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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Congrats on the Anniversary Jim and quite the surprise. Glad to see you had some fun and a memoriable weekend.
  2. Great pics Gerritt. The boat sits nice in the water it will do you well. Your young lad sure is growing up fast. Thanks for the pics.
  3. A work weekend for me, but can't really complain after having the last 3 weeks off.
  4. Great stuff Joey. Thanks for the report and better luck next time up there with the skis.
  5. Good Luck with the boat and on your trip. It should do you well, as a great all purpose fishing machine. Congrats on the purchase.
  6. Very nice Mike. Always great to see one of your reports. Thanks
  7. Only way is by setting the screw at the base of the first clip to be feather lite. Congrats on the fish
  8. Congrats to Levi on a nice one and great video. Always exciting watching a rainbow in action.
  9. Nice fish Lew, they look alot bigger on here rather then the little camera screen. Yup will have to do again but hopefully in a little cooler weather.
  10. Great shots Brandon. Hope you enjoy it out there, I've been up that mountain myself. Thanks
  11. Great shots and a reminder to get my cam sent in. I forgot all about it since the original post. Thanks Mike
  12. Great report and pics. Has to be one of the prettiest lake in Ontario and nice to see a few trout still being caught in the summer months. Thanks
  13. Great work guys and nice work on the video Terry. Thanks for the report.
  14. Congrats and hope you get many more and even bigger ones.
  15. Great report Doug. Not sure how I missed it all but found it tonight. Glad you caught lots of fish and the lesson learned on the early fly-in is a valuable one for future trippers. Thanks for the report. Mike
  16. Been there done that, but being down in the States right now I have no Idea of how the draw went for me. Seasons not far off though.
  17. Congrats and great read thanks.
  18. Smokey


    Great fish Matt. Congrats you had quite the successful day, way to go Mike
  19. I'm in again just remind me as we get closer. I don't mind donating to someone else's fishing gear fund again.
  20. Happy Belated Birthday Connie. I hope you enjoyed the day and have many Happy Birthdays to follow. Mike
  21. Thats great news Cliff. I remember in the spring when you lost the job and finding something to keep you busy that you enjoy is a bonus. Glad to hear your having fun. Mike
  22. Well my annual trip is out of the way again for the year and I can't wait for the next one all ready. I had another great adventure with lots of fish caught and a great visit with friends I only get to spend time with once a year cause of distance we live apart now. We hit great weather for the week and fishing was consistent every day. I'll let the pics tell the rest of the story. Home for 5 days, not too rough eh! The view from camp Me with some fish fry keepers Some visitors sunset from the camp Time to go home The gang
  23. Ok so I'm talking about the weather....but the fish wasn't bad either. I spent Wednesday and Thursday fishing up there this week. Had a alot of fun even though it was ridiculously hot on the water. We managed to boat 3 fish and MuskyMatt came up with his buddy for Thursday aft for a fish as well and was nice to meet him. First fish to kick of the morning on wed after about an hour of fishing. The release Then I caught the next couple both the same size, small but still fun to boat. Matt coming out to join us with his buddy Dave. Dave landed his first ever muskie. His fish and his guide Mike
  24. You might want to try giving this board a look. Should be lots of info there. Click here
  25. Man thats a pretty good day on the water and some nice fish. Congrats
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