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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Dems fighting words Ms Brooks. You've over-stepped it for the last time. I'm coming after you. Also, you're not fooling anybody by catching OOS pikes and posting them when the season is open. BASS-TURD. HD
  3. thanx CCMT!! This hole didn't yield one trout for me... guess the bottom structure must have changed and the run must have increased in speed or something.. I'll keep that in mind. cheers HD
  4. My waders and xl king, size 12... There was room for 2. HAHAAH!! chuckles.. HD
  5. Thanx Roy. More to come! At least some people here didn't eat crud pie for breakfast... HD
  6. SHAWEEET. Mine kicked me out too.. Report to come! cheers! HD
  7. Oohhh you poor, depraved, little man... You're just bummed cause Moma didn't let you come out and play. Billy is sworn to secrecy, he won't give you nothing, no matter how much you butter him up. Trespassing? That's a larf. The only trespassing I've ever done is through your flower patch, marking my territory. GNNAAWWWW HD OH, and MARSHMELLOWS FOREVER BABY!!
  8. Ricko! Thanx budday. I'll book me and the Dougster a flight to LGA asap, we just gotta work out the dates!! Where you going yakking?! I'm seriously pondering one last trouting tonight... We'll talk later. HD
  9. Mind you, better late than never... Finally had some time to myself and thought I'd share a few pics of our weekend. It's been a good year for us, and from the great reads we've had on the board lately, so have a lot of us! A good load of snow this winter kept the tribs high and no rain prior to opener kept the water nice and clear.. A late spring kept them in the rivers long enough for us to reap the benefits when opener came around. The fish kept deep and we trecked like madmen to find them, but when we did find em, oh boy.. Now I say us because I had the opportunity to spend it with Billy-Curtiss, a new ofner and good budday of mine, whom I invited to join me on this year's expedition. Prompted by recent night fishing reports (thanx CCMT), I had the brilliant plan to spend the night out in the bush at my favourite trib, fish her throughout the night and catch her at first light, hopefully with water tinted chrome. He said he was down, provided I would get him into his first steel... A tall order(you never know nawadays), but a firm bet, provided he was kewl with the journey he was about to undertake Had the gear by the door ready for when I got home after work Friday, pole stringed up, fresh jar of bagged roe in the frigo (Telly's secret brown trout roe, shaweeet), met up with BC and booked it for Lucid's place to pick up an extra pair of waders, and we were off. Got to the trib around 1ish, made our way by head light to the first prime run where I figured we'd spend the better part of the night. This time of year, we're at the tail end of the run, fishing mostly drop-backs. I hoped to intercept some of these fish as they finned their way back to lake O under the cover of darkness. Anywho, we musta worked that hole for 2 hours.. nada.. zilch, save a couple pesky shinners.. It became apparent that the hole was either void of trout, or they had a serious case of lock-jaw. We cleared a small area by the trib, curled up in our waders, and awaited morning. We woke up a around 6am to the sing song of robins and all kinds of song birds, all trying to sing louder than the other.. So we stuck it out till it was light enough to fish and kept making our way up river. It wasn't until around 8am that we finally found em.. A stretch of water that I was privy to have first seen with FHR. The show me the money hole. First drift, float gone, fish on. Booyah! A pertty female.. Second fish, a male.. a slight momentary lapse of concsiousness on my part. I was running on adrenaline then. This boy musta had no issues hooking it up.. And so on... Seems the trout we're hungry, they ate everything we presented to them. Red worms, roe, flies, spinners... they all got a snifter. BC was working a shorter rod, so working a float rig was darn near impossible. He switched it up to a spinner, a bright red blue fox. Nice move. First cast, BANG, fish on! Ah but it was all over in 30 sec... the anguish.. Right back at er though. Second cast, BB-BAAAM, Billy's first steelhead.. We worked the run for about a couple hours... It was stacked.. Problem is with a creek this small, the fish would get skittish and would turn off, so we'd let the hole sit for a bit.. Ultimately, trout are fish, with weee brains.. hunger would turn them on again... Nothing real big, but soo scrappy!! Most we're very fresh, having just booted up stream to spawn, only to make a hasty retreat back to the lake, all within a few days. A beauty little female. There was a male nudging her rumpuss throughout the battle! A nice oos smallie. Billy looking a little concerned.. T his one had a bit of a malformation.. Nice kicks BC! Globes? Around 10ish, we happened to look downstream and we noticed some anglers working a run below us.. I kinda knew what they were thinking, and we decided we'd let them have a turn also. Just as we were leaving, one of them showed up and thanked us. If you're reading this, I hope you hooked into a few. My heart would have sank too if I'd have shown up at my favourite hole.. just a tad too late. What a great morning on the trib.. More fish lost than beached, but wow, talk about spunky, all the while weary and very alert. Couple that with the sights and sounds of spring. Such is trout fishing! Billy, I feel priviledged. Glad I could share it with you. I see ''annual tradition'' written all over that. Part 2 to come... Thanx for reading HD
  10. Maybe.. I dunno anymore. I think I might go for steel instead. Those island pike have seen every lure from jerk baits to paper clips and snot.. I've probably got more chances of hooking into straggler steel. Good luck though! HD
  11. NICE!! one of the last stragglers no doubt.. Well done bro. HD
  12. Menonites using white buckets?! I'll be jiggered... I thought their buckets had to be fashioned out of straw and thread! hahah Not to say that menonites arn't over fishing, but they probably have precedence, as they've probably been in the area for a long time. Maybe their secret fishing holes have been fished out from non-local white bucketeers... Such are the times. I think we've all noticed a decline. That makes keeping our secret haunts ever more important.. cheers HD
  13. That rectory cafe... being very nice and quaint, offers good eats, but is highway robery!! Next time, try to hit the center island cafe... The food isn't bad, is well priced, and they offer communal grayvee... Who's hitting it up on Sunday? I gotta de-scunkafy myself from the last time we hit it up... HD
  14. We need some bucket biologists to manufacture this virus... in vast quantities! Frankly, I'm not sure what's grosser, a french carp or carg herpes... They're both nasty and don't belong in our waterways.. They're more of a nuisance than anything else. cheers HD
  15. Oh soo sweet... I'm leaving for Algonquin on Thursday.. I'm counting the minutes!! Thanks!! HD
  16. Carp are to be had pretty much anywhere in Lake O. No secret there. However, if I could help, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority does have a free shuttle service on weekends that runs from the entrance of the park to the very tip of the park. There's plenty of shallow bays and inlets there, perfect for that particular coarse fish... There, my good deed for the day. Good luck! HD
  17. Great scenery shots and fish porn... mmmm yesss.. Looks to be quite the remote location! YOU are one of the lucky few dude. Thanx for sharing! HD
  18. Noice one brotha! Me thinks I recognize the dogwood in the carp pic.. Always nice when your partner gets the biggun. I got my arse skunked baaad yesterday, while the guys I was with were connecting left right center with em... Rangerguy, some desenex outta clear up that diaper rash real good! cheers HD
  19. OPP Checking for fishing licenses? Why I never!! Seems they could have picked a busier day...
  20. I'm not worthy.. You're pikeyness has surparsed my expectations. You've attained the rank of... Pussywillow! cheers HD
  21. WOW. Well captured and narrated... Simpy awesome! cheers! HD
  22. That's great advice BnB. Words of wisdom that I will take with me as well. Good luck UA, with everything. cheers HD
  23. Is that you Dave?! Cause, it almost looks like you're about to swat that CO.. That's a great caption! LOL
  24. Most. That's a laugh. I'd say your margine for error is quite high. Mommy don't give you enough attention at home or what?
  25. I fish the pier at Bronte. Ya won't catch me snagging. There's a simpler and funner way to get them. Cranks and spoons. What are ya like man?!
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