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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. I know Steve had a similar problem as far as less cool air going up to the bedroom level. He picked up a couple of "boosters" that go over the register and in the winter it helps push the hot air up and for the summer it has a setting to pull the cool air up, he says it works great. I will try to find out where he got them and will let you know. Maureen
  2. I should be able to come up with something for each. Maureen
  3. ummmmm.....Beans and my mom for a couple of days, then mom and I trade so I guess my mom and I can be counted as 1 so that makes 35 Maureen
  4. I'll be there, not sure what days I'll be up though, sending the folks for a couple of days anyway Jack you will not be left a shore at all, I will have my boat there this year. Maureen
  5. Ok, I've been through this with my cousin recently. You can go to Service Canada and you'll get a replacement S.I.N. card within 2 weeks, you can replace your Birth Certificate online, it's 35 dollars, Health Card was issued on the spot after he had his Birth Certificate, and two other pieces of idea, I think one with an address on it....all in all it was fairly painless....but then most of it was done in Barrie where it's not too busy. Good luck Maureen
  6. Congrats Joey and Paul!!!! I chose to go the life insurance instead of mortgage ins., I found it less expensive and it covers me for more than my mortgage so there will be no debt left for anyone left behind when my time comes.....I hope Maureen
  7. Thanks for all the replies, I picked up a Daiwa Regal 2500xia. It was 45.00 so I'm happy, had one spooled with 6lb and the other with 8lb trilene.... Maureen
  8. Hey Art, the eye's start bigger than a quarter and get smaller as they go up to the tip, I'm guessing that's for a spinning reel based on my other rods and reels? Maureen
  9. Here ya go, the smallest fish I ever caught, or at least have a photo of
  10. Thanks Gb, but the biggest reason is I need to be near someone who can go with me to teach me how to operate the boat safely in waves and such....Beans at the moment is my best bet, and as far as I know somewhat willing . I may dock it near by if I can afford it, but then someone has to spend the gas to come show me what I need to know. Maureen
  11. I was thinking I might try to find a place to dock my boat for this season. There is an outside chance that I may be able to dock it at Beans place but if not any suggestions? How much should I expect to pay for the season? I think Cliff said a place near him might have some docks? Is that right Big Cliff? I don't think I want to dock it up here, not too comfortable going out on G Bay until I get used to /learn more about operating a boat. Thanks Maureen
  12. Thanks for the suggestions folks, I appreciate it. I'm not sure if it's for spinning or bait casters? I tried to look at my other rods but who knows, I'm thinking it's a spinning reel I'm looking for As for budget, less is best right now, but I don't want to go so cheap that it won't last me a season. Also anyone know what type of fishing this type of rod is best used for? Thanks again Maureen
  13. Hey all, I picked up a new Rod from Mark Kulik a couple of weeks ago and now I need a new Reel for it. It's a St. Croix 7' one piece, Med-Lite, fast action and good for 1/8 to 1/2 oz lures and 4-10lb fish (good luck to me catching one that big ) What is this best suited for and what Reel would you recommend? I'm going to Bass Pro tomorrow.... Thanks Maureen
  14. No fishing for me, working Sat. then going to a wedding after that, working Sunday and Monday, now that I know BPS is open Monday I may stop in on my way home. Maureen
  15. Actually he was not charged with impaired as he was not over the legal limit, he was however driving at about 120 or so and an inexperienced driver with only a G-2 lisence so should not have had any alcohol. The two that died were not wearing seatbelts Very sad indeed. The thing I notice is that they do the "crack down" on long weekends when it's hard to go the limit let alone over it, but not a cruiser in site when I go to work in the morning. They were out this afternoon on my way home for the first time this week. I sure hope that plane is worth the money, but the jury is still out....easy to spot the bad drivers, not so easy to nab when they are not enough crusiers out to pull them over. I'm just glad Friday is my day off and I'll be staying home. Be safe all of you.... Maureen
  16. Dang Lew, that is a GREAT Mothers day!!! I'm so glad she's doing better!!! Maureen
  17. Good stuff Matt, but by the way you're dressed one would think you were still up here in Ontario Maureen
  18. Congrats Kyle!!! Looks like an amazing spot!!! Maureen
  19. Sorry to hear that Dave, but knowing you, you'll make out fine in the long run Maureen
  20. Great stuff gals!!! Cliff, I now know why you don't let the older one go out with Carol too much, they both out fish you Maureen
  21. Have a fun and healthy summer Wayne and Leah!!! Maureen
  22. Just got home from work and I head back out tomorrow morning at 5:30am or so for another day of fun and excitement in the tunnels Maureen
  23. Ric, as always, excellent post. After reading it I don't think that only those who fish in the city will benefit from it Maureen
  24. That's great! Congrats and I'm sure you'll have a blast! Maureen
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