Doug. Hope your day is going well. Mike
  16. Some great deals. Might have to make the drive over on the weekend for a look. Thanks Wayne
  17. Good job Steve. There sure are some monsters there, i'll be down to find them on the big lake this summer. How's the fish ladder working? Is it working at all of are the fish having a hard time finding it at the old damn. Too bad they couldn't get one at the main river and bridge, you'd probably see more fish making it to the upper on there own. Thanks for the pics.
  18. Thanks Pete. I didn't read the first part of the post well enough or I'd have known that. Have a good night
  19. Happy Birthday Jen, hope your having a great day.
  20. Looking forward to seeing the show Pete. Any Idea when it air on WFN here in Canada, if so let us know.
  21. I'm with Cliff. Mechanicals will work well, actually anything will work if you can shoot it well and keep them sharp. I've used Spitfires for a few years for all animals big and small. They are tough and fly true.
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