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Everything posted by Lunkerhunter

  1. i was just at my cottage in the huntsville area on tuesday. over a foot of snow still and my lake is completely ice covered still. at least 3-4 inches even on the shorelines. felt like full on winter.
  2. costa del mars with glass lenses. I have owned a majority of the available brands and find the glass lenses from costa to be the best
  3. was a pleasure to meet you Ron (Andrew from the KK custom lures beside you). the show was great, awesome turn out
  4. i have used lowrance since the HDS units first came out. I have also tried to do the switch to humminbird and went back to lowrance in a hurry I prefer lowrance.
  5. Cool video. Thanks for the update
  6. Best show out there. Extra gravy baby
  7. I was on simcoe today for perch in a boat. Water temps were 41-44 degrees. Was fun being all alone on simcoe smashing jumbos. Haha
  8. Tomcat you may have misunderstood. Or maybe I did. But I take that statement to mean the impact of no walleye fishing on the business's In the township of scugog nothing to do with your license fees going to business's
  9. Hey brian. Why close the whole lake for a year when other species are thriving. Also the economic impact on the business's would be way to significant if no fishing at all as a resident of port Perry I would be devastated if I couldn't fish on my home lake and did i mention almost most other species are thriving ? Enforcement will be key. As jimmer mentioned many will probably still harvest walleye even when it's closed.
  10. I live on lake scugog and support this initiative by the MNRF. I think it is a great idea. many other species in the lake are thriving and this will alleviate a ton of pressure during the hard water season. I just hope the MNRF spend the necessary time and resources on repairing spawning habitats and other known factors that are causing the decline.
  11. There was a touch of ice on scugog near the causeway this week. It's gone now as the last days have been much warmer. That being said I'm planning on fishing the kawarthas for at least two more weekends. Lots of time left for some more muskies. Lol
  12. picton harbor inn isn't bad. its about 80 bucks a night I think. merland park is awesome if you want a cottage. a bit more expensive but cottages are nice and full amenities. boat launch and docks also twin peaker is ok. lol is Ali still running it? that places gives me the shivers. hahah too many rough nights(partying) at that place for me. ive also stayed at fox motor inn. its ok. similar prices as the twin peaker.
  13. cabelas guidewear all day long over the BPS suit. I own both
  14. Also gallie - shimano is guaranteeing parts for 3 more years. The reel service guy at shimano told me that a few weeks ago
  15. Beauty reel dude! I have two of em. Haha definetely get the power handle either way. The reel sucks without it. Seriously. When I first got mine I tried it without the power handle and was not impressed. Almost sold it but then decided to try it with the power handle. It was a game changer,
  16. awesome report and great trip. keep doing what your thing Mike! I would like to thank you for all the help you have provided me over the years directly. Your wealth of knowledge and experience with fly in's and remote trips is inspiring and I always enjoy reading your reports.
  17. fished the moon river area 2 full days with a guide and skunked both days. cant help you much
  18. interesting that the coleman one seemed to have more ice than the yeti after 8 days. would never have guessed that.
  19. thank you sir! and yes we definitely planned to spend some time in acadia national park. the wife and I have picked out a few hikes that sounded nice and we will be sure to check out whatever else peaks our interest. I will check out reds eats as well. thank you for the advice! this will be our first trip to maine however we have travelled the maritimes provinces quite a bit in the past. figured this would be a nice change of pace.
  20. hey everyone I am headed to Bar Harbor, Maine with the family at the end of September. Has anyone done any fishing in this area? any recommendations for a day trip or half day trip? also I would welcome any other recommendations in general for Bar Harbor. I am staying at the Harborside Hotel in downtown bar harbor. Thanks
  21. GeeZe can't wait for that report lol
  22. Sadly no big Walters this year. We were hoping sandy would have helped us find a walleye spot close to camp for the odd afternoon or evening when we wanted a break. Unfortunately no help was provided so we attempted a few spots with no luck so said screw it and kept muskie fishing haha
  23. I am sure pete will chime in but yes the hands and fingers needed a break after that trip. We have stayed at witch bay camp before. It's prob my favourite of them all so far. lots of awesome fishing close to camp as well. As far as structure goes we started the week fishing main lake structure such as rocky points, reefs and island saddles. After the craZy winds we switched gears to weedy bays with beaches. I find the type of rock your fishing makes all the difference up there. You want the chunky stuff. Nothing smooth. Or at least a combination of the two. Just firmed up my next trip on LOTW for end of October. Can't wait
  24. Lol pete awesome trip again dude. Once again I apologize for the cursing on the way home in waves that were half the size of my boat. Haha damn those were crazy. I still feel bad sorry brother. You didn't mention we were 50 km from the lodge when we called it quits and decided to drive back to the lodge. John (cowanjo) put together a great group of guys and it was cool to share stories with so many lake of the woods veterans. And yes pete it's funny when we explored new water we got the biggest fish of the trip. The fish didn't like the big winds either and were thinking like us looking for protection in the weeds and bays. We stayed at Sandys blackhawk island. Cabins were nice but it was a pain in the butt to get to from kenora compared to other lodges on the lake. Also the help we recieved if any from the lodge was sub par at best but we were all pretty self sufficient thankfully so we figured it out. Can't wait until next years lake of the woods adventure.
  25. Yes aikmans. Had a reel repaired there before and was good service
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