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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Well I went to the post office today to pick up a package. It was a box full of lures from Lindquist Bros. makers of the Canadian Wiggler. Lots of assorted lures Thanks guys, it's much appreciated !!! Maureen
  2. I'd go after those who stole it if they are of age, or their parents...even go for legal fees. It's a big pain in the butt but well worh it in my mind. I'd also go after them for the cost of all repairs. But ya, the police should pay for what was needed to finger print it, and they can go after the kids/parents for their costs. Maureen
  3. Welcome aboard Andrea, I've never met Uncle Buck so I don't know if I should give you my condolences . You should be able to get all the help you need here, it's a great bunch of people. Enjoy Maureen
  4. Looks nice Paul, one of the nicer one's I've seen, and I've seen a lot of them. Maureen
  5. Hey Cliff, we have a line on coffee and all the works courtesy of tinbanger...he just needs to check out a few things and will confirm when he can. I also have a propane tank from my BBQ I can bring...if I had a truck I'd bring the whole BBQ . Someone else, JR I think, said they could bring a BBQ or tables as well, and if I'm not mistaken Ron has a table...but ya, we could use a few of them, we won't have Sam's tuck to lay the prizes out on this year Maureen
  6. Last year we had about 100 people...you can't just figure on the members on this board. There were several people last year that were not on any fishing boards, but heard about it. There is Tyler's family, some of my family, co-workers, and folks from Alcona. As mentioned this year is also Alcona's winterfest, and Fishing for Tyler is being promoted on other sites. I would say closer to 150 to 200 people. Last year we ran out of food fairly early in the day... Maureen
  7. Just never use it as a punishment.... maureen
  8. I'll be there, don't know what day yet, I am likely working on Sat. but start my vacation on Sunday Could be talked into going on Fri. I need to see a few people about donating some prizes Maureen
  9. Congrats Kirk and Anna !!! Maureen
  10. Welcome back, I was wondering where you got to...hope all is good with you and yours. Maureen
  11. Very nice as usual Jack, I'm glad you share those with us...reminds me of my grandfather... Maureen
  12. Sorry I missed ya'll....you just have to start earlier , before my bedtime would be good Maureen
  13. You should find your answer here... http://www.wildtv.ca/howtoget.html Maureen
  14. I can't tell you how many times I asked my mother that, when she told me to look it up in the dictionary if I made the mistake of asking her how to spell a word Maureen
  15. Hey Rick, the road to the parking lots including the one near the ramp are open, but it is first come first server for a spot . Winterfest was held on the same weekend as our first G2G and we had no problems. Maureen
  16. Well my crew has shrunk over the last 6 months or so...I have three dogs, a GSD, a BorderCollie/Malamute cross, and a GSD/Bouvier cross, although I don't see the Bouvier in him. I also have three cats, the mothers to Beans cats and a grey tabby. I also have two goldfish and a plecosthomis (sp?) to keep the tank clean. Maureen
  17. Now that you're hooked the winter will pass much faster for you . Glad you had a good first time out, and that the season has finally arrived. Maureen
  18. Hey Joey, glad to see you guys made it out and managed to meet up with a couple of people. I won't venture out unless the ice is closer to 12" . Nauti, I expect it's much quieter during the week, all the weekend warriors are back to work. Maureen
  19. Glad you guys had a good time, hopefully I'll be able to make it out to the next one. Maureen
  20. It s@*ks big time that I can't make it...I hope a few of you manage to get together and have a great time. Maureen
  21. That's great news about the ice conditions, and with this cold weather there should be plenty by the 24th Sorry you didn't do better in the catching dept. but that just means they're waiting for the 24th Knotaclue, the parking lot at the park is pretty much always open, so you should have no worries there. Maureen
  22. Hope ya had a good day Jack, even if you were stripping walls Maureen
  23. Thanks for pointing that out, I just got my copy today and I don't normally read the letters...I will this time I'd scan it, but I lost the power cord to my scanner when I moved Maureen
  24. Dang you guys are hard core...good stuff! Maureen
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