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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Welcome home Garry
  2. Congrats and enjoy
  3. Thanks for the update. I knew he ran a tight ship but you could always count on things being right at his camps from what I heard. I hope he enjoys some retirement time now.
  4. Nice fish. Congrats on catching them and I can't wait for the big lake fishing to get going. Mike
  5. Great stuff Bush. Thanks for showing them
  6. Great work fishergirl. Thanks for posting them
  7. Hope your feeling better. Sounds like you have what I had last month, it was the worse one I ever had. Mine last for 2 weeks then made a little recovery and came back for a few more day with almost a total of 3 weeks feeling ill. Hope you have a quick recovery Mike
  8. What happened there, did he fall asleep halfway thru the winterization job....
  9. Congrats and it looks like a great place. Hope you enjoy the summer there.
  10. I've always been a hoyt guy but would imagine most bows on the market now are all great. The competition is so tight anymore and with all the new technology the playing field has evened out. I would suggest going and shooting one at a pro shop and seeing how it fits you. Try as many as you can and you'll know the right one when you get it in your hands. Good Luck
  11. Thanks for the report Tom. Your sure getting the most of the season. Keep the reports coming
  12. Another great report and pics Tom. Thanks
  13. Try Gerritts recipe. I've had it and it's good. Click here
  14. Welcome Back B.
  15. I have owned a Suzuki Vincent since Sept 2001 and have had no problems at all. Only done regular maintainance thru out the years and on a new set of tires last fall. Great vehicle that will go just about anywhere.
  16. Sorry to hear about your car theft Shawn. I'll keep my eyes open in my travels for you.
  17. Great report Tom. Every year I drive by the Lac on the way to moose camp I say I'm going to make the trip up some winter for a fish, just wish it wasn't 18 hrs away from here. Congrats on some nice fish and a successful outing.
  18. Smokey

    Ode To Bob

    That looks great. I used to watch Bob work and it all looked so easy for him. Good thing your wife wasn't into watching Bob Vila or she'd have you building her a house instead.
  19. Very nice Bushart. I'm curious if you do this from a picture, memory of a scene or just as it comes to you? Thanks for posting the final. Mike
  20. I curse them everytime I see them at a show or stop by the store cause I can't get out with spending money there. Great guys and always full of knowledge.
  21. Mike, I've been a member for a few years now. When I joined I was quite new to muskie fishing and since then it's opened all kinds of doors and information for me. I've met tons of new peeople and just attending the regular meetings and outings I've learned alot. Don't worry about just occupying space because once you get there you'll connect with lots of people willing to share techniques and often boats to help each other out. The annual outings are a great way to meet people as well, with the schdule just being set now for the upcoming year. You can attend any of the different outings you want and for a small entry fee you get a great day or weekend of fishing, an awesome meal and huge prize tables. Give it a try for a year and see how it goes. If you ever have any questions about it feel free to pm me anytime. Mike
  22. Glad to hear you had a good weekend down there TJ. Parkings not that bad if you want avoid it all you can park underground there and walk right in leave your coats in the car, no probs at all. Same price as parking outside. Good Luck with the new contacts. Mike
  23. Happy Birthday Glen. I hope you have a great day and many more.
  24. Welcome to my life I live just off the lake and consider it my home waters and can't catch any fish on it. But I do see lots and know lots of guys who have success every outing. It a great fishery I just haven't figured it out yet.
  25. Nice fish Steve. Hows the ice in the marina area? Should be good for a bit to keep the hardwater season going for you right in your backyard.
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