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Everything posted by Lunkerhunter

  1. I hate the super slick much prefer oringal. I also don't mind the suffix 832. I think it casts further than pp but frays a bit more and loses it's color fast
  2. awesome season so far buddy, lets keep it up!! cant wait for lake of the woods again - 2 weeks away!!!!!!!! haha
  3. that's too bad to hear the bite is off right now, what do you think the reason is for that? I went out once from whitby last week and got skunked. brutal. don't think I was skunked once the last 3 years.
  4. lets see the report!!
  5. lebaron as Tim suggested and I also saw them SAIL - Oshawa store not too long ago. they may still have some in stock
  6. amazing story and the smile on Sean's face is priceless. great to see you were able to get him out on the lake and even catch some fish! best of luck on the rest of Sean's recovery Simon. Regards, Andrew
  7. I am spending 4 days on the tri lakes with a bunch of buddies chasing ski's. guiding trip june 20 on lsc as well! followed by 3 guided days on LOTW in july and then a guided trip in September with Mike Rousseau on the st. Lawrence. going to be an awesome year on some new water
  8. I have been told that lady Evelyn lake is one of the cleanest in southern Ontario. I have fished it a number of times and can say it is also a very healthy fish factory.
  9. Lunkerhunter


    i see quite a few of them in my backyard as well.
  10. there is nothing complicated about it knuguy. in fact I would argue that having a detailed map with contour lines etc makes things much easier for me to navigate. also being able to determine where exactly I am on a lake is a huge advantage. staying on top of fish is key and having the proper electronics lets you repeat a productive program very easily.
  11. what kind of boat are bringing up with you? horsepower? the only reason I ask is that mid summer you may find the bigger walleye in the big part of the lake closer to garden island. the smallmouth are always lots of fun and very plentiful. same with pike. lots of great looking water out there. I have stayed at red pine 5 times over 5 years. always loved it. fishing was great. a good day was well over a hundred walleye... not too many days with less than 20-30 and always a cow or two. good luck
  12. X2 on Steve's bait not being rotten. We have boated plenty of cats on his bait. Pete's fresh sucker is where it's at though. Haha
  13. Looks like a good day on the water. Happy to see everyone caught fish way to go Pete!
  14. not just the photo or filter. definetely some darker fish for whatever reason
  15. fun video. made me want to go for a rip on the sled
  16. i was going to recommend greg as well
  17. Hey Pete, some awesome fish brother. Looking forward to adding some more tanks to the list this year with you. Great post. Also I'm down for a trip out east with mike..that would be awesome. Sounds like a plan mike! Let's set it up for sure
  18. i work about 20 minutes from basspro and go every now and again to just look around and often find myself leaving with something. its always pretty busy i dont see why they would want to move. very convenient location just minutes off the 407 and directly off the 400. as for cabelas... im pretty pumped and plan to make that drive every now and again just to see the store etc. i would imagine this outlet will take away lots of business from BPS. hopefully the customer service department refelects the U.S stores as its incredible in the states.
  19. here is the article with more info http://www.baytoday.ca/content/news/details.asp?c=56907
  20. is anyone else going down to the chicago muskie show? i am heading down with a buddy tomorrow morning for the weekend. Looks like a good line up of guest speakers. also anyone who has been to chicago or surrounding area can you recommend a good place to try chicago deep dish pizza? i have never been to chicago so was hoping to try a deep dish pizza. why the hell not. i think the show and my hotel are in Palatine IL. about 20 miles outside of chicago. haha thanks
  21. Yes quads and yes sleds but it is very sketchy. Where there was more snow the ice did not build the same. I would not recommend taking the quad just yet
  22. I landed 4 but be careful out there still. I found a lot of ice with only 2 inches out in the middle of kemp bay. A few spots the spud went through in one shot
  23. awesome season pete! i had a great time fishing with you this year. looking forward to the next
  24. i was going to say the same thing Bill. I have been pulled over on the lake before and had 3 people including myself in my boat. i was wearing my mustang floater suit and had 2 life jackets for my passengers. OPP checked the 2 life jackets and other necessary gear and let me go without question.
  25. great thread. my daughter just turned one and my wife is a vegetarian. I was wondering how i was going to go about teaching my daughter how to fillet fish especially when her mother cant even be in the same room. my wife wont keep any fish but has no problem with me keeping my limit. i eat fresh fish pretty much weekly so its always in front of her she just pretends it doesnt happen. hahaha
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