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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. It is indeed sad that your grandpa passed away so close to your 25th anniversary, but it will, like someone else said here, make you remember him more often than you think. My dad passed away the day before my birthday, April 5th, so remembrance of his passing is automatic. In fact, it was also 3 days before my sister's(5 and a bit yrs. older than me, April 7th) birthday, and also right around the easter holiday, so we are always together as a family to celebrate the holiday, and the passing of my dad, who also taught me to fish. My grandfather on my dads side passed away 9 yrs. before I was born, the other when I was 6. I feel for your loss Brian. Congratulations on 25 yrs. married. Definate milestone nowadays.
  2. Youse got's a pm Nanook.
  3. Holy cow Cliff, I don't own anything that would put me in that situation, but I appreciate the heads up non-the-less. And I am glad you got it out in time.
  4. I think I know the board you are referring to, am a member there myself, but not under the same username. Took ya long enough to find your way back
  5. Art and Joe invite you to stay in their cabin at Lakair , then tell you a few months later that you would be sharing a bedroom with dawg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Absolutely no one, and I mean NO ONE, would voice any dissenting opinion with walleye introductions into their lakes up here, thats for sure, WALLEYE is king, walleye is god. Bass are sometimes considered a nuisance, but some people have transplanted them into waters that have not ever had bass, for their "clientellle". Now.................how do we deal with that??????? MNR didn't do it. Lodge owners say they didn't do it??????????,,,,,,,,,,,OK, .............who did. Now, all of us, who have been fishing these waters for over 30 yrs. are finding bass in traditional walleye and pike waters, and we catch bass??????????? what it comes dowm to, is people CANNOT!!!! absolutely CANNOT!!!!! make a determination of what is correct for a fishery for their own personal purpose. Lots of lakes up here have been stocked with walleye, some successfully, some not. But proven walleye lakes, naturally producing walleye lakes, some that even had commercial fisheries on them(long gone) now have smallmouth bass in them, and the MNR did not introduce them, so who did?????????????? Figger it out, who is to benefit from them???? If ya need a clue.............................
  7. That obviously depends on where you live bucktail, southern ontario may benefit from increased bass harvest, some places up here in northwestern ontario probably could also. I know one river up here could sustain a much larger bass harvest, but people do not target them, nor do I normally, but when I do go there, I will keep a couple in a size range I like. But, since the season does not open for them until the 3rd weekend of june, any size(4 any size after the 3rd weekend in June now I think, only 2 under 13.75 inches before that) I avoid fishing areas that have bass in them to avoid taking the males off of the nests, only to have to release them, because their size is above alllowable limits before the 3rd weekend in june. I go elsewhere, where I will not accidentally pull the males off of the nests.
  8. Yah, and they better not get within 20 yds. of me, or there's gonna be hell to pay, lol.
  9. My God, still I say, cannot relate. If I see 20 other anglers on a trib up here, other than our local city rivers, its a stretch. But we do not have the runs like the southern areas of our province, our big ass lake does not provide the forage for them.
  10. Sounds like she hihgraded ALEX, and no, I did not fish for them intentionally, even when I had hair.
  11. LOL Minnow, yeah that was what I was thinking, season?????? Yanno, in my long ago youth,(over 30 yrs. ago) we revered the sucker much as we do today, trash fish. Still think of them as such, but respect their life way more now. We were not kind to them back then, but hey, they have a right to live and reproduce as much as I do. Still, won't intentionally fish for them, ever.
  12. If you happen to have a close personal relationship with a CO(s) somewhere, and can rely on them being on duty, do that. But, for everything else, use the TIPS line number. Get some pics if you can, hopefully date stamped, and anything else you can get within reason so that you are not personally in jeopardy from the perpetrators. Remember, digital photos, if taken at full resolution, can reveal a lot of info you do not see immediately, until blown up or enhanced. Unfortunately, with the MNR's budget nowadays, the TIPS line is the best we can do for reporting such incidents.
  13. SUCKER SEASON!!!!!!!!!!! There is a season for them????????????????? I hate, absolutely hate, hooking into them. All I get for it is a weak fight, and a glob of sucker slime on my line.
  14. I, quite obviously because of where I live, have not met him, but I agree, 44 is way to young, as I am past that age. My condolences go out to his family also.
  15. I...........................................cannot...........................relate............!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only one local river up here comes near that, below a weir in the middle of the city, both banks with guys chucking everything you could imagine, but still less than half the guys in the second picture. Haven't fish that spot in over 29 yrs., that would be a couple of years after I got my drivers license, and headed to more pristine waters. The only other place I saw near that was on the US side on the northwestern shore of superior, everyone stacked up on basically a chute through a rock outcrop only 300 yds. upstream of the mouth. Regulations there were you could not fish above the natural leap, which was only 3 ft. until after a certain date. Only made a couple of trips down that way, then decided to stay on my side of the border.
  16. Best bet is to have all of those options available to you. I mostly troll except for slinging jigs in river mouths, so I use worm harnesses behind bottom bouncers almost exclusively. Never tip the jigs with anything either, mostly toss twisters. If the bite is slow, I will put on a j-11 orange floating rapala, and tow that behind the bottom bouncer. I have used minnows in the past, and leeches(occasionally still bring them along), but we like to keep it simple for day trips, so nightcrawlers are the way we go for us. As always, weather patterns or rapid changes between weather patterns will affect fishing. So, changing colours of jigs, or worm harnesses, crank baits, should be experimented with. Clarity of the water will also be a factor. A bud of ours outfished us 5-1 one time, because we went to a very clear lake opening weekend, and he had a couple of dark purple harnesses with a couple of red beads on it. Must have resembled a leech pattern. We had nothing close to that colour, lol. He landed his limit, and a couple more, we only got one each which we released because they were only 10 inches long. And as trapshooter said, do not be afraid to get shallow, especially along windblown weed edges in stained water. Chuck jigs into the larger open areas in the weeds, and troll or drift along the weed edge tight. Have done really well on a few lakes doing that also. Heck, we have had our bouncers banging into the weeds hard, and even towing them along, and the walleye still hit. Ultimately, the fish decide what is the best pattern, you gotta spend the time you have trying different things to find out what they want.
  17. I thought you were gone north, whut up wit dat?? Yes, I have seen that stuff, looks interesting, but way out of my budget.
  18. You are at work and bored again, right????????????
  19. That was probably a post by me, and it does indeed sink, but mostly in rivers and small ponds where low water levels cannot sustain its weight in the springtime. It just falls to the bottom, and stays there for a few weeks. Even in warm weather, it does not melt that fast, if there isn't any moving water above it. It evaporates, which is a slow process, instead of melting, which is a faster process with moving water going over it.
  20. An SLR, or an SLR digital, I am assuming the latter, lol. Huge difference in price, I can't get more than 50 bucks for my Canon AE-1.
  21. It does not matter what exact name they have, they are indeed Mergansers.
  22. DARN IT ALL, I want both, rain and snow. OK, mostly rain this time of the year. We need it desperately. Why did you get all the luck of getting snow?
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