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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Looks like a great weekend get away. Thanks again for the pics and report from the camp. Mike
  2. Great fish Dax. Looks like the group had a great weekend up there and some real nice fish being caught. Hat boy sure put on a show with a beauty 50. Thanks for the report and pics. Mike
  3. Well it looks like you had some great fishing success while here, congrats on that. Have a safe trip home.
  4. Hey Dawg I searched a bit and it looks like lowrance and garmin don't have a lot in common. I do know that garmin makes some decent sonar/chartplotter combos and that way you can keep the same software and share info back and forth between them. Ron has been using a garmin and likes it you might want to fire him off a PM incase he misses this post. Your best choice to get an answer from the pros would be to call the guys at Radioworld in Toronto. They are quite helpful and might be able to give you a few options.
  5. Congrats on the job Lew. Will be something to help pass the time for you this winter till fishing opens up again in June. Enjoy your time driving.
  6. Looks great Garry. Nice to see you out fishing agian, enjoy the winter it with. Mike
  7. I'd say not a bad deal and looks like it's in good shape, low ball him though as you say it's not the season to be selling and he may be interested in moving it. Good Luck
  8. Another reason to bring back the spring bear hunt.
  9. I owned a Dakota for a few years and had good luck with it. Other then the regular maintainance I had no problems with the vehicle. They are quite solid trucks for there size. Good Luck with your choice. Mike
  10. There are quite a few guides out your way just have to search a bit on the net and you'll find there info. From there it's just a matter of picking a body of water you want to fish give it a go. The only guide I have experience with out that way is Richard Collins out of Ottawa as Lew suggested, I had a great few days on the water with him and would recommend him. Good Luck and I hope you boat some fish, there sure is a few being caught lately.
  11. Congrats to Don and Thanks Brian for posting the pics and report. Don seems to be getting alot of time on the water lately and putting fish in the boat as well. Mike
  12. Better luck next outing Wayne and Thanks for the great pics.
  13. Congrats to everyone on a job well done.
  14. Glad to hear the surgery went well and I hope it works out well for you for the long term. Get well and rest up. Mike
  15. Congrats guys. Great looking fish and a good day on the water.
  16. Congrats Maureen. You should have alot of fun with it.
  17. Wish I could help you but I've only ever fished the east side. Hopefully someone will see this and help you out from the west side.
  18. Keep an eye on there main page about half way down on the right side at there clearance items. It's usually this time of the year they begin to move stuff there and get ready for the new products. They also have a booth at the boat show and the fishing and outdoors shows.
  19. I don't think you can go wrong with any of the Lowrance products. A friend of mine is using the 510 and I fished with him on Erie and it worked well on the big water. For sure the colour unit is the way to go. Both my units on the boat have been updated to colour and what a difference quick glances at them make to identify features and fish. It's something I should have done years ago to get rid of the old unit supplied with the boat.
  20. Great fish, congrats and thansk for the report.
  21. Very nice. Congrats on the pbs and Thanks for the report with the pics.
  22. Great report. Thanks and nice to see a few fish being caught down there.
  23. Been there, done that. This bull charged but turned within 7 feet of me. I won in the end but something I'll never forget. Being there with only a bow and arrow does have it's exciting moments.
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