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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Nancy, thank you, that is very generous of you....I thought you wanted that St Croix rod, it's a nice one Maureen
  2. The auction is now closed, congrats to all the winning bidders!!! Thank you to all who donated a prize and to those of you who bid on items. I will be in touch with all the winners to make arrangements to get your items. The auction raised a total of 3660.00!!!!! Our best year yet!!! The auction, combined with Saturday's totals along with a couple of donations we raised a total of 7593.00!!!!!! You are all AMAZING!!!!! Maureen
  3. Hey all, the Tyler auction ends at noon and there's some great deals to be had!!!! There are a couple of charters/guided trips going for a price you'll never get anywhere else, this is the time to try something new!!! There are also a couple of beauty St Croix rods available, you'll never get them in the store for the price they're at now! Lures galore, the HammerHead lures retail for almost 6$ for the smallers one and here you're getting 5 assorted in a pack!!! Check it out, you never know what you could walk away with!!!! Maureen
  4. Hey, I'm sorry I haven't been around much this week and I wanted to say a big thanks to everyone for all your bids, and to those who keep promoting it, you have no idea how much this means. Good luck Maureen
  5. Very nice Shelly!!!! Great day to be out there, and from the looks of it those fish like the cold weather days Maureen
  6. That's GREAT!!! Congrats Dave!!! Maureen
  7. One of my favorite shows, I'd love to have Mike and his crew make their way up here one day, I bet he'd have a field day finding all the things wrong with my house. Mike Holmes has definitely been good for the trades and keeping them on their toes, more and more people are a little more edumacated on what to look for in a contractor thanks to the show. I do hope he is able to make strides towards beefing up the building codes though. I'll watch the show, but don't promise to stay awake for the whole thing Maureen
  8. sorry can't make it tonight Almost sleepy time
  9. We haven't heard from you in a while, how's the recovery going, is you other bud home yet?? I hope everything is going smoothly and you're not getting worn out trying to keep the pup quiet Maureen
  10. Now that's hard core!!!! Good stuff Pete!!!! Maureen
  11. Rich, like Art I have had many friends over the years who will always be with me. The new one's I've made have never replaced their predecessors, but have become new comapanions and added new momories. She's a cutie and I'm sure your Lab will love her...by the way, I live the name Maureen
  12. Thsoe are some GREAT pics douG, thanks for sharing!!!! Maureen
  13. Hey all, I'm a little behind in getting info to Roy but the main auction for "fishing for Tyler" should begin tomorrow sometime. There are some amazing items to bid on and I hope enough so that all who want can participate. Thanks for your patience Maureen
  14. Hey all, first of all let me say a huge thank you to everyone here on behalf of Tyler's parents, you will hear from them later, they were completely overwhelmed by the generosity of so many, especially by the fact that most have never met Tyler. First of all we had a record number of participants this year....123 people registered, we raised a total of 3333.82 today and this does include the money I have recieved from both the B of Q get together and the early bird auction. I have not counted the money I am still waiting for. Also this was the best year for media attention! If you didn't get to see the 6pm news on the VR you might see it at 11pm if you're interested. I was thrilled to see it was a story not just on today and Tyler, but on the struggle all people living with Autism go through. I have to thank K-Dawg for the extra media, without him getting in touch with his contacts, things might have been different so thanks again Karl, and I hope you got some rest The top fish was caught by Tony B and measured in at 25". second was TBay Boy at 22 1/2", and third was Aaron with 18 1/2" For Perch it was Lexxington with 10 1/2", a 2 way tie at 10" by Fisherman and Gerrit, third was 9 7/8 by Theresa McDonald I'd like to thank the cooks Big Cliff and Loonietoon as well as Big Cliffs son CJ who did all manner of things to help me out thanks to all of you it was a GREAT day While as I said this was the best year yet, I have to say it was great to see so many young people this year!! It made my day to see that! I've read most of the posts and comments about this year's event, and I would like to say thank you for all the nice comments, just know I do not do any of this on my own, and if it weren't for the amazing group of people in this community this day could never have happened, so Kudo's to you all!!! I also need to say thanks to Tinbanger who was instrumental in getting so many of the Prizes, along with Starbucks of Barrie for the coffee and Hot Chocolate, Sobey's of Alcona for the Burgers and Hot Dogs along with all the condiments, Weston's Bakery for the buns for the Sausages and Chicken, Tony for the Chicken, John Kerr for the mention in the Toronto Sun, Al Flaherty's for the box of prizes, Bass Pro Shops for their contibutions, and of course Hammer Head Lures for their incredible generosity!!!! I'm sorry if I didn't mention someone, please do not feel slighted, everyone's contribution was appreciated to the point that saying thank you seems inadequate Now that all being said... BRING ON SPRING AND THE SOFT WATER!!! Maureen
  15. Have fun gents, I'll be asleep Maureen
  16. Morning all, I'm just about to head out the door for Simcoe, I'll see ya's there, drive safe now ya hear Maureen
  17. Like Wayne said, get your gas tech 3, then go for the 5 months take it for a spin, come back get your gas tech 2 and I'd be willing to bet anyone who hires you for the summer will be happy to have to back with an upgraded education...and of course there is the current temps. to consider Maureen
  18. Wierd, first time I tried to reply it came up with a "flood control" error messge, re did it and got a double messge....I need to get some sleep Maureen
  19. Looks like a nice way to spend the day Rustic, thanks for doing the pre fish and checking out the conditions Sorry you can't make it, you'd have done well by the looks of things, lets hope the fish are still hungry tomorrow Maureen
  20. Wayne, glad to hear things are looking good for Jen! As good as it would be to see you tomorrow, you might just want to stay in bed a little longer and get a good nights sleep....or at least as best you can with two of your girls in the big smoke Maureen
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