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Everything posted by Lunkerhunter

  1. what about the timmins area, i have a trip to horwood lake first week of june and a bit curious
  2. the first one your list sounds like it is a smart charger and would definetely do the trick.
  3. infowars.com quite a bit of information including some pretty crazy pictures. pretty wild stuff. many pictures on there worth looking at if your interested.
  4. i had a great time at the show! picked up lots of cool stuff including some hosejerks, custom lures from bare bones baits and a couple frantic big game topwaters. i did get 2 twin tens for the price of 1 from figure 8 baits which was an awesome deal and a handlebarz that are not in the pic. also got a cool hook sharpener from leo
  5. thanks for running the tourny Steve, we had a great time! looking forward to it again next year
  6. here are a couple pictures of the trojans i put on my boat. dave put together 2 mounts that go on to my walker downrigger plates and he did one with a riser on the back deck for a prop wash rod. the prop wash rod holder is not in the pics.
  7. i would also agree that a med/heavy would be fine for a smaller baits that you have mentioned. if you do decide to troll, this rod would also be ok for smaller baits at slower speeds. now throw a 2-3 ounce spinnerbait and troll it at 4-5 mph and your arms may get tired pretty quickly. if your plan is to stick within the kawartha's and cast mostly i would suggest an 8'6 med/heavy or heavy. the compre's are a bit heavy and i dont like the 2 piece rods the way the new ones are. i would suggest a st croix mojo musky or premier if your on a budget. if cost isnt an issue go with a st croix legend! the trigger grip alone is worth the price. good luck
  8. i have trojan tackle rod holders and absolutely love them! dave does an awesome job and they are built like tanks.
  9. hahaha ecmilley. thats hilarious. should make for an interesting ride to work tomorrrow morning.
  10. i used these guys last year, they did a good job http://ontarioductcleaning.ca/ cost me 220 for 1700 square foot home.
  11. alumacraft/yamaha vote for me. sounds like an awesome rig
  12. i will be there for sure. looking forward to it
  13. my garage is 19'10 inches and i can fit my 17' princecraft xpedition in there with a swing tongue. beem width is 91 inches and it handles bigger water pretty well. im happy with it. lots of fishing space for musky fishing as well
  14. me too!! he sounds like he is yelling pretty much all the time!! hahahahaha
  15. hey Lew, there are a few new musky shows on WFN now. keyes outdoors and fishing with joe bucher. both do push certain sponsors as much as the rest of them but some good musky fishing on both of them for sure.
  16. hahahah thats pretty funny. sounds like a great trip
  17. i fish barefoot every now and again and i have never noticed my floors getting hot?? my vinyl is beige not sure if that makes a difference.
  18. i have vinyl floors on my princecraft xpedition and i absolutely love them!!! not hard to walk on barefoot, not slippery when wet either. i have had zero issues with hooks or any tearing at all. makes clean up a breeze and comes back to its original color and look after cleaning. i have had a couple salmon that were squirting blood all over the place and with a carpet i would have been in trouble. you will be happy you ended up with vinyl over carpet for sure.
  19. when is the ideal time to target the big pike up at eddies? is beteau lake the best lake for them?
  20. lots of ice still out there. get your gear together and go!
  21. recently joined the kawartha lakes Muskies Canada chapter and plan on volunteering my time with them to help out with the events and projects that they are involved with. im looking forward to it.
  22. horwood lake in june for a week. lake of the woods in august for a week. lake st clair in the late fall for a long weekend. going to be a good year!
  23. hahahah that is quite strange.
  24. i will definetely be going this year. should be fun!
  25. hey rich, unless that baby starts screaming line i wouldnt assume its a musky until you see it. lots of big walleye and bass cruising the bog. the only tell tale sign is that it just runs and runs.. but even then a mid size musky sometimes comes up fairly easy.
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