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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I was looking forward to eating some fish this weekend...Now....Not so much..
  2. I just read up on this. Great advice.. Thanks!
  3. sportspals are great canoes. They have this foam floats running down each side, and a good shape, which make them very stable. I own a very old aluminum springbok that has a very stable shape to it. The sides bulge out and make it very wide, similar to the effect given by the foam supports on the sportspals. I used to run a 4hp motor off the side of my canoe. I could sit in the canoe sideways, and lean back on the motor with my feet up on the opposite gunwale, and the cane wouldn't come close to tipping. I can pretty well stand up on one gunwale, and the canoe will not flip. It's the most stable canoe I've ever been in. My dad bought it when we lived in Pickle Lake to run the river up there. It's also very long, and good for loading up, or taking the family out in. I'm not saying all springboks are very stable canoes, but this paticular model ranks up there with the best of them.
  4. Another thing to watch for is Poision Ivy.. Dogs go running though that stuff, then you pet them, and get it on your hands. Or worse, they run thought it, then go for a afternoon napsky on your pillow!! As mentioned before in this thread, I alway put a life vest on my dog when she's in the boat. She jumped overboard once while we where in motion, and almost got run over..
  5. Good job finding those pickrel! I've tried and failed on Sparrow..
  6. That's wicked man. Can't wait to see the episode.
  7. Nice catch Cudz. For a minute there, I thought you where trying to disguise your self so your students didn't recognize you this summer..
  8. Nice Fish!!! How hard is it to pull of those lampreys. Do they stick on really good?
  9. Thanks guys. I was sunny in barrie a few minues ago. I read this post.. Then went outside to roll my windows up, and now it's just starting to rain.
  10. Nice report and Pics man. I'm Jealous!
  11. Thanks for posting these pics Wayne. I've been waiting to see an arial view of the park.
  12. I was at Smith's Trailer Park until 2:30 last night with my volunteer search and rescue team. One section of the park is destroyed, and the next section looks like nothing happened. Even in the destroyed section, there would 3 or 4 areas where there's nothing left but cinder block foundation, and right beside it, 50' away, a trailer seemingly un-touched, flower pots still on the deck.. The section of the part that was hit hard just happens to be a spot that's mostly empty thru the week. But very busy on the weekend. If this would have hit on a Sat afternoon, it would have been a true disaster. We search thru the ruble for 5 hours and didn't find anyone, thank good. Midland dodged a bullet..
  13. It needs a $200 pinion gear. And I had one on an old evenrude that I sold for $150 two months ago!! After it's running, it'l be worth atleast $900 eh? Someone was trying to sell the exact same motor on Kijiji for $1250 last month, that seems a little high.
  14. Wups, Didn't see the flaming earthquake posts before i sent this..
  15. Right on man. Suprises like that are fun eh! Now.. How long before a Musky man reams you out for not cutting your line right away?
  16. It's actually a 35Hp with a 25 cover..
  17. Dave could have just tossed this Motor/Tank on his curb and let the first Joe Blow driving by take it. But instead he posted it on the OFC as FREE. Man I love this Forum. Not only do I learn something new every day, but I also have a chance to get free stuff Thank you so much Dave Check out the pic. Sweat eh!! Definitly worth the 3 hour round trip to the city.
  18. Thanks for the info man. As for Bills reply.. What up your man. There's no need for that kind of talk.
  19. Never in Barrie!! I live 5 minutes from the boat launch and i pass by two tims on the way.. Never stop in though.. I'm a thermos man myself.
  20. They can get a little pricy... If you find one for $400, it would be a steal. That last time I checked anyways..
  21. It's sad to hear this kind of thing. Every year, someone / group heads out onto G-Bay in an undersized boat, in bad weather. The weather was crap last night, and a 12" boat, what the heck where they thinking!! The wind was roaring in Barrie, I could imagine the waves on G-bay. Another thing, if cottagers saw the boat capsize, why didn't they get in their own boats, and go out to help them??
  22. No complaints with my Norman. Picked it up for $325, cut away with a pick up. It was a scratch and dent deal, but I still haven't been able to find the scratches?? If I where to buy another guitar, I'd be looking at Seagull, I've always liked them, just couldn't afford one. And I have to agree with all the Yamaha posts. They're work horses. I don't own one, but know lots of people that do, and love them.
  23. I've fished there a half dozen times and never caught one. You still here of the odd dink walleye being caught there. But I think it's pretty rare.
  24. Must be that time of year for crazy mother grouse protecting their young. I was in Awenda Park last week helping train new SAR recruits. I was sent into the bush at dawn on a set compass bearing for 5 tallies. When I put my foot down for my last pace of the 5 tally walk, wammo, I flushed two grouse, and saw about 8-10 little grouse running away. Surprised I didn’t step on one of them. That dam bird wouldn’t leave for a good 15 minutes. It made all sorts of weird noises. I tried to get the birds out of that area, cuz for the next 3 hours, there was going to be new recruits, out on their first night walk, stamping through the area. The birds eventually moved off.
  25. DANG. I just changed my name! Add one more thing to my long list of new documents required..
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