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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Great shots! Those are some purty 'skis. The colours on them are really intense. Evolution at it's finest. Thanx Sean!
  2. Such wisdom. Words we can all live by. I'll take that to the grave! Don't fear the bung! yeyeee HD
  3. You.. you.. monster!! Mmmm pikes.. This early in the season, they're quite tasty, as the fish are leaner and they havn't been in warm water for too long. Used to have fillet 30 a day at the Lodge.. I'd have whole families come in with stringers of snot rockets.. I've mastered the technique, but I'd rather make a video montage rather than confuse with my endless banter.. If I could suggest though. Be sure to gut and skin them as quickly as possible to avoid that fishyness. I've found that the flesh stays firmer, longer this way. cheers! HD
  4. So true.. good one! Obscure, but insightful nonetheless.. Right on Bill!
  5. Funny that someone from TRCA would bark at your friend for fishing there.. I fish Humber Bay quite regularly and have never been told to move. The port authority would have a say in this, but I don't think they patrol that far away from downtown. Have him ask her to produce proof that you're not allowed to fish there next time, I'd be interested to see how this progresses. cheers! HD
  6. Dang network is down... Blasted Citrix! Before I go on an extended fishing related lunch break, I thought I'd share some words of wisdom.. Plus I'm bored silly.. Some entertainment would be groovy! One of my favourite quotes is actually from one of my favourite authors. "Dreams do come true. Withought that possibility, nature would not encite us to have them." John Updike cheers! HD
  7. Mike! I'm sure the pics are awesome, but I can't seem to access them either. Don't we need a membership to view anything on Photobucket? Why not just post em off your OFC account dude? Must.. have.. fish.. PPPOOORRNNNN HD
  8. MUAHahahahah!! That's an insider TJ. Hillrat and I got back a ways.. Lucid, Hillrat and myself used to hit a mcdonalds after all our fishing trips. Call it a tradition based on superstition. We used to call ouselves the Mctrio, remember? Mayo is his favourite side dish.. LOL I should be careful though.. He's got some dirt mcgirt on me that I'm sure he's itching to post. HD
  9. Yeyyeee Mcmayostein! Got something going this Sunday? I think we're about due for a spit session. HD
  10. Shaweeet. Excellent report and some good info there. Nice saugers, but them pikes are prettier. cheers! HD
  11. We certainly put in enough time.. props for that! yeyeeee HD
  12. You may. Use it well, my son. Also acceptable are unskunked and my favourite, deskunkered.. Thanx for the replys lads. HD
  13. HAhah! You should frame that last shot. Well done 'ol boyee. cheers! HD
  14. Howdy doodly folks Hit the Islands yesterday with Lucid and was rewarded with some good ol pike goo.. I just happened to be sneaking out of a general assembly at work and McDoug rang me up with a nice little proposition.. "A little pike session at the Islands you say? Well, I'd be delighted sir.. capital idea!!" Me no like work, all work and no play, make HD.. something something.. I like to think I keep good tabs on the elements that make for a good outting, but it's a bit more tricky here on the great lake O. You can never really predict if the fish will be on or not.. Textbook conditions have often left us scratching our heads, while other days, few and far between they may be, have left us laughing like mad scientists.. (You know what I'm getting at, Snag). We take the days we can, fighting that sinking feeling that we're just killing time. If we left it up to mother nature, we'd rarely leave the backyard. We caught the first ferry we could and crossed the harbour under an angry sky. The rains would come, sure enough, to dampen our spirits, and yet, we pressed on... All on a feeling, a very fishy feeling. Indeed! After scouring the nooks and crannies of the islands for some years now, we've come to know the areas rarely treaded and have greatly improved our success rates. On a weekday when the inner channels have had the chance to settle, and the party boats have yet to blast us with top their top 50s, we make a b-line for areas only accessible to those who wade.. We fished through intermittent downpours, broken by bouts of intense sunshine and electrical storms.. You could just feel the static electricity in the air. The fish no doubt felt it. Unstable pressure sometimes instills that sence of urgency, to feeeeed. We ideled while on our way to the money holes, but we had a plan to fish, run and gun style. We were just working up a groove... Weedline droper #1, and right on schedule, McDoug with his first decent fish. Duuude, those waders make you look bulgy.. A little recon and some proven field tactics took us to our next hole. Once your through the brush and in the water, and out of reach of those nasty fire ants, it's smooth wading and a prime location, all to yourself.. Generally, odds are angainst you if you're always the second person to get your bait in the water. Happens all the time.. One guy at the helm always seems to catch more fish. It's simple, he's hitting the fish before the other! Doug let me ahead of him at hole #2 (the nice little turd that he is) and I landed this purty ladie.. I Was watching my x-rap through to glum and she vanished, and just as that happened, good ol Stradic went zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. I had barely enough time to grab my fish towel that the Dougster was into another.. She smashed a firetiger hj, a lure fine tuned by countless pike mawlings. I get a little exited when i see this bait in the water... oooohhh If only tank testing meant that all Rapalas were like this, I'd be a little less stingy with my wallet. Beauty fish! No plyers and a mouth full of teeth.. Shoulda, woulda, coulda been a surgeon.. The release.. Managed to raise a few good ones that day, and had a couple solid swipes. An afternoon very well waisted and whoda thunk it, we even got descunkafied! Rule of thumb: Ya never know. cheers HD
  15. Don't forget to fasten that wading belt then.
  16. Bahh.. Don't worry, you won't be casting chronomids on a 7x tippet for spooky browns.. this is after all smallie fishing. Keep it simple, focus on keeping your forearm tight to your side, and keep your wrist locked up, lower your tip as you are ending your forward cast, MEND, and repeat... Most of all, have fun! Don't forget the kodak!! cheers H to the D
  17. That's the secret words for the day. You'll want a stout 6 or 7 wheight rod and a bass taper wheight forward line, preferably nymph tip. I say nymph cause Scientific Anglers makes one that sinks slower than a lead core. A sink tip line in the conditions you've specified would make you want to toss your whole set up in the drink and reach for your spinning rod. Also, you may have been encouraged to purchase a bass taper fly line if you'll be targeting bass. This taper is great if you're casting big bushy flies on a pond or a calm lake, with plenty of room for your back cast, but they're quite heavy and are somewhat difficult to mend in fast water. You won't be throwing bunny leeches and bucktails, so a heavy taper is not necessary. Go with a regular wheight forward taper, and add some shot if you wanna your fly to get down faster. This is the most versatile set-up IMHO, because you can work surface (poppers) or subsurface (buggers) and you don't require getting multiple tapers or several spools to carry them in. Flies... Be sure to stock a good selection of black, brown and olive wollybuggers (beadheads are deadly and don't require adding more shot), mudler minnows, hellgramites and other assorted streamer patterns like rainbow smelts, deceivers, to name a few. Hope this helps! Send me a pm if you have any other questions. cheers Tiiiight Loops HD
  18. Dang.. If only my better half we're as good with a camera as yours.. Excellent report and pics! cheers HD
  19. Just thumb your way through!
  20. Well well.... lookie lookie. That 45incher is a real beautay. Glad you got the posting thing figured out my fellow esox philosophiser.. You have no fear, because you are intimate with fear. Don't listen to Snag, he goes to work with salmon juice on his pants, plus he eats harbour pike. He's a very small, spiteful old jigga. yyyeeee booyeee! Welcome to my domain. H to the D
  21. Wow. You are what we call one of the priviledged few.. thanx for showing off! j/k HD
  22. Selft employed then. Do you deliver?! What do you tell your bank when you wanna deposit a whack of doe? sniffles.. HD
  23. Ata boy! Stick it to the man. What's with all the fussing and fueding lately? Have a hit off your hooka or something... yyeeeesh HD
  24. Duude. We should fish! Yyyeeeeaahh HD
  25. You walking around with a pickle up your or what?! I'd hate to see you get an aneurism from reading threads that arn't up to parr. Chilll Winston. You may live longer! peace HD
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