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Everything posted by Lunkerhunter

  1. hahaha i always get sent first too. REALLY DID YOU THINK THIS WAS A WORD WE USE HERE.
  2. wear good boots. no need for a floor. go fishing!
  3. i think part of the issue is the amount of debt most students come out of university with. add having to pay for living expenses on top of the student loan payments your not left with very much working for 20 an hour after the tax man takes his cut.
  4. i am looking to get a new snowmobile this year and have my eyes set on a new non current 2011 Yamaha Venture Lite. my questions are is anyone familiar with this model from Yamaha? any info is much appreciated. it is a touring sled which is what im looking for as i want the 2 seats and storage at the back. is the fact that it has been sitting for 2 years an issue? there are 0 miles on the sled and comes with full warranty but i was just curious if the sitting can cause any problems. anyone else know of any good deals on new non current snowmobiles? willing to drive a bit if it saves decent coin. http://www.yamaha-motor.ca/products/details.php?model=3479&group=SM&catId=77#fb
  5. thanks for taking the time to post up the report. i wasnt in the tourney but i was out on the bay saturday, awesome morning bite thats for sure. definetely alot of boats out there
  6. dude hands down go with the Terrova. as lunker said spot lock alone is worth the money alone.
  7. any pics irish? i know someone who would be interested for sure.
  8. my parents place on scugog had ice for the first 50-60 feet off there shoreline. crazy
  9. im there from thursday - sunday next week. cant wait.
  10. the under armour base layers are incredible. they also have different version of it depending on how cold it is outside.
  11. and the new mammoths are also awesome! i know i will be bringing them with me on my trip to lotw next year.
  12. been stopped 4 times this year alone on scugog. 3 by MNR and once by OPP. also stopped out on simcoe twice. once on perch grounds and once on whitie grounds. maybe they like me
  13. dude that is awesome. congrats on the PB of a lifetime
  14. its a good thing you have a good buddy who can take a picture!! nice fish brother
  15. great fish! i am surprised to see the can of coke still upright after catching a fish, normally when a fish is hooked all hell breaks loose in my boat and if there is a can of pop anywhere it gets spilled. haha
  16. if the funds are being used to keep the launch clean etc than i am ok with it. and plus hopefully it keeps a few more people at home or on a different lake. more fish for the guys who want to pay. haha
  17. save your money and buy a revo toro or calcutta.
  18. your thinking of the okuma komodo. the 400 series comes out in a few months apparently
  19. awesome report and some great looking muskies. where would you recommend to stay while on nip? planning a musky hunt for early october. cheers
  20. i have thrown top water this year more than ever before as i am determined to get one in the boat on it. i have tried it during low light and high sun with nothing to show for it. even on lake of the woods i tried it several evening during prime time with nothing to show for it. i havent given up but i am losing confidence quick with most topwaters. i have had more hits on my prop style ones that the walk the dog which somewhat surprises me because the walk the dog style ones look so good. ah well hopefully i can get one to go by the end of the year
  21. cool video! i would definetely watch more.
  22. amazing report pete! it was great spending another year on Lake of the Woods with you, had a blast and cant wait to do it again. the camera is a panasonic Lumix with the Leica lens, not sure if they make that model anymore but for 250 or so it sure is an awesome point and shoot. i also want to give a heads up to anyone going to LOTW for Muskie to check out Figure 8 baits, the boys have a fully loaded shop and are very helpful. worth the drive into Kenora for sure. oh yeah and also bring a hook sharpener! and some spare hooks/terminal tackle. those rocks dont play friendly to hooks. haha i dont know how many times pete or i would sharpen up the hooks after getting snagged and 5 casts later bang snagged again. hahaha another great trip and you summed it up perfect Pete. Thanks for taking the time to do the report.
  23. i was in the hospital, broke my ankle in 4 places and had a plate and screws put in. great time. lmao
  24. awesome fish lew!!!
  25. i fished it in June, caught well over 100 fish a day. jigging with minnow did the trick pretty much anywhere we went. awesome lake.
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