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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Beauty fish and Welcome aboard.
  2. Awesome fish and report. Congrats.
  3. Very nice Tony. Make sure you post some pics when your all finished. Always nice to have a place to store the boat in and still have it ready to go at all times of the year.
  4. Thanks for the report guys. Congrats on the fish.
  5. Happy Birthday Marc. Hope you have a great day. Mike
  6. Happy New Years to you Lew. Hope all is well and you have another Great Year on the water next year. Mike
  7. Thanks for the update Ron. I'll be waiting a bit longer but can't wait for a good freeze up. Mike
  8. Great fish Ranger. Congrats.
  9. Great job Derek. Congrats to you and your father on a great outing. Mike
  10. Happy New Years to you Rick. You and the crew have provided us with another great year. Thanks to you all. Mike
  11. Simcoe fishing can be alot of fun and sometimes non-stop action. Worth the drive. Keep the reports coming
  12. Thanks for the report Garry. Keep them coming.
  13. Nice fish, those crappies are a great size. Thanks for the report.
  14. Nice fish, Congrats.
  15. Gonna be a little tough catching fish under that ice.
  16. Congrats on the PB Glen. You are getting a fair amount of fishing in this winter season, Glad to see your out enjoying the season. Mike
  17. Nice haul lunker, always nice spending those gift cards.
  18. Looks like your all set for the trip home and it's only Dec. Looks good and a great investment to keep the boat clean.
  19. I'm with Roy and Fisherman and still haven't recieved mine. Of course when you order it they say delivery is 3 weeks, I'm glad I printed off the temporary as well to keep in my fishing kit.
  20. Hey Grant don't ever worry about explaining yourself for keep a completly legal fish on here. No matter what you post someone will complain about it. Great report and fish, and Thanks for posting the report. Mike
  21. Thanks for the report Ramble. I fish alot up in the Bancroft area inthe winter but won't get up there till all the Trout lakes have opened in the New Year. I find the fishing is usually at it's best this time of the year and the next couple weeks. So keep at it and keep the reports coming. Better Luck next time. Mike
  22. Nice to see your back in the area and fishing already Derek. Keep the reports coming. Mike
  23. Typical of Basspro to have a huge sale and only a few of the items to actually sell to people. Happens every flyer they put out.
  24. Thanks for the report Joon. Glad to see your out enjoying the winter. Hey Derek, is this you and welcome back if so. Mike
  25. Congrats. A new little fishing buddy for Christmas, you can't top that. All the Best to you and the Family for the Christmas Season. Mike
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