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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Thanks guys , I appreciate it. Setomonkey, Mind Games was a store I was trying to think of but couldn't remember the name lol, I will keep that site as a link for the future. I managed to pick up two for him, one of which the difficulty level is 10, I'll see how long it takes him. Maureen
  2. Thanks guys, Gerrit, I'll check out green earth stores, never would have thought of them. I think the IT stores are gone, as are The Den for Men which used to carry them. DSN, yes that is the type of thing I'm looking for, as for instructions, Richard would never look at them, so that's not a concern. Maureen
  3. Sorry I didn't give a better description, but I don't know how to describe it, and it doesn't have to be that specifically. This guy could do the Rubics cube within an hour, stuff like that is what I'm looking for. My goal is to stump him for at least a day or two... Maureen
  4. Hey all, I've looked everywhere I can think of to find a puzzle for my friends husband. The kind of puzzle I'm looking for is is those brain twister one's where you have to separate two rings. Every year I get him one that is supposed to be the highest difficulty level and he solves it in 1-3 hrs. The second challenge is to find it preferably in the Barrie area, but no further than Vaughn Mills. Can any of you help me out? Thanks Maureen
  5. Sure looks good, I'm sure you'll get to use it sometime this year... me, I don't think I'll ever get on one again, last one I was on the guy flipped it....nope, not for me....but enjoy and be safe. Maureen
  6. Forget the dealer, find a good mechanic, you'll be surprised how much you can save that way... Maureen
  7. Great stuff Dave! I'm sure you'll have a blast! I look forward to watching it....don't forget to mention OFC when you're with them Maureen
  8. Nice to see people taking advantage of the weather... Good stuff Sang... when does Pike and Walleye season close? Maureen
  9. Geez, I forgot about Bells of St. Mary's, another great one.... I hope they're both on this year...when I'm home... Maureen
  10. Thanks for the heads up, but for me Hamilton is too far to go, and frankly after Christmas Shopping, I have no money left to spend on me Maureen
  11. I enjoy a few movies, but I'd have to say my all time favorite is "White Christmas", for me it just sets the mood, sadly it doesn't seem to get aired as much these days. I do like Christmas Vacation though. I also liked "The Polar Express", the animation on that was great. Maureen
  12. Cool, you've come a long way that's for sure....but for all the changes that have taken place over the years, there's one thing that has stayed constant here... All the great members... Maureen
  13. Looks like a good way to end the year...good stuff.... Maureen
  14. Good stuff! Always nice to get onto new fish...never fished for Steelies myself. Looks like a nice one. Maureen
  15. Great stuff you guys! Those are some sweet fish for sure! Glad to see you're taking advantage of this amazing weather. Thanks Maureen
  16. Wow Phil, that's a great tree! But what's that on the chair??? lol Hey Mepss, you know you're a die hard fisherman when you use lures for your decorations...lol... Good on you and Gillian. I don't have one, haven't for almost 10 yrs now. Not much point , I rarely get any company, and between the dogs and cats, a tree wouldn't last long here Maureen
  17. Congrats Verno, never hurts to add another fishing partner... Maureen
  18. Must have, didn't hear about him in the news... Maureen
  19. At work this afternoon I was driving along the 401 eastbound and just passed the exit for Dufferin and Yorkdale I notice a man standing on the shoulder of the highway...no car in sight. I drive passed him and look in my rear view mirror only to see the fool run across the collector lanes. I jump on the radio and call it in hoping the OPP would get him before a car does. Not 5 minutes later another driver going westbound in the same area called in that he saw a man in the westbound lanes. Guess he was in a hurry??? Took about 5 or so minutes before my heart started beating normally again....Sheesh... Maureen
  20. Mike the problem isn't that I find it difficult to do, it's that I don't want to open a package that's a Christmas present. DSN, the link no longer works, or at least not for me, but thanks anyway. It does give me the idea to look there in the future, although I've never bought anything off e-bay. maureen
  21. Welcome back taper, good to hear from you, hope all is well. Maureen
  22. Glad you had a great day Joey, and ya, that is a cool shirt...I might just get the sattelite upgrade for this...wonder if it can be done next week??? Or even better I'll see if my brother gets it Maureen
  23. Hey Verno, as long as you're there while there's still food and people left, you won't be late Glad to hear you'll be able to make it... Maureen
  24. Great news Sam, I'm looking forward to seeing you again, I hope this year you can bring Laurie and the kids with you. Maureen
  25. Wow, that's a rough way to start your day. sounds like an electrical issue to me, hope you can get it fixed quickly and easily without too much cost added to it. Maureen
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