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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. LOL. Were you alone? Did anyone help you with this fish? Where did you learn this mastery??! Don't you think it's time you gave props when props is due? I'd hate for you to go out another 20 times without a hook up... HD
  2. HAHAH! Monique's fluent in french, so I figured I'd send something a little more homely... I said that it had been a while since we've had news from her, that i was sending her a big e-hug. Want some cheese with your whine? Good to know you're still out and about Tom. It feels more like home this way... HD
  3. Sweeet. Great caption and picks! thanx for sharing HD
  4. I would gather she does.. A sensible lady that one is. Still, a women's touch would go a long way here me thinks. What say you TJ? Aye Monique, ca vas faire quelques temps qu'on a pas eu de vos nouvelles.. Entre temps, cht'envoye une grosse caresse du nord!! yyeeee HD
  5. Not Bad! but where's the cockroach pattern? I'm told this pattern produces a lot in the keys... And don't forget about lefty's deceivers!! Good luck!
  6. You are not worthy, soo.. Hands off jigger. He's mine!! HD
  7. Alright! Shopping for new gear is my most favourite thing to do.. You must have a plethora of places to go in order to satisfy the need.. Heck, I'm starting to wonder if I should add a surf rod or 2, or maybe a 9-10 wheight fly rod to extend my ever growing stack of fishing related paraphernalia... yah, we're a bit possessed.. saw an ABU C3 the other day on Craigslist and thought about you. Did you get that PM? Anywho, I'm thinking mid june or so... I'm supposed to be in Vegas for last weekend in may, but maybe I could convince the lady to make a slight change in plans. I'm sure she'd dig the coast... and your mom's cooking!! I wanna hook into a sea trout, or a flounder... a stripper over 30in would be shweet too!! Pike have been treating us okay, we've still yet to break out the float gear though. You're fortunate to live in such a temperate climate. Wasn't it at the end of October that we were still in our shorts last time? Keep in touch. McDoug sends his regards! HD
  8. Sweeet. You just scored one for the team bro! Yeeee Keep trying, you'll hit a stellar day soon enough. Just do it before closer... you've got 5 days! cheers HD
  9. Beeeer.. Nectar of the Gods. It tastes soo much better when it's legal, or at the rippers.. Happy Birthday!! HD
  10. Get back to work fish man! Or give us what we want.. Stripper porn and/or plug picks!! Either that or give us a status report... God speed budday. HD
  11. Teacher, mother... secret lover.. I've been pro OFC ever since that faithful day I posted my first thread. IF I were a vegetable and had to surf the web with a pen wedged in between my lips, I'd only need one default page... Thanx everyone. merci, mille fois, merci. HD
  12. mmmm lucky charms!!
  13. Oh I get it! You wanna avoid anymore down time by sterilizing your man goods the cheap way huh? LOL!! HD
  14. Funny how this topic has come to light since Snag started posting! You're an instigator sir! And I'm open to any colour of bucket. If we're biased to say, grey buckets, this would leave out a lot of opportunities. White, grey, yellow... I've sampled them all.. and they're all good! good thread! cheers HD
  15. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. My thoughts go out to you and your's. HD
  16. Sweet jebus.. Nice steel! Good choice of theme music too. yyeeeee thanx HD
  17. Nice work Roy! 4 coats of urethane outta keep that floor perty for years to come.. And you can practice your moon walk in your wool socks!! Nice baits too.. Desert in lieu of dinner. Here's to you getting out there soon budday. merde! HD
  18. Alright G-Dawg.. You've had your fun. We get the net yah? Let it go already or get your missus to burp you after your bottle... This thread is sooo last week!! I do however love bleepin pike pics, you bleepin lucky bleepady bleep. HD
  19. Yah today was bunk for fishing.. that cold snap last night turned em off... Was out myself with fellow ofners snag and Billy Curtis and caught nothing but paint rollers and zebra mussels.. Wait, almost hooked into an old squaw. hahaah tight loops HD
  20. That pike doesn't need Jenny Craig.. It just purges after a binge. Funny lookin fish!! Indicative of a northern eutrophic lake with a poor forage bassin.. HD
  21. Bring your auger!!
  22. You failed, ya big failie von failstein.. That's a honkin fish. That's a big lad too though. I'd say 43in, 22.5lbs. Look at that cradle hold.. that look of a father holding his newborn.. He loves pike too! HD
  23. That's just awesome! All you need is an electric motor and you're set!!
  24. LOL. Look closely.. A 36in female this time of year would hover between 12 to 15 pounds. That fish there is easily over 36. You fish largies much? tight loops HD
  25. I conquer. I've read studies on the subject. Chili, among other countries, has very lax policies on pesticide and fertalilzer use.. Makes you wanna cringe doesn't it??
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