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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Nice fish Greg. I saw a beauty caught on the Otonabee River yesterday morning and have been hearing the last two years have been great on Rice. Nice to see a come back and it will be even nicer to see the limits change the one over 18" rule as well. It should help even more for a better fishery in the end. Now if we could just get the mnr off there backsides and get the new regs out.
  2. Great phots Gerritt. Sure is a cute little guy.
  3. Great read Thanks. A fishing honeymoon, i'd say your off to a great start. Better luck next time with the fishing.
  4. Great report and fish Clive. Thanks for the report and looking forward to the rest of the pics.
  5. Lew I'm not sure if your machine has WAAS capabilites but if so make sure it turned on. It will increase the accuracy using land based towers along with the satellite for better operation. But as said before most gps maps are off a little.
  6. Way to go Phil. Rice Lake will never be the same after a fishing trip like that. Thanks and congrats.
  7. Great job Roy. Been a long time since you've actually posted a fishing report. Hope you enjoy the meal. Thanks
  8. Good job Phil. Now I can't wait for my trip to come around, but it's not coming fast enough for me. Thanks
  9. You guys had some great success. Thanks for the report and all the great pics.
  10. You did a great job Honoring your brother. He was a great member of the board and will be remembered by many.
  11. Enjoy the meal. Sounds like you hit the spot right on. Congrats
  12. Congrats Steel. Better luck next outing with the eyes.
  13. You hit a bad week for weather up there, it all changed in time for opener. It's all about the friends anyways, fishing is just a bonus along the way. Thanks for the report.
  14. Great report and pics. You have some great quality pics there. You sure can't beat the opportunities the Ottawa River provides for all kinds of fishing. Thanks for the report.
  15. Nice fish. Congrats. Deseronto always seem to produce some great early season fishing.
  16. Great fish Joe. Looks like you both had a great day on the water with that many fish boated. Thanks for the pics and report.
  17. Looks great Wayne. You sure have it all done and ready for just about anything now. Good Luck with it.
  18. Congrats on the big day and she must be a keeper picking a honeymoon spot like that. Good Luck with everything and make sure you post a report when you return.
  19. Teasing us. Come on out him or her so we can pat them on the back as well. Your right though it is a great place to be and the people here make it that way.
  20. Great job Mike. How was the water in the big lake, getting warm yet?
  21. I heard they were moving in. I'm hoping to get down for a few days when they get a bit heavier. Thanks for the heads up.
  22. Nice job. The fish fry pics sure get the mouth watering. Thanks
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