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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Hey all, exciting news...the Extreme Team will be at Fishing for Tyler this year!!!! and they'll be filming a show for the 2009 season!!!! The team will also make themselves available for autographs for the kids who attend Thanks for your support guys, and I look forward to meeting you! Maureen
  2. Hey all, as soon as Roy has a minute he'll be posting an early bird auction for Fishing for Tyler. Thanks to the Generosity of two companies through memebers here we have two amazing items going on the block early!!! I'll let you all stir and wonder until Roy is able to post it Maureen
  3. Thanks Lew, does Marv have ice pics for his paws No freezing rain up here, just rain...clearing off the roof for me maureen
  4. Morning kids the plow just went by and the driver was nice enough to clean all the old snow and ice off the road and put it at the end of my driveway Looks like I'll be putting my snowblower to the test....wonder how it will do moving that wet, heavy icy garbage Enjoy your day and play safe on the roads Maureen
  5. Nice fish!!! also good to see you and your trucks didn't go for a swim Maureen
  6. That's too bad Cliff...hey if you want to make the trip up here one day we can give Penetang or Midland bay a try....can't promise any fish, but I can promise good company if I may say so myself Maureen
  7. Good stuff Cliff, looks nice! and ya, I researched Kia before I bought mine and they have come a long way in the last couple of years....i think it helped that Hudai bought them Enjoy!!! maureen
  8. Well Jaimie, now you need to buy a bigger boat Congrats!!!! Maureen
  9. Very nice Greg, welcome Maureen
  10. Hey all, sorry if this is the wrong place...a friend e-mailed me the following and thought some might be interested in it. So, I bought this game last week from EB games for $54.99+tax and none of us here really like it... our friends told us how fun and cool it was so i bought it... silly me, I should have tried it first cuz EB wont let me return an opened game... so this has been played 2 times only so it is in MINT brand new condition with box, and it comes with a cool fishing rod that you put the Wii control and nunchuk in so its like you are actually fishing... any fishers out there.. lol hope someone wants it cuz it was alot of money and would probably be fun and cool for someone... Paid I think $62.00 with the tax... looking for at least $45 as it is brand new. thanks south end barrie. [email protected] Maureen
  11. Too bad none of them have the price made available I would like to get rid of the siding on my house and these products look like they would do what I want. I think the one Wayne posted gave a price per sheet, but I only took a quick look. I need to figure out how much square footage the outside of my house is first I guess, then maybe call them.... Maureen
  12. Good to hear Rick, I bet Jack's brother will be happy to get back home though Maureen
  13. Very cool Dave, I bet he's pretty stoked! Good shot too! See it's woth coming to Fishing for Tyler...just might get in a magazine Maureen
  14. New pup??? Chris you have a new pup??? and it's had surgery??? hope everything went well... Maureen
  15. Hey guys, you've been awefully quiet about the recuperation of your pups....Rick, how's Jack doing? is his companion back home and playing nice???? Rich, how about your pup, sorry I forgot her name...how's the rehab coming along? maureen
  16. Hey Ryan, welcome aboard Them there's a lot of pics and killer for me on dial up....I hope to take a gander over the weekend if I visit a friend with high speed Maureen
  17. Coming along nicely Tony don't forget the driveway though maureen
  18. Sorry Gerritt I can't help you with the chili, as much as I'd like to, sadly I can't eat the beans that go with it I can however provide you with a Mac and Cheese like you've never had You need a decent sized caserole dish, cook about 4 cups macaroni elbows, while that's cooking shred up lots of Cheddar Cheese, I use old because I like the bite of it, but any will do. Have flour and pepper and tomato juice on hand. cover the bottom of the caserole dish with macaroni...just, spinkle about a table spoon of flour over it, add pepper to your taste and cover with shredded cheese. pour some tomato juice over it, maybe just enough to wet it. Put on another layer of macaroni, flour, pepper and cheese and tomato juice. Repeat until caseerole dish is almost full. for the last layer, leave out the flour, pour on the tomato juice until the dish is pretty much full, cover the top with shredded cheese....the more the better Bake in the over at 375 for approx. 45-60 minutes, uncovered. If you like crispy cheese, turn on the broiler for the last 5 minutes or so. If you really like tomatos, add some chopped tomatos to each layer. I have also added onions to mine, the variations are endless I hope all that makes sense, no one has ever written it down before as far as I know. Maureen
  19. You folks are AMAZING!!!! I am truly Verklempt Maureen
  20. Thanks guys I really appreciat that. Cliff is going to check with the butcher on the price and let me know...as soon as I know I'll forward it on to you. Thanks again so much Maureen
  21. I don't know, seems to me 75.00 is not alot of money when replacing a 230.00 rod...still cheaper than buying a new one I'd say. Mind you I can't afford to buy a 230.00 rod in the first place. I say get it replaced and chalk it up to "lesson learned" and when buying a new rod in the future then try elsewhere... jmho Maureen
  22. You are correct Gerritt. As for the banning of handguns...well those who are calling for it are either nieve, not too bright, wishful thinkers or politicians paying lip service could be all of the above. Maureen
  23. Good morning all, last year a butcher in Lindsay I believe gave us 150 sausages at his cost...100.00, not a bad deal at all. I believe three members of the board contibuted to their purchase. This year I'm looking for some help in getting those sausages again....they were very popular, and very tasty While I will try to get confirmation on the price, is anyone willing and able to help pay for them??? Thanks Maureen
  24. Don't have a "camp knife" but I never leave home without my Swiss Army Knife Maureen
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