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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Incroyable mon grand! Your words bring us that much closer... You must be getting bored of being showered with praise. That being said. Take me with you!! I swear I'm worthy.. I'd sleep outside, on top of the cooler, and fend off the bears myself dagnit Wow. Thanx. Props again brotha. HD
  2. Hard to believe.. I was introduced to this bug remedy during my last Algonquin trip... Mouth Wash!! Scope being the preferred brand.. Makes the bugs go bu-bye and leaves your skin feeling fresh and tingly! cheers HD
  3. True dat. Fantastic little morning read. Coffee went down so much better! cheers! HD
  4. Totally awesome! Love the incognito spruce grouse shots!! Thanx for sharing. HD
  5. You campaining for mayor or something?! All we got was one question. What is our favourite place to fish.. No intro, no pics, just an open ended question. Show us some love first, we might give some back. Lake O.
  6. Noice! Do you need an account with Photobucket to view those vids? they don't seem to upload for me.. cheers HD
  7. That's an atlantic.. dumbo.. HD
  8. Noted and uploaded. Very tactful! Here's mine..
  9. HAHAH. The old man will love that one. They're just a bunch of fascists, and I won't read a fascist publication. Down with Toronto Star. BOOOOOOHHHH
  10. Too bad the general population is with him on this one.. I hate to say it, but we're being overwhelmed by voters who are oblivious to the cause. He's getting approval by instilling fear in people, must of whom have never held a firearm. Couple that with the fear mongers over at the Toronto Star.. That an the fact that Miller is obviously a TOOL.
  11. Man sodas and eyes.. They kinda go hand in hand during May 2-4. Plus a 2-4 pack makes for a great bench! Shaweet! Hope you got more than just diner for your prom though.. yyeeee TOUCH IT! HD
  12. Whereabouts TJ? I could have my dad hold them for ya!
  13. Incredible Clive... Just awe inspiring. Those shots tell of a different story, one of a bond between family and the natural side, one that can only bring you closer to your loved ones. The look of wonderment from Ashen is priceless. Thanx for that. peace HD
  14. Nice! How did she taste?!!
  15. King and Yonge... I worked there for 2 summers.. Boy have I got stories about that place! Owner by the name of Mr Hatch.. At the time we catered mostly to customers from the financial district and he used the store more or less as an office to book corporate altlantic salmon trips. He had rights to water on the Grand Cascapedia and St-Anne in Gaspe. There was an issue that summer in The Atlantic Salmon Federation of a famous writter by the name of Art Lee, who caught and released a 50 pounder... I still have that issue actually. Pitty, I think it's a hair saloon now. Shame. The store had so much history and future potential. Nice find!! cheers HD
  16. Ohhh.. sweet sweet chrome.. Thanx! HD
  17. Ouais... On se gatte!! Warp speed captain.. ENGAGE!! Bien joue grand! N'oublie pas ton manteau de sauvetage.. cheers HD
  18. Merveilleux!! Beauty specs and fish porn... Instant Boner land!! cheers HD
  19. it was 47 degrees on Radiant Lake last weekend... other than that, welcome back dude!
  20. What is this? Fishing 101?! Give a hoot? Read a book.
  21. Hey that duck is out of season! How very wrong and unethical.. Where art thou Danbo?!! Good report brotha. HD
  22. Ahhh HAH!! I see how it is Grant. Game on sucka!
  23. Noice one G! where you by any chance shirtless when you mozied on over to that lady basser? Cause I don't think you got snubbed duude! LOL Great report and all, and the pics are somewhat tastefull, but do you have any future prospects...say, away from the dam?? cheerio HD
  24. Yah.. no worries Cliff. One dose and bubye nasties!!! You may need to get in touch with your past partners though. Roy, I'm looking in your direction.. HAHAAH HD
  25. Beauties! Ya did better than I did. thanx for sharing HD
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