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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Awesome job TJ. Congrats on a very successful hunt. Enjoy the meals over the year and let the count down start till next year. Mike
  2. Congrats on the fish and your Dads first. There sure is alot of water to fish up there, great holiday spot for muskie guys. Thanks for posting the pics and report.
  3. Nice fish, Congrats on your first and Thanks for posting the report.
  4. Very nice David. Keep the reports coming. Mike
  5. Gerritt I remember it well and he's in a better place now watching over you and your family everyday. Your right over the years the family here sure has proven that we stick together thru thick and thin. I missed your message the other day but my thoughts are with you and your family now. Mike
  6. Have fun TB and make sure you post a report when you return. Lloyd's a great guy you'll have fun. Mike
  7. Have a safe trip TJ and I'll be watching for your report upon your return.
  8. Congrats fishdawg. Great looking family. Mike
  9. Congrats on a successful outing and hunt and enjoy your harvest. I missed the hunt but my group came home with 2 bulls that fell to the bow. What outfitter did you use? Thanks for the great report and pics. Mike
  10. Sorry to hear of your loss. My condolances to you and your family. Mike
  11. Great fish Lew. Heck of a way to start the day.
  12. Very nice Connie and Welcome back to the north. Mike
  13. Congrats to you, your beautiful bride and family. Mike
  14. Great job Moose. Once again you have some awesome photos and even better fish. Congrats and thanks for posting them. Mike
  15. Very nice fish, congrats and thanks for posting.
  16. Looks like quite the life. I'm jealous. Thanks for the great pics.
  17. Thanks for explaining iceguy. Mike
  18. Nice fish Iceguy. I've heard a few guys using the term blue zone lately. Can anyone explain to me what this is? I'm just learning about fishing the big lake this year. Thanks Mike
  19. Congrats to Nicole. Nice surprise fish for sure. Thanks for the pics and I'm always amazed by the clear water in LSC. Thanks
  20. Too bad about the camera. I was thinking we'd get to see some aerial shots for the first time this year. It's amazing how quickly the leaves seemed to change this year. It's my favorite season and it's just beginning. Good luck with the new purchase Mike
  21. Thanks for the report Joey. It's tough lake to fish when your new but once you have it figured out there is some great fishing to be had. Elephant Lake has some great fishing as well and is a bit easier to figure out. Thanks for all the great pics.
  22. Congrats on the new speices for you and good luck with the rest of the quest.
  23. Great looking fish, Congrats.
  24. Great fish, and some times the last minute changes can work out well. Thanks for the report.
  25. Pesky walleyes, I wish some days. Funny how when you not targeting certain fish you can catch them all you want then the day you want them they are the most elusive fish in the water. Thanks for the report.
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