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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. We got that rain down here in Peterborough. Was a nice change from the last few days. Congrats on the fish Beans.
  2. Nice fish. Has to be one of the prettiest lakes in the Kawarthas and nice to see you got a few fish out there. Way to go.
  3. Great report and I see you had the breakfast of champions from Tims along for the ride. Thanks for the report and pics.
  4. Congrats and Happy Birthday. Hope your having a great day.
  5. You can buy battery back up packages at TSC stores as well as Homer Depo. A great investment if you can't always be there with a generator to monitor things. Great peace of mind. They have a trickle charger for a deep cycle battery to keep things in good shape till needed.
  6. Congrats and she sure is a cutie. Mike
  7. Great fish and I'm sure Herb would proud to know it was in his honour.
  8. Welcome aboard and great fish especially from the shore on Rice. Congrats.
  9. You caught some awesome looking fish. Congrats
  10. Sorry to hear about the loss of your great friend Cliff. For sure the next fish I catch will be dedicated to him and also being a big fan of the food network myself my next beer and viewing I will remember him as well. Mike
  11. Congrats Grampa. He's a great looking little guy. All the best to you and the family. Mike
  12. My opinion would be to go right to the source and talk it out. Avoid all chances of letters back and forth being lost and misunderstood. Take all your info with you and talk till you solve it.
  13. I'll be watching for your report. Thats a lake i've thought about getting to and always heard good things about. Only two weeks now for me and the annual fly-in so can't wait.
  14. Great pics Roy. Thanks for posting them.
  15. Nice fish. The best part of the day is early in the morn when the steam is rising off the lake into the morning sun, and you got some gret pics of that. Thanks for the pics and great work on the fish.
  16. Congrats Glen. Nice looking fish.
  17. Great rule. I see too many kids with injuries that could have been prevented by wearing one.
  18. Thanks for the report. You had some great looking fish there all looking healthy. I can't imagine the size some of them will grow to by the fall. Thanks for posting the pics.
  19. Cool looking bike and I like that she's wearing a bike helmet(safety first). Great photo's, next thing you know she'll be graduating to high school. Congratulations to her.
  20. Great report Steel. it must have been a busy day on the lake being opener. Thanks for the report.
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