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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Great work on the fish guys and Way to go Bob for helping out and having some fun along the way. Mike
  2. Nice fish and better then nothing. What part of the lake where you fishing? Thanks for the report. Mike
  3. Thanks for the report David and Congrats to Laker John. Mike
  4. Glad to hear the move went well Steve and nice to see you back online here.
  5. The crappies are still quite shallow with the cooler water temps this year. Find the bays as linweir mentioned and fish the holes in the weeds and the edges. Down by Bewdley there are a few good spots, just look for all the boats and in and around Cow and Long Islands should still be holding a few. Best of luck with the eyes and get out and catch and enjoy as many of the crappies as you want. I'll be watching for a report, especailly on the eyes as I'm working this weekend and can't get out till monday. Mike
  6. Thanks for the pics and report UF. I like the pic of the little ones looking into the cooler. Congrats on a great outing. Mike
  7. Another great one is the Johnson Silver minnow. It's a great almost weedless pike lure.
  8. Congrats on the boat. Looks great and by the smile on the young lads face he's going to enjoy it as well. Mike
  9. Welcome aboard Tim. I hope you enjoy your time here. Mike
  10. Welcome aboard and enjoy your time here. Mike
  11. Great fish, congrats
  12. Great looking bunch of fish. Congrats and enjoy the meal.
  13. I caught the show this morning as well, actually I don't miss many of his. I remember watching the show back oh many years ago when he first started bringing Josh along. Shore lunch is the best part of any trip and I can't wait for just over a month from now I'll be on my annual fly-in having a few myself. Might look a bit like this.
  14. Great fish, congrats and thanks for the post.
  15. Hey Wayne I hope you and Leah have a great summer up there. Be safe and enjoy. Mike
  16. Great looking boat Mike. Should be a great ride for the big lake. Congrats.
  17. Nice fish Steve. Congrats and hope you enjoyed the meal. Mike
  18. Very nice TJ. Looks like a great place. Mike
  19. Smokey


    My pic would be Rice Lake for consistent catches.
  20. Great report Rich. Lots of cool pics and the meals look great. I haven't had a feed of smelts like that in about 20 yrs, now I have a craving for them. Thanks Mike
  21. Hey Bill Have fun out there. I'll be watching for the report and hopefully pics when you return. Mike
  22. Great bird, congrats.
  23. Weeds the only area in Peterborough that is closed on the Otonabee is below lock 19 down to the Bensfort Bridge.
  24. Nice to hear your wife is feeling better and even nicer she has helped you replace the old worn out rubbers with some new ones that will last you alot longer and keep you in the action longer for more enjoyment. Sorry mind was still in the gutter.
  25. Great looking fish, congrats. Nice way to kick off the year. Mike
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