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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Good luck PH, I'm sure everything will go fine and you'll see better than ever soon. Maureen
  2. If I'm not mistaken it's also referred to as a "Baitcaster" reel. Can't help on the models though. Maureen
  3. Have a great time Cliff and Sue. I will see if I can get something from M&M's or maybe Costco? Maureen
  4. Dang, I need a VCR! I work Sundays Any chance of evening repeats??? say around 8 8:30??? I will be able to see it on the 21st though.... Maureen
  5. Wow, that's nice, my mom started making quilts last year....hmmmm I wonder..... your girlfriend is very talented that's for sure Maureen
  6. Good way to start off the New Year for sure....beats working I can tell ya that Maureen
  7. Keep the reports coming fellas, I may try to head down for a couple of hours on Thursday with my friends 3 and 5 yr olds, they need to test out their new rods . I'm not concerned about size, I just want them to catch something. If we go I'll be going to Tiffin launch as I expect the docks to be too unsteady for them Maureen
  8. Yup, I agree with slowpoke, they're out fishing while they still can...cause they're the smart ones. Maureen
  9. Yup, just squeeked in with it though, in 1979 it was 9.1C Maureen
  10. Good stuff Andrew, but I can tell you, you won't find me on only 5" of ice...lol Glad you finally got out and had such a great day Maureen
  11. Glad to see you got one Steve, enjoy Maureen
  12. Happy New Years folks, and when it comes to old and boring, I've got all of y'all beat. I was in bed by 9, and asleep before 9:30. Hope everyone that went out had a safe and fun evening. Maureen
  13. Excellent, and some great shots too! Maureen
  14. Hope y'all had a good time, I really did want to come, but alas I must pay the bills somehow. Looking forward to the reports when I get up in the wee hours, heck, some of you might just be getting home by then Maureen
  15. Bus driver for TTC, currently at Wheel Trans Maureen
  16. Hey Joyce, glad to see you made it, I've been thinking of you...and what Joey said...I second that. Happy New year... Maureen
  17. Nice to see some young men will still do that....but more importantly...did your daughter say yes???? Maureen
  18. Good stuff Glen, nice to get away for a bit, especially when things have been a bit rough, need to recharge, and there ain't no better way I hope to go for a bit on Thurs. might take a couple of young one's to try out their new fishing gear Maureen
  19. Morning Lew, and everyone else, Merry Christmas and have a great day. Maureen
  20. Good to see there's ice somewhere, gives the rest of us hope Glad to see you finally got over your cold Tom and managed to get out. Maureen
  21. She's a great looking pup Dawg, and looks like she'll be a handfull to boot . Glad to hear she's home for the holidays with you, where she belongs! Spoil her a bit for me and my boys will ya? Merry Christmas Maureen
  22. This is the first year in many that I have Christmas off, Boxing day too. I am working tomorrow and New Years Eve and Day. I don't mind, I have no kids of my own so it's not that big a deal, but it will be nice to see my family and friends this year. Especially my great nephew, who is the closest I will ever come to being a grandmother Maureen
  23. Morning all, well here it is, the first official full day of winter, and no ice or snow. Now I can remember years when we didn't have snow by now, but I don't remember any being this warm. How many of you are thinking of pulling your boats out of storage? Oh well, at least it's safe for travel, speaking of which, it's time for me to travel down the road to work. Have a great day all, and if you have some last minute shopping to finish, or for some of you, begin , don't forget to take you patience with you. Maureen
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