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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Thanks for the laugh Dax. Going to keep that one in the memory bank for the next shopping trip with the wife. Mike
  2. Sounds like a great opener Garry. I avoided Rice Lake today as the water levels are still way above normal here and opted for the turkey hunt instead. Thanks for the report Mike
  3. Thanks for the update up there Bill but can you make sure it and ice is gone by mind June when I get to fly in for the annual trip? Mike
  4. Nice to see someone taking care of things. Good on ya. Mike
  5. Nice jumbos. Congrats
  6. Try again I screwed it up somehow. That map was updated on April 15th so should be accurate.
  7. Here is the latest up to date map from the OFAH site. It does show some hunting in certain parts of 76. By looking at it you can hunt in Ramara, Tay, and Clearview Townships. I don't know the area well so you have to have a look at it and see if this makes sense. OFAH map. Good Luck Mike
  8. Very nice bird Bill. Congrats Mike
  9. Congrats Brian. Nice to get one out of the way. I passed on one yesterday to let me buddy bag his first then had another 13 out this morning in front of me but no bigguns in the bunch. I'm seeing tonnes of big ones around just have to wait till they make it over to one of my properties. Thanks for the report and pics. Mike
  10. I'm on my way out the door now. Good Luck and be safe Mike
  11. HJappy Birthday Bill. Hope you have a great day Mike
  12. Cliff, too much info there. Glad to hear you survived the swim and you probably have the bragging rights for the lake this year for first swim. Mike
  13. Great fish, Congrats. Steve sure has created alot of interest in the big cats. Way to go Steve. It sure was any under used fishery for the last year years. Mike
  14. Nice fish and good for you on getting the kids involved. Nice to see them out there enjoying it all. Mike
  15. Nice fish, Congrats and a great start to the season for you. Mike
  16. Good Luck Steve.
  17. I personally went with the choice of my supplier as he will have to deal with them and me if theres a problem. I always buy my batteries from a shop that specializes in them and they know what works and what doesn't.
  18. I think I'll get there on Sunday for a visit. Mike
  19. Great report Mike. Congrats
  20. Great job guys, Congrats
  21. Good for you getting out and having some success. Congrats and thanks for the report and pics.
  22. Great idea and I notice the fireman in you coming out with the extra extinguisher.
  23. Thanks for the morning laugh. Mike
  24. Glad to hear everything ok for you Paul and Glen as well. It was a miserable storm that moved thru Ontario as well. Mike
  25. I was in the Gateway yesterday, twice and forgot all about the new tackle shop. Will be back early next week to pick up some parts and will check it out then.
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