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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. For me, it's naturally fuelled mayhem in Algonquin Park, chasing brookies and eyes, and gorging myself on marshmellows!! Have a safe, fish filled weekend everybody! HD
  2. You da man homey. Gooddun! yyeeeee HD
  3. Yup, tar and feather that goof. There's no lake in these parts where bass, large or small mouth, is open. Ignorant, idealistic, suburbanite slobs. OK I need a hug.. HD
  4. Let's see now.. 3 million riders daily. A considerable percentage of riders reading this publication, fond en comble. I think someone should get canned for that blunder!! yikes HD
  5. ppffff.. Mindless. Those writters are no doubt, vegan, small yappy dog loving, silk wearing buttercups.. I'm sure something like seasons of regulations wouldn't even come across their minds.. Metro... the name says it all!! HAHAH HD
  6. Dang... That's just........ disgusting!! wowy sowy HD
  7. Excellent choice. The narrows offer great fishing opportunities.. You won't need to venture very far from the lodge to find them. This time of year, I've found that long ligning rapalas and worm harnesses work well. If the water temp is still in the lows, try fishing emerald shinners or chubs with pickeral rigs right off bottom. The lodge will no doubt carry a surplus of these. If the water warms up, try working crank-baits in the 4-10f range. Try to vary the speed of your retrieve, depending on how active the fish are. The water on this side of the lake tends to be a bit clearer than the main body of water, so the fishing might slow down during mid day, but first and last light on the water should be golden! We used to stay at Camp Brisson when I was a wee lad, just off Old Mission Road I think... I remember having to go deeper during the height of the summer for the eyes, but this time of year, you'll be finding them shallow. Good luck! and we want pictures! HD
  8. Homay. Have a dang blasted, trout filled, no bombaclot, bug infested trip son! I'll be leaving for mine tomorrow night. Take good care and don't forget you head mesh... yyeeeee HD PS. That opener report has been bumped back some.. check her out!
  9. Sooo, what happened afterwards? Did Mr. Carp turn into a handsome prince and you rode away together on his stalion?! That pick of you kissing the carp... Now I've seen everything! Priceless! Still, a nice catch. Congrats dudette! cheers HD
  10. Everything but them coarse fishes... I'd have to make a visit to my grand-parents in Dartford for those guys.. Betcha I can catch more than SNAG anyways. MUAHAAH HD
  11. That's a Mission Impossible 007. Store bought fish don't count!! I might be down for that. Care to put a friendly wager on that one? yyyeeeeee HD
  12. Very nice! At this rate, your son should have some nice pipes by the time he's 5! Good work. thanx HD
  13. Why not just fly there?! It would probably be cheaper!! Awesome vessel though. I betcha she hovers at full tilt! LOL HD
  14. I'm actually from there! What lodge will you be staying at?
  15. A hybrid? An uneducated guess made by a novice... pppffffff You're momy must have celebrated you coming in second place all your life.. pshaw! HD
  16. mmmmm.. scrumpdiddlyumptious Roy. A meal fit for a king, or root administrator.. Remember, glutiny is a sin! HD
  17. What a sad sight. I was hoping it was a release shot.. A great fish... reduced to cat food.
  18. Personally, I don't think you need to teach someone on how to read the regs. The lad who caught the musky must have had an inclination that what he was doing wasn't totally legit. I'm sure he's learned his lesson though. Live and learn. That idea would never fly. Imagine.. having to take a course to obtain a fishing license. Taking such a course would only be mandatory if casting a fishing rod would become a safety issue, like having to take an gun course to get your FAC. On another note, do you notice how fisherfolk commiting those infractions are a just a bit...... dim?? I don't think herding these people in a class to teach them how to read signs would make much difference. I here P3TA knocking.. The hairs on my arms are standing on end. yikes! HD
  19. Eewww. Beauty... and the beast. I hooked into one fishing for trout the other day. Their brutes, and they fight like tanks, but have fishy attributes only a mother could love.. But I can honestly say that's the nicest looking carp I've ever seen! Lookit the colours people! Congrats! HD ps The fish is the beast..
  20. OH what a tease! I can't seem to see em on your profile either.. gimme gimme!!
  21. That's a pretty cute report Cliff.. Well done! HD
  22. Thanx bro! PM me if you're planning a trip to the harbour. Me thinks it's time we went into pike mode. cheers! HD
  23. Noo gators??!! I'd trade 100 pike for one of those lilttle beauties.. I'd hate to see a northern in a brookie lake.. My filet knife would make short work of them if I ever came across one fishing for trout! Sweet report and pics! thanx HD
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