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Status Updates posted by Freshtrax

  1. Must..launch...boat....soon...going....crazy...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. irishfield


      Leaving noon tomorrow for a week of ICE FISHING!! lol


    3. Freshtrax


      Just found it in the regs. Must be trolling to use 4 rods with two people in the boat. I drifting and anchoring are out.

    4. Freshtrax


      Wow glad I read that again...only one rod per Person in all of Georgian bay, no exceptions, i may have broken that rule last year on accident.

  2. Headed out to long shoal in the am if anyone wants to join.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. aplumma


      sure I did cold hands freezing feet, ice glare headache.... the things we do for fun.


    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      The walk would of been fun !!!!!not lol.

    4. Freshtrax


      I wouldn't dream of walking out that far .

  3. I forgot how long it took to pack the truck with gear for a Boat Trip

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Freshtrax


      Launched out of Jordan trolled to port d and back went 0/3 gotta learn how to keep fish pinned on the planer boards

    3. spincast


      a good start, next time you'll get 'em aboard

    4. BillM


      Good job man!! Can't wait for the spring time on the southern shore of Lake O!


  4. Just my luck, broken foot during ice fishing season. Now how do I insulate this damn cast thing.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Freshtrax


      Men's league hockey, took a point shot of the inside of my boot.

    3. Fisherman


      How loud was the OWwww?

    4. Fisherpete


      Yikes, brutal buddy

  5. Take it easy shovelling, my 57 year old new or asked me to drive him to the hospital this morning he collapsed as soon as we got there on the er. Floor. He is alive, fingers crossed.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HTHM


      That is why I have a plow on my grass cutter.

    3. GBW


      Hell @ 42 I was winded pushing my big old snowblower around!


    4. ketchenany


      The snowblower had a hard time! I stopped after the first push :)

  6. Surprised my wife with a 22 ft v8 hardtop. She is not impressed . :) but she understands.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Freshtrax


      Thanks, she needs a little work but should be able to splash her in may.

    3. misfish


      I havent seen my buddy yet. I havent forgot about you.

    4. spincast


      sweet - congrats!

  7. I just ice fished the credit. Lol.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. buick14


      Man that sounds like fun. Id be down for that...

    3. misfish


      How are you setting up your baits? I take it your using roe bags.

    4. chefboi17


      You should be able to use a jig head with a roe bag. I want to drop my marcum camera into a river at some point, I have a feeling it would be awesome on the right pool

  8. Any one know how to get rid of the feeling your on a boat long after your on shore after a rough day on the water?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Joey
    3. misfish


      Use to get that all the time when I did bass tournys. It,s a wierd feeling for sure.



      take a swim trax, it tends to rebalance your equilibrium. I get terrible land sickness every time i go out in the rollers.

  9. Bluestone in the am. Need to fill the freezer.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. spincast


      sweet. Figured today would be good. Tomorrow should be even better. Seems best days are when I'm travelling !!!


    3. Freshtrax


      Lol just noticed this said bluestone not bluezone

    4. misfish


      Well, some do get stoned at the blues. LOL



  10. Getting cold feet....going to look at at 25 ft boat next weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      Well she could,but hey. LOL

    3. Freshtrax


      Hah we're already married. Cold feet about the big boat. But hey you only live once.

    4. buick14


      Im sure you'll b more than happy once you get it...

  11. Just picked up a shimano convergance 12'6" 4-8lb. At crappy it ire for 90 bucks...it was an impulse buy...is it any good? Seems alright.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Canuck2fan


      Good rod for the money. Perfect rod for the money it happens to have a Michigan handle?

    3. Freshtrax


      Unfortunately not. I have an old Spahr pin that weighs about a ton I'm hoping it will balance out well. I put my Sahara on it and it felt pretty tip heavy.

    4. Canuck2fan


      Still a good deal though!!! Good strong rods with decent action.

  12. Anyone have a metal lathe? I need two real simple parts made. And shipping from Cali is 30 bucks.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      Can you pm what yer looking for?

    3. Bondar


      can pm me if you like , likely can help


    4. Freshtrax


      I think me and misfish got it sorted. Thanks all the same.

  13. Was out on kempenfelt Sunday and lost power. Just tore the motor down and have a scorched piston, and nobody makes them anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Freshtrax


      Yea I'm gonna check around for some N.o.s stuff. I think it had a stuck ring from sitting for years. I haven't given up yet. It's a 55 hp Easton's viking. 1969. (Chrysler). Ran like a champ for 20 min or so. I haven't given up yet.

    3. Freshtrax


      I did put a new impeller in it and only lower cyl. Is toast

    4. misfish





  14. Whirlpool in the AM. We will see......

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Freshtrax


      Got the day off... A man' s gotta fish. And the boats already been put up.

    3. BillM
    4. Freshtrax


      Water was a nice hue if green. Fish un cooperative.

  15. Fml...snapped a leaf on a truck with 70 k Seem weird

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. irishfield


      Must be a ford... mine snapped at 30K.. but had the help of some drunk whine hitting it and catching it on fire!


    3. irishfield


      Nothing today should be out of warrantee at 70K .. what exactly are you talking about as the message is cryptic


    4. Freshtrax


      Snapped a leaf in the spring pack. Not the main leaf the seccond one down. Only reason I noticed was the horrible klunking as it was sques off to the side and slapping the exaust hanger. Bumper to bumper till 60 k. Power train to 100k. Dealer said he has never seen one snap with so few km. replaced it as a defective part.

  16. Woohoo just bought my first house.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      Nice Colin. Congrats.

    3. Rod Caster
    4. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      Congrats more room for boats and tackle

  17. First big trip of the year. Walleye specks and pike oh my!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Freshtrax


      Ah hh ofc tourney doesn't start till the 15 th.

    3. Fisherpete


      Yeah, gotta get a few people signed up per team first...

    4. Freshtrax



      Tough bite, No walleye there was way to much snow to hike about he lake. We did manage 2 nice 15 inch specks.

  18. Bought my first two musky baits today....what have I done.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. farsider


      And so it begins...



      lol dont catch one or it will be even worse. Trust me after this past weekend im reconsidering my whole life.

    4. Fisherpete







  19. 8 hours on the ice over two days... One stinky rock bass to show for it...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dave524


      If at first you dont succeed , destroy all evidence you even tried.

    3. Freshtrax


      That was my favourite rock bass I have ever caught.

    4. Acountdeleted


      Oh I know that feeling. I was 0-5 and almost ruined the outing yesterday. Talk about snake bit.


      Haha Chris, Pete and I were talking about that yesterday.

  20. I hate moving....I have somehow misplaced a spahr reel. I've checked all the boxes twice !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. grizzlybri


      i moved at the end of September and I'm still looking for stuff. More importantly I've been finding stuff also

    3. HTHM


      If you haven't opened a box in a year donate it.

    4. Canuck2fan


      In the process of moving my folks from their home of 47 yrs into an apartment... So far NO missing boxes. A couple of items are where we can't find them from boxes that we know were unpacked though LOL

  21. And the sleepless nights before a big trip begin....2 days till 17 days off fishing, hope I packed everything.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      Enjoy Andrew and safe travels.

    3. Freshtrax


      Driving...Lspp, Nipigon, and Abitibi are the main events.

    4. bigugli


      I get down right squirrely waiting for those last 2 days to be done

  22. Anyone live in wasaga? Any chance of some open water up that way this coming weekend?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 12footspringbok


      LoL.. you could likely ice fish off the mouth this weekend...

    3. irishfield


      I could sum it up in one picture that I took yesterday...

    4. Christopheraaron


      If it was open it would be blown, head south.

  23. Arms are sore....fisherpete made me reel in ALL the fish

    1. Freshtrax
    2. Fisherpete


      Hahaha and that one (9.75lb bow) didn't put up a fight!

    3. Freshtrax


      You must have them trained. To swim right into the net.

  24. Headed to meaford in the morning with the boat armed only with dipsies. Any clue what depth to start at?

    1. BillM


      I'd start off on the pier instead of the boat.

    2. Freshtrax


      Ended up headed to wasaga, washed spoons in the river from McDonald's down to the mouth then headed out to 70 fow. Lots of marks in the lake but no takers.....beauty morning for a boat ride

    3. lundy16ss


      13 more sleeps till the moose hunt. wahoooo

  25. First boat ride of the year tomorow:)

    1. misfish


      Blue Zone? ;0)

    2. Freshtrax


      Opposite. 10-20 fow. Got one brown and a sunburn...can't complain

    3. BillM


      Good job! Heard the laker bite was pretty good this weekend.

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