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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Ha, that's just a short trip around the corner Maureen
  2. Like the others have said, there's a lot of factors in making that decision. For the last 5 years I have been commuting at least 300km/day, the last three have been 370km/day until almost 2 months ago when I went back to 300km. For me the trade off is worth it...and that's all that matters. You have to make the decision based on what's important to you and your family and go from there...oh, you also have to like to drive Maureen
  3. Great stuff Rich, hope the truck was an easy fix... Maureen
  4. Sounds like a keeper to me Pete, congrats... Maureen
  5. Dang I'm jealous! The best I can do is 46.6 kbps transfer rate, and right now most days I'm lucky if I can get a 2.4 kbps aarrrrrgggghhhh Glad you got it sorted out Cliff Maureen
  6. Hey Cliff, I'd be interested for sure, I just hope it's while I'm on Holiday as I won't be off on weekends again for quite a while Very nice of your friend to offer this, if I don't manage to get out there on the date he is down, please pass on my appreciation. Maureen
  7. Of all the days to go sleep in my car during my break ... Dang Peter glad you had a good day, and yes, Mark and the other members of Extreme Angling TV are a great bunch. Maureen
  8. I was going to say happy birthday but now what I have to say would be removed by the filters Ya old Phart Maureen
  9. Good morning Tom, and all...I decided to sleep in today, Good luck today Tom, and the rest of ya's behave yourselves Maureen
  10. Thanks for posting that Norm, still having problems with both phone and computer, but today they decided to co operate some Maureen
  11. Thanks for the reply guys, I'm not able to post pictures at the moment as I'm having problems with my connection, but will when I can. Brian, yes I took another look and there is a transducer in the box....helps to know what it looks like ... I thought of the box idea for the seats, but I want them to all be interchangeable so I need to get the same as I have now, or put four new posts in...and from what I've seen so far that can be pricey. I'll post some pics when I can. Thanks Maureen
  12. That law has been around for quite a while now, and I think it's about time they went after these folks! It blows my mind how people will just whip right by with no regard for the safety of those working on the side of the road, in some cases possibly saving a life! That and the one's who refuse to pull over for emergency vehicles....grrrrrr.... Maureen
  13. No, I'm just an operator , only the ones lucky enough to drive the big engines are engineers I'm working on it, off weekends right now, hoping to confirm the boat card class, you still up for that? I've been working shifts for a few years now Cliff, I won't get the hours I was getting but I'll do ok, starting April I'll be working from 10:30am to 6:30pm, not too bad with my measly seniority ...oh and I'll have Tues/Wed off, so I can be on the water when everyone else is at work Maureen
  14. Not sure how prominant I am, but I live just outside Penetang...what can I do for you? If it's a question about fishing in the area, not much help from me sad to say, at least not until I manage to get my boat out there and find my way around Maureen
  15. Hey all, time for me to start thinking of changes to my boat. Right now I have two seats, I'd like to add two more, so are the posts a standard size? I'd like to match the size I have now so they are all interchangeable. Can I just go to BPS and get a pair of brackets and install them or should I mesure the diameter of the ones I have now and try to match the plates? Slowpoke was very nice and gave me his old fishfinder, I know nothing about these, how much is a transducer on average and where's the best (least expensive) place to get them....what exactly am I looking for? When towing the boat, for the mean time, can I get away with just tying the steering wheel so the motor doesn't shift side to side, and I guess the motor should be in the raised position or does it matter? My budget is very tight right now and I'm trying to avoid buying a transom saver until things improve a bit. I'm sure I'll have more questions but I'll leave it at that for now Maureen
  16. Well it's been three VERY LONG years but I've finally been transfered back to operating the subway. I got the news the day before the Tyler event and have spent the last two weeks studying and taking my 9 day requalification course. Thursday afternoon I was given my certificate and it's now official. Starting Monday, if any of you have occasion to use the Yonge/University/Spadina line, ya just never know who might be bounching you around or closing the doors on you This change will take at least 30-45 minutes off my commute each way along with about 60km/day shorter, should save me a bit of money. No more fighting with the traffic, worrying about the weather, oh it's going to be so nice to be underground . I will miss the customers I met while at Wheel Trans, but I really needed the change. So now that the stress of tests is over, I can focus on sending out the auction items and start thinking about what I'm going to do with my boat Maureen
  17. Awwww. he so cute, i love puppies Have fun with him Chris, I bet he doesn't like to sleep in like your other fella Arnie Maureen
  18. Awwww. he so cute, i love puppies oopsdang back button.... Maureen
  19. Kevin, you might have some traction, but it's always a good idea to have some cleats with you just in case Wow Wayne, you got a lot more snow that I did, on this side of the Bay there was maybe 5 inches at best....ok maybe 6 Maureen
  20. Very nice Glen! Gonna hafta make a trip down that way one day to Alabanana's Maureen
  21. Congrats Chris, that's an achievement!!!! Maureen
  22. Dangerous conditions out there right now, be careful going to work today folks.....and if you're lucky enough to be heading out fishing, be careful not to slip and breat the camera Maureen
  23. That's a personal question only you can answer, I myself would have turned around and paid for it, in fact I have, but that's just me. Maureen
  24. First of all, congrats to all of you and thank you for your support! Please make all cheques out to Elisa and Terry French and send them to Maureen Manning, 167 Timcourt Drive, Penetang Ontario, L9M 1R2 Thanks again Maureen
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