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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Sounds like a great opportunity, but alas I do not get WFN as I can't afford to upgrade my dish at the moment and wouldn't you know both those days are my days off , I have an OFC hat, t-shirt and jacket even (we need a crying emoticon here)... Good luck to those who enter... Maureen
  2. Welcome aboard Tallboy, but be careful, this place is addictive. Maureen
  3. Good morning and Happy Friday to most of you, I say most as for me it is my Monday and back to the grind I go Looks like the weather is going to be great for those wanting to wet a line or two, but don't forget to dress warm, play safe, and go with a partner. We want you to be able to share your adventures with us Havea great weekend all Maureen
  4. Congrats on a great night and a new PB to boot....well worth the time spent...thanks for sharing. Maureen
  5. Don't think Ill make it, early to bed tonight, back to work tomorrow Play nice Maureen
  6. Glad to see you guys got out and had a good day even if you didn't catch anything. And like Wayne, I recognize that place Maureen
  7. Geez Wayne, how lazy can you be...just break a little of the ice and away ya go , it's not that thick...sheesh...at least now you can go fishing with Tinbanger if he still has room for one more... Maureen
  8. I'll be going to Simcoe at least once in Feb. Other than that, I might try up here in Midland and Penetang Bays, and may even make a trip or two to the west arm of Lake Nippising....time will tell, and so will the weather... Maureen
  9. Good stuff Terry, you can do more than fish I'm going to send you a PM to see if you can help me with a photo, I just can't do it myself. Maureen
  10. Great stuff Wayne, and surprisingly, it wasn't that bad for downloading the pics...thought it would have been a lot worse. Glad you had a good time with Lloyd depsite the weather... Drive safe.. Maureen
  11. Hey Mike, I called them about it and wasn't impressed with how they do it. They told me they would need to take 90.00 off my credit card, then give me 15.00 credit for 6 months. Why not just put 90.00 on my bill then give me the credit in full on the next bill, or better yet, put it back on my card. That's why I haven't done it yet. Maureen
  12. You did the right thing Canuck, what any "friend" would have done...as already said...it's just a fish... Maureen
  13. Well dang, looks like I'm not going again this year, and here I thought I booked my days off well Wed. is the only night I can go . Tues is a big family thing, and I'm back to work early Fri. morning... We need to plan this much earlier so I can pick my days off to go....so next year, set the date by early November would ya Maureen
  14. Hey Joe, I thought you just hunted them with a paint ball Me, yesterday I packed 5 bins of bones and scaps for the dogs, did another tonight, have 3 more to go. Going to have to repack my freezer . Nothing better than a winters load of free dog food Maureen
  15. Good job as usual guys, I do have one silly question though. it says on the main page that 375 have registered, yet there are people with member numbers higher than that...like 384....can this thing count right ??? Maureen
  16. Lew, try holding down your control button, then hitting the plus sign...might make it a little too big though. Also I think this is only temporary... Maureen
  17. To those of you going to B O Q this weekend . Don't forget your camera and to take lots of pics for those poor souls like me who have to stay here . If you're not going to B of Q, be safe and have fun too...still a bit of fishing to be done... I you're stuck in the city, the Santa Clause Parade is on Sunday Have a great day all... Maureen
  18. Welcome aboard Shelly, I'm sure you'll fit right in... Maureen
  19. Sadly a little late for me, back to work in the morning so it's early to bed for me....have fun... Maureen
  20. I think some have already left...I say, just go and figure it out from there....worse that happens is you fish from the dock, from what I hear some big fish were caught there last year. Also, even if you don't get to fish, you'll get to socialize and have a break...well worth it in my mind...better than sitting at home wishing you went... Maureen
  21. Some people clearly have nothing better to do than attempt to stir the pot..... Thanks for making things very clear Rick... Maureen
  22. Gotta love these things called days off , and it's too wet to do much else... Maureen
  23. Cute little thing....gonna keep you very busy
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