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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. I started using a handle when first getting on the internet...kind of a safety net I guess, didn't always want people to know my real name until I was comfortable with them. The handle was given to me years ago by an old friend/co-worker back in the SNL days I liked it so I kept it....that's my story and I'm sticking to it Maureen
  2. Actually Lew, from what I understand, Barrie didn't get much accumulation, and all the white outs were south of Barrie...now up here in Penetang is a different story Still haven't had the energy to go out and clear the driveway or front deck from last night's snow fall... Glad you had a good and safe trip... Maureen
  3. Come on, ya gotta give him some points for that reply , on the other hand, instead of using your power of mind control to think him jumping out the window, use it to think him unemployed Maureen
  4. Them's is some monster fish...funny I don't see you in any of those pics Maureen
  5. Yup, clothes, blanket, tarp, candles...all part of the emergency kit I keep in the car...along with a few other items....might throw a couple more things in for my trip to uxbridge with my friend and her young lad. Maureen
  6. Lets see, you're daughter was safe, you both got to fish and you brought fish home....not the worst day, just one with challenges, and certainly not a waste of time from my perspective... Maureen
  7. Looks good Cliff, me thinks you just started a new tradition for your family Maureen
  8. Just over 100 vehicles in 4 accidents on the 400 between King Rd and Hwy 89, 2 southbound, 2 Northbound, no life threatening injuries. It can be scary when you get into a whiteout. My friends son had his 7th Bday party at his grandparents in Barrie today. Only my friend, her husband and two boys, her parents and myself made it...her sister and brother turned around when they found out what a mess it was up north....kids had fun anyway I've driven through at least three squalls in the last two days...hope it's not as bad tomorrow, supposed to take my friend to Uxbridge to look at a horse in the morning... boy am i glad I got a snowblower Maureen
  9. Clear skies here now, but took me over an hour to clear the driveway... Maureen
  10. Hope they have a great day, and I trust Jeff was nicer to Helene than my brother was to me when I arrived on his birthday Maureen
  11. Good stuff...Hey Beans, you paying attention??? Maureen
  12. Yup GB not funny, just true. even when I lived there I didn't fish it, but have seen many others do so. I've cleaned the diveway once already and will likely have to do it again before I head out to Barrie in a couple of hours. From what I can tell lots of good ice on the north side of Penetang Bay, likely Midland as well although I haven't been by there for a bit. Grant, did you call those numbers I sent you for the tackle shop and Pier 69? Maureen
  13. Bring a shovel with you, snowing like a good think here right now....calling for squalls all day today....sorry I wasn't more help in the fishing dept. Grant, hope you guys have a great time, and if I wasn't busy tomorrow I'd join ya Maureen
  14. Good stuff Jack, glad to see you back up and still fighting Maureen
  15. Thanks guys I appreciate it. Cranks Bait, this young lad will just be wearing it around the house, I think it's everyone else that's going to be in need of safety gear ....he loves those helmets as well as Goalie masks....the kid is too funny Maureen
  16. Ok, my friends 3 1/2 yr old is obesessed with dirt bike and ATV's...actually he likes those a lot but is obessessed with the helmets wierd kid any way, she's been trying to find him one but all the real one's are over 100 bucks, way too much for a kid to play dress up. I know that used ones are not allowed to be sold, but thought I'd see if anyone here had an old one they'd be willing to give a young fella to wear...not while on a bike. They also make or used to make bike helmets that looked simiar to dirt bike helmets....that would do as well. If you don't have one any thoughts on where me might get one? His fav color is red by the way Thanks Maureen
  17. Thanks for the updates Norm and Cliff....we're pulling for him and hoping for the best results!!! Maureen
  18. Nice looking work, how's about a pic of the final product? hopefully with a fish on the end of the line I like the colors too Maureen
  19. Hopefully it's just a reaction to his medication and he'll be fine. As for visitation Beans, I'm sure there would be no problem, as long as a big crowd doesn't show up Help him and yourself feel better and pop in and say hello to your firend....jmho Maureen
  20. Congrats Mike! He's a cutie! maureen
  21. I'm still trying to decide if I will insure or not...if anything it would be for liability as i don't think I'd get much back after the deductible. Was going to put it as a rider on my house policy...was quoted I think 22.00/yr for a milliion? I look more into it in the spring. maureen
  22. Nice stuff Garry, but me, I'd be hanging out at the auction this week Maureen
  23. Well I've officially booked my cabin today We'll have the cabin from the 15th to the 22nd this year, as well as a docking space for the boat ..lots more for at least one of us I didn't get that week off for my vacation this year but I'm working on it. At the very least Beans will be up there as well as my mom for the days I'm not. Maureen
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