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Everything posted by glen

  1. It’s more like someone saying they do stuff that doesn’t fit with normal accepted society. Then they double down on it. The hole that’s created is so big they just get buried. Then they move to blaming others for the problems.
  2. Lol. and he had some ideas that many didn’t enjoy. See if you can get his real name and find him on Facebook.
  3. i went to the grocery store parking lot and sat there for an hour. I didn’t leave my car. I watched the people coming to get food. Don’t worry the virus is going to keep spreading.
  4. It’s odd that they wouldn’t stop the virus from flying in to Canada but they will stop you from going out of your house.
  5. I have masks ready and if I go out I’ll wear one then set it aside for a few weeks before i wear it again. I haven’t been to a store in over two weeks
  6. I pulled the winch and bow roller off the trailer. Now I need to find 1/4 x2” flat bar 30” long. I need to move the roller farther from the bow so I can use low gear on the winch.
  7. I’m gonna make a list of the people that are a problem and I ain’t on it.
  8. So the gov closes the boat ramps to protect people. but at the critical time when the virus was being flown in what did they do? Did they close the air travel from places that had the virus. The people making the decisions are the problem. Please tell me what good they did.
  9. How many freedoms are you going to give up for the greater good.
  10. Group of seven. what did they paint?
  11. What places have home grocery delivery?
  12. Limit your exposure to other people. Don’t go to the hospital. Don’t touch your face. Wear glasses or goggles and a mask if you have to go to a high risk place. A buff on your face should help if you don’t have masks. If it doesn’t get in your mouth nose or eyes you ain’t getting it. right now is the time to protect yourself.
  13. My simcoe record is 15”. 1lb 15oz. I believe 20” ain’t going to happen. They just don’t get that big. Kinda like a 100lb Muskie.
  14. Glad your back Roy. I met you one year at lakeair do you remember that?
  15. The snow is not helping. It might get slushy. Another year of crappy ice.
  16. We waited years for the leafs to get a goalie. Goal scoring. Talent. A great coach. Now it is all gone because some in the room already got everything they wanted. A bag of cash. Never did want the cup. A rebuild is on its way. Pick players who love to play and win this time.
  17. The leafs dressing room is broken. They don’t enough will to win.
  18. The parade is back on. Way to hang on. Go leafs.
  19. Hard to watch. Might poke out my eyes. Skate you slugs. How are the raptors doing. Can they play Saturday night at 7pm.
  20. Lol. The chicken dance. How nice. Get fired on Remembrance Day for telling people to wear a poppy. Priceless. When the next war brakes out I hope they are the front line
  21. For you people that need a poppy grapes just got a job doing poppy tattoos.
  22. I guess wearing a poppy is too much to ask.
  23. Running dry was a thing when using a 2stroke and removing it and laying down in the back of a truck know I run stabil in all small motors
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