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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Curly tail my absolute fav for just about anything that swims. So I have agree with that choice.
  2. Another tough loss for all Canadians. Most of them so close to the end of there tour at the end of the month. It's a new kind of war and tough one to win or control. My Condolances go out to all the families.
  3. Thanks for the report Jen. There's something special about the black and white pics, classic.
  4. Wow what a start to the season. Congrats and best of luck in the salmon hunt.
  5. Cool pics. They are even harder to get now with the new digital cameras been a bit slower to process the pics. Thanks
  6. I agree with JP. Sounds like some kind of freeze up problem were the processor is just keeping up with your progress. Damn technology...... I think the more information shown on the maps the harder it is to keep up. Have you checked the lowrance site for updates for your unit and to see if your running the latest update its all explained on the update page how to check it. Click here to check Maybe this might help, if they had a known issue. Good Luck with it
  7. Great fish, Congrats and they have to be one of the prettiest fish in the waters. Great photos Thanks.
  8. Hey Don. Glad to hear you had fun up north. Looked like a great time from all the pics I saw. Hope you got all the work done around the house and can enjoy some time on the water this summer. Mike
  9. That was quite the storm that moved thru and it basically hung along the shore of the lake. They didn't get much of anything 2 mins north of there. At least you caught a few fish on your trip. Thanks for the report.
  10. Congrats and hopefully you can find one that big when the big tourney gets going down there. Mike
  11. Thats a pretty good average for 3 fish. There sure are some monster smallies on that part of the lake. Thanks and better luck next year.
  12. Cool. Hope you can get it running and make some cash. Not a bad deal.
  13. Nice fish and report Ben. Thanks for the great pics.
  14. Nice work Blake, you alawys do well on Rice. Thanks for the pics.
  15. Frustrating, but nice to know there hanging out there. Must be alot nicer having the lowrance onboard to get a better feel for the water. Better luck next time bud.
  16. Thanks for the second set of pics. Man those woopeckers are huge and noisy. Thanks
  17. Great job Glen. All those pics and lucky for us it was cold enough for you to keep your shirt on the whole week. Only kidding, Thanks for the report.
  18. Thanks Phil. Hope you have a great week and enjoy the holiday on Wednesday.
  19. Thanks for the report Joey. Nice to see you got into a few fish while up there. I'll be watching for part two.
  20. Great fish Matt. Nice memories to take back south with you.
  21. Nice fish guys. That pike sure is a skinny one. Thanks for the pics.
  22. Thanks for all the great pics LW. Looks like you had a great time up there.
  23. Nice fish Steel. Those storms sure did blow in quickly yesterday over Rice.
  24. Both great fish, congrst to you and sis. Thanks for the nice pics as well.
  25. Sounds like a great day out there, Congrats and good luck tomorrow if you get out.
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