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Everything posted by NAW

  1. How does this work for duck hunting? My self, and thousands others, shoot from duck boats with motors attached. From what I understad, as long as the boat is not in motion, with the motor turned off, you can shot from it (when watefowel hunting). Is there different regs for moose hunting? I've never been moose hunting before, so I've never looked into it.
  2. I bought a basspro shops walleye angler rod last year. For the price, it's great. Very sensitive, and has some decent back bone. Very light too. Worth checking out if you want to save a few bucks.
  3. I'll be heading out for goose this weekend for my first hunt of the year. Just got a new 870, and am pumped to break it in! I've never been bear hunting before, but have a new property lined up that has a few bears kickin around. Hopefully I'll drop my first bear this year. I've been hunting deer with a crossbow the last 3 years. But this year I'm going see about using my recurve. I've been practicing as much as I can, but still am only confident inside 20 yards Shapin up to be a great season. Really looking forward to it!
  4. Ahh,, cool man. Good guy to have around if things get ugly eh!
  5. Not related to your post. But I was watching the news a few weeks back.. The National. They where talking about UFC coming to Ontario (finally!).. They interviewed a MMA fighter and his name was Steve Rowbotham... I see you in Tap-Out shirts in some of your pics.. It didn't really look like you from what I can tell from your pics.. Any relation?
  6. Right on man. Nice report!
  7. He's Bud the Spud from the bright red mud, Rolling down the highway smilin'.. Any anything from the good old Hip. Note the Canadian and Ontario flags in the crowd . Love all the other stuff being posted too..
  8. That's funny.. Great pics. Where's the pictures of it hangin in your garage??
  9. I made the mistake of leaving my car window open in Toronto at night at gas station while I ran into get a pack of cigars.. Didn't realize till i got home, but someone snatched my $600 watch... I was only in the store for a minute or two. Lesson learned
  10. Throw a canoe in at the golf coarse, and fish down river into Wingham / Lowertown. All sorts a fun!
  11. I was raised in Wingham, and fished the maitland every day in the summer time as a child. My PB smallie is from the Maitland too . Right at the dam by Wescast.. Welcome eh!
  12. Can't wait to be sitting in the middle of Simcoe in -35 windchill. Smilling with a whitefish on the end of my line
  13. You have some tallent man. Those are very well done!
  14. So we are going to be playing 18 holes at Hawk Ridge in Orillia on Sunday, so I want to hit a lake near by. I’ve never fished Darlymple before. The little research I’ve done on the lake says there’s Walleye in there. How’s the walleye population these days.. Anyone catching them there this year?
  15. Good luck man! Bring home the Gold
  16. A little extra cash never hurts. I'd say go for it! If you're not going to use the stuff again for a few years, get rid of it and buy something you'll use. A gas auger would be nice!
  17. I was going to go camping with a buddy for the weekend up in Temagami. I really didn't want to deal with the traffic though So we decided to stay at my house instead, and fish a different local lake each day in the morning. Then play some golf in the afternoons. Maybe a few bonfires in the backyard in the evenings. A mens weekend I think we're going to hit Georgian Bay Saturday. ???? Sunday, and Simcoe (cooks bay) Monday. I want to try a new lake in Muskoka/Kawarthas on Sunday. I've fished 6-mile, and Sparrow. I want to try something new. I would really like to get into some walleye. What are my chances of hooking into some walleye on Rice Lake?? We'll those are my plans. What are yours? Any help on getting me into some eyes would be great! I live in Barrie, and don't want to drive more then an hour or so. Thanks Folks!
  18. Don't worry about the bears man. My family has had a cottage up there for nearly 80 years, and they've only see a hand full of bears.. The park sounds like a safe place. I camp on the lake a few times each summer, and the coons are there every night.. But no bears for me yet.
  19. Nice report man! My uncle used to tell me a very similar story about a esox encounter. His was much more bloody though! Ended up getting a few decent cuts on his legs, and a big pike for dinner..
  20. There's a liquor store (trailer full of booze) in port severn. Take Exit 153. Not sure if you're allowed to drink in the park on a long weekend though. You may want to look into that. Bala is only about 30 minutes north of there, if you’re looking for a little northern night life.. I've never stayed in the park before. Bang on with the Bass and Pike assessment. I find a Mepps spinners trolled works best for Pike in that lake. I've tried lots of lures for pike, the mepps always seems to out fish them all for me.. The rocks are pretty well marked if you stay in the middle. There are some stumps and rocks close to shore that can beat you up a little. Especially in crocked bay, up in the northeast end of the lake. Good luck, and may sure you post some pics eh!
  21. I'm in the same boat as the guys above. When I see a deer, I'm thinkin about venison chille, not the rack. That's one squrrely rack though! Is anyone else going out of their mind thinking about the upcoming season. I have no skin left on my fingers from shooting my recurve in practice..
  22. Which little lake. I'm assuming Peterbouough area.. Nice fish to eh!
  23. I'm not fan of spiderwire. Powerpro or fireline would be a better option. Spiderwire looses it's colour really fast, and as mentioned before, is "loose" braid. I find it frays really easily..
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