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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Good luck today Joe, hope you have lots of wine kicking around for your recovery Maureen
  2. Huh, I put in a pedestal seat a couple of weeks ago, not a power post, but I like it, and it's tall enough. Picked it up at BPS and I can promise you I didn't pay 150.00 for it! I think the seat cost me 25, and I can't remember what the post was. I'll be stopping in at BPS tomorrow and will take a look see and let you know if you want. Maureen
  3. Hey Gerritt, sorry to hear about your wifes Grandmother, it's never an easy time. When you know the dates, I might stop in for a day....can't spend the night though.... Maureen
  4. I can't do an overnight...no holidays now until Dec. and no money . I may make it up for a day trip depending on what days off I end up with. Maureen
  5. Thanks Phil, as Tom said, enjoy your upcoming long weekend... Maureen
  6. Happy Canada Day to you as well Brian, I'll be thinking of all of you fishing and such while I'm toiling away at work Maureen
  7. Way cool!!! Congrats Clive!!!! Maureen
  8. Great pictures!!! Some nice Bass there, congrats! Maureen
  9. Great report Brian! I'm glad to hear the weather cleared up so the kids could get on the water and catch a few fish....sounds like they caught fish bigger than my puny PB Congrats to the organizers, volunteers and sponsers! You all made a huge difference to these kids! Maureen
  10. Ill have to go to Steve's one day this week to view it...dang dial-up Maureen
  11. Ahh well that's how it goes, at least I now know you're still alive Dave Hope you and the others manage to get out sometime this weekend while I'm slaving away at work for the next 4 days Maureen
  12. Have a GREAT day Pete! Maureen
  13. Great deal, am in the market, but my budget isn't One of these days I'll get me one of those, could sure use it up where losing power is a more frequent occurance. Thanks for sharing it with us Cliff. Maureen
  14. It was good to see you again Rich and meet your girls....that last picture of Kia is great! Maureen
  15. What a GREAT smile!!! He's a sweet young man, but if he keeps taking lessons from Dawg on how to set fires, he's gonna need a good lawyer Like the others said, it was great seeing three generations having such a good time together, and I'm sure there will be many more such trips in the future.....I just hope you survive getting out the door without the young fella to head up to the French Maureen
  16. I agree with Tom, those socks and shoes gotta go....as for Pete..... Maureen
  17. Sweet deal, too bad it goes up to 50 bucks almost after shipping charges are added Ah well, maybe one day I'll get me one of those... Maureen
  18. Some nice fish there, Congrats on the new PB Carol! Maureen
  19. Hey Mike, I'm sorry I didn't actually neet you and your wife, but I am glad you both had a great time and hopefully I'll get a chance to meet you next year. Maureen
  20. Welcome Lootbag, as Verminator says, there's loads of places in the GTA to fish, we have plenty of people here that fish the area regularly. Simcoe is not far away either if you want something a little different, and neither is Scugog for that matter. Welcome back Maureen
  21. Some good shots there Dawg, must be something wrong with the camera though, there seem to be a few that are a little blurry? Better look into that Maureen
  22. when I checked it earlier Joey was number 27 Maureen
  23. Glad to hear you made it home safe and sound Glen! It was good to see you again and I enjoyed fishing with you even if we didn't catch anything Maureen
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