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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Glen, I'm so happy to hear your pup will be coming home. If amputation is the best way to go, then your pup will adapt. I have seen much older dogs bounce back and be very active. Make no mistake, she'll still do all the crazy puppy stuff and out run ya , and of course you and your wife will love and spoil her even more Maureen
  2. It's scary that I do remember them, they were hilarious!!! Maureen
  3. Well thanks to Irishfields taxi service, I managed to pick up my car today, thanks again Wayne. Turns out the fuel injector was leaking fuel as well so it's just as well it was replaced. Drove down to innisfil this afternoon to see my brother and his family, and it feels like the power in the car has improved. Hard to improve on the mileage, but I won't complain if it does . With any luck that will be it for a while, although in the new year I need to get a small oil leak fixed. While he was at the car, my mechanic checked the timing belt and thankfully all is well, but I'll likely get that changed in the spring. Maureen
  4. motv8tr


    Ok, I've been trying to get in, but seems not to be working for me...any thoughts? Maureen sure now that I finally got in, everyone except Blygh has gone, even Tom just left...something I said???...lol... Maureen
  5. Glad to see things are looking up for both of you Shelly, hopefully we'll be able to connect before or soon after the holidays... Maureen
  6. Love that second picture, the look is priceless...enjoy, and watch your toes Maureen
  7. All puppies are adorable and hard to say no to, trust me I know what of I speak lol...but then they grow up to be dogs .I have three that are on the furniture and in my bed, and I wouldn't have it any other way Maureen
  8. Ya Rick, a snow fall would be over the top...all I need to do is look out the window to see snow , and that's more than I want Maureen
  9. Thanks for the info Brian, good to know, this computer is about 6-7 yrs old I think, so ya, after the holidays I'll work on getting her a new one. Maureen
  10. Saw this too late...might go in for a bit tonight if I get home in time... maureen
  11. I have and will in the future buy used tires for the spring and summer, but never for winter. I want to know for sure I've got decent tread and quality rubber for the winter months. I can understand why some people might be a little apprehensive about buying used though, especially privately, you never know what you're gonna get... Maureen
  12. I didn't know you could swap out mother boards. I have a computer here that needs a new Motherboard, and was told by a repair place that it would be cheaper to replace the computer...mind you there could also be a problem with the power supply, said he won't know until the mother board is replaced. I was going to do this for my Great Nephews mother but will have to wait until after Christmas. Maureen
  13. Thanks for all the suggestions guys, it's appreciated. As Wayne said the car has been worked on, and a fuel injector pump has already been replaced. My mechanic tested the old one, and I trust him. I've been taking my car to him for a few years now, and I've never been steered wrong. The car is a 93 Golf, so no new fangled electronics getting messed up. If I can help it I will not buy newer than that, if I do, it won't be a VW, I hear the newer ones are nothing but trouble. Maureen
  14. If it's the same guy a friend of mine went to, he did good work on his old Mitchell. I'm hoping to take a couple of mine in over the winter for a good cleaning and tune up. I figure if I try to do it myself, I'll wreck the things Maureen
  15. The car has about 320,000 on it, which is not much really for a Diesel, I put almost 100,000/yr give or take a few thousand. It's a good car, not ready to replace it, can't afford another car right now anyway. I know someone who has 750000 on his Golf and it's still going strong. And Lew, if O/T were available, I'd have been working it for the past few months....it's just not there right now....might start looking for a second job though... Maureen
  16. Well, I just heard from the mechanic, and it's the injector pump , it needs to be re-built....actually, he'll keep that one and put one on that had been rebuilt for someone else who then decided to juck the car....This is going to cost me around 7-800 bucks . Did someone say things can't get any worse???? Don't know how I'm gonna pay him yet, since I just lost out on two days pay .... hmm anyone wanna buy some fishing gear??? Just kidding... Maureen
  17. Wow, they say misery loves company, and it seems like I have some, Glen, sorry to hear about your pup, hope it turns out well, but ya, the bills are killer. Hope you can still make it up here though...if not, try for around the 24th of Feb....good times then... Thanks for the encouragement folks, it's appreciated... Maureen
  18. Hey all, I wasn't going to rant or vent, but if I don't I'll explode. The past couple of weeks have been awefull to put it mildly. A week ago last Wed. I had to have my 10yr old cat euthanized, this was very sudden, and heart wrentching for me, but it was best for him. The following week I had to go to the hospital for a very unpleasant test, and I don't know if the test or the prep for it was worse...at least I was unconcious for the test so that's something positive. Two days after that I had to take my car to the mechanics to get looked at as it was not starting well. His son changed the glow plugs, and did something else, don't remember...car has been great since.... .....until last night when I finished work when it wouldn't start at all. Tinckered with it for a bit, went back and got one of the mechanics, who tinkered with it and realized no fuel is getting through the lines...dang! 1 1/2 or so hrs later the tow truck showed up. So not only can I not get to work for two days ( no spare car...Carp if I had the money your truck is exactly what I'm looking for ), and I am stranded at home until the mechanic hopefully has it fixed on Monday...then I'll see what a taxi ride to town will cost , one more nail in the coffin for my bank acct. Those are the highlights, I left out all the "fun" I've been having a work lately.....boy will I be happy when this month is over...oh, did I mention I haven't started my Christmas shopping yet??? Hmmmm...after all this I have to wonder if I can afford to go Christmas shopping now What is it Beans always says??? oh ya, if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all Hope all of you are having a better weekend...but at least I have my health right??? Maureen
  19. Got home a little while ago, and all was well. The roads were wet, but not icey. Thankfully I missed all that this morning going into work . Looks like we'll get a little snow up here tonight so I guess it's off to work a little early in the morning. Enjoy your weekend everyone. Maureen
  20. All it says is it will start Fri. morning, I hope when I leave for work at 4:15am it's still considered overnight , if so I should be safe . It should be a fun day at work though...NOT Maureen
  21. Ok, it was never lost, and here is the link for the tournament, courtesy of my team mate Camillj http://www.ofntournament.com/ Thanks John Maureen
  22. Thanks guys, I know one link is working as I recieved confirmation of an entry from a team member, guess I'll have to get him to give me the link he used and I'll pass it on here. As for Team 5 kicking a$$, keep dreaming Wayne, as that's all you've got Maureen
  23. Hey all, I'm trying to find the page for the fishing tournament. I have the leaderboard link, but I need to add a fish for our team and can't find the link for that page...can someone please post it here for me... Thanks Maureen
  24. Very nice Joey, and you're right, there are a few nice people on this board Maureen
  25. Congrats!!! It's great when a plan comes together.... Maureen
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