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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Hey Canuck, I hope to be out there a few times this year, but I expect I won't go too far away as it's my first year with a boat. I don't have a radio, maybe I should look into one? I will have some OFC decals and will be looking into a flag for the boat. I'll be putting in at Pete Peterson Park and will be sticking to the general area....don't know all the names of the islands and stuff yet Maureen
  2. Well you could have reported them.... still can I imagine, if you cna identify them they could be charged with cuelty to animals....doing nothing just teaches them they can get away with it and may do worse in the future. Maureen
  3. Great News Dave!!! I'm glad it all worked out so well Maureen
  4. Sounds like a great day! Congrats on the win guys, and a BIG thanks to you BOB for your support and this report Maureen
  5. Very sad day today, the Salvation Army's toy stock for Christmas is pretty much gone now from CP24 Fire Ravages Salvation Army Warehouse Sunday May 4, 2008 CityNews.ca Staff A fire at a Toronto warehouse Sunday night did more than damage a building: it left the Salvation Army worried they won't be able to meet the needs of hundreds of hungry families. The fire broke out around 11:30am. Sprinklers helped save the building at 150 Railside Rd. in North York, but the food, clothes and toys stored in the facility were heavily damaged by both smoke and water. "All of the food products donated to the Salvation Army actually moves through this warehouse," said Salvation Army's Ken Rawlins. "So all of our community and family services units that provide food daily to our clientele get their supplies from this unit." Water damage was extensive and the smell of smoke lingered well into Monday morning promising a cleanup effort that will take days. Still, even after the cleanup is complete nobody can say how long it will take to replenish what has been lost. "It's very heartbreaking for us, and it's going to be a while before we're able to get back on our feet," said Maj. Doug Binner, Area Commander. No estimate has been given regarding how much was lost, but it could well be in the millions. If you'd like to help replenish the supplies lost in the blaze, call 1-800-SAL-ARMY to set up a cash or credit card donation. Maureen
  6. Glad everything went well, sure looked cold out there. Talked to my mom (Maribeth) and she thoroghly enjoyed herself and had a great time with Sydney even if she did continually beat her at tic tac toe Maureen
  7. Beauty fish there Carol, CONGRATS!!! Maureen
  8. Congrats on the new PB Dave! maureen
  9. Hope you all have a good day and good weather. Maureen
  10. Have a great summer! Hope everyone stays healthy Maureen
  11. PM Kirk, he may be able to help you. Good luck Maureen
  12. Have a great time douG, I'll look forward to your report. Maureen
  13. It's a City TV promotion, only one station and I think it's at Mavis just south of the 401, end at 9am I believe, just throw on City TV or 680 News. Maureen
  14. Sorry but I'm back to work that day Hope all goes well for you ... Maureen
  15. Had some of that in Barrie this morning too but it didn't stay on the lawn like that thank goodness....but then as it's my vacation I expected nothing less Ya have to wait until you're a retired old fart for those Maureen
  16. I have three large dogs that will bark when people go by. If I'm home I put a stop to it, if I'm not home most of the neighbors just tell the dogs to shut up and they listen. The neighbor behind me who is most affected has taken the time to talk to me and get to know the dogs, and now they go running when she comes out as she usually has a cookie for them they've also managed to get the new girl who is very nervous to take treats and she goes and lies down when they tell her to be quiet....most neighbors here also know the dogs names. Maureen
  17. me thinks it'll be a long wait Maureen
  18. Hey all, back from BPS and I got most of what I needed. I did get the O rings as well as new screws, along with anchor, rope, dock rope new winch roll, two bases for the seats...still need seats and posts but they'll come in time. I want to thank Cory again for giving me the Bass pro certificates that he got in the Auction for Tyler....they were a big help! Steve Paul, thanks for the offer...right now the windshield itself isn't damaged but the middle has come out of the frame....nor sure how big a problem that is...I'll take a couple of pictures of it tomorrow and some measurements. I was thinking of taking the top of the frame off to get the windshield back in but can't figure out how to do it without breaking it. As for the oil change on the Sportage, I explained what happened and they are giving me a free oil change, but since that one was supposed to be free I'm still out the oil I had to put in and the day stuck at home....not sure if I should call the manager or not...it was just one of the guys that worked there that I spoke with this morning. I'm just glad Steve was able to fix it for me. Maureen
  19. Good morning all, boy it's good to be back and able to post and read posts For the past few months I have had problems with my connection and barely able to get online and trying to post was an execise in frustration. The problem was with my phone line and Bell came out and the tech put in a new box outside the house, and spliced some new wires in, I expect to have a few problems with that in the future but for now I'm happy Managed to get the screws of the lower unit of the boat motor yesterday and a bit of water came out with the oil, there wasn't a lot so I think I should be ok???? I'm hoping to pick up new screws for it when I'm at BPS today. I managed to get the screw off when Steve came over to help me with my car yesterday... ....I took my car in to Super Lube in Midland on Sat morning, I have done this several times now, in fact they had a deal it seems where you buy 5 and the 6th one is free....this was my free one. I drove home, and then back into town a couple of hours later to get my cousin and back home, total of about 50km. On the way back home the oil light comes on? I check when I get home and the dip stick is dry Of course Super Lube was closed and closed on Suncay....stuck home for the day until Steve came over after he got home from work, found that they had left the gasket from the old filter on so there wasn't a proper seal....he managed to fix it (after I took a couple of pictures) and added some oil, I'll be going in this morning to let them know what happened....will get back with their response. This morning I am off to BPS to pick up a couple of things and do some pricing, I'm on vacation this week and hope to do some stuff with the boat. I had hoped to put it in the water but the weather doesn't appear to want to cooperate I need to get an anchor and rope, and new winch line? A couple of safety chains, want to price seats for the boat and covers. My cover got damaged over the winter as did the windshield...I'm hoping that's minor....the weight of the snow and melting ice pulled the windhield in a bit, I've managed to push it out some, not sure if it's enough yet....oh well I'll tinker with it and see what happens. Have a great day all Maureen
  20. Great stuff Cliff, it was a beauty day and you added to it with the way you spent it Thanks for sharing, Maureen
  21. That's too bad Cliff, I won't be able to make it the following week as my vacation will be over and it's back to work for me Maureen
  22. Good stuff Glen, give her a good work out Hope that's it for repairs for the season now..... Maureen
  23. My 2007 Kia Sportage 4cyl 5 speed gets me about 30-33mpg on average going back and forth to work. My VW Golf Diesel used to get me close to 50mpg. Steve's new 2008 Toyota Camry is getting about 40mpg on average so far and isn't broken in yet, it's also a 5 speed. Maureen
  24. I can make it with my cousin Tim, he's got a strong back , and I won't know about Steve until Sat. night so don't count on him coming. Maureen
  25. Hey Rick, I'm sorry to hear about all those challenges, but glad to hear things worked out for you in the end . Now you didn't mention the pups, how are they doing? I gather Jack (right name?) is home and recouping well and is happy to be back with his brother... Good to have you back and I'll look forward to your fishing reports. Maureen
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