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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Got a float tube?! From what I remember, it's very boggish on the west side and beyond that it's mostly private property, so you might be restricted to the outside wall at the southern most part of the bay. Good luck!! HD
  2. Lotsa largies in there.. I've also heard of smallies being caught closer to the lake.. I fish the area for pike before closer.. If you keep a low profile, you may be allowed to fish the docks in the marina. Mind you, this is way before boating season begins.. I'll see if I can dig up some pics. We've pulled some dandies from there over the years! cheers HD
  3. Ah no worries mate.. I'll help you bunk the skunk... Don't I always?!
  4. Very nice! That's quite a find in Grenadier... Good on you for releasing her too.. Most people fishing that side of the pond would have probably kept her for soup! cheers! HD
  5. Lovely... just lovely. Great shots Alan. I noticed in the second shot that the fish is tagged.. Did you perform a creel census with the mnr or did you tag him yourself? Those are big trout though. Our local hatchery uses a Nipigon strain for our brood stock and they get to about the size of the trout you caught, but only get those vivid colours during the spawn.. A fall fish perhaps?? cheers! HD
  6. Very noice! Summer steel... and still in the river! Must be reluctant to fall back with that injured tail. Cool find man and nice brown! cheers HD
  7. OOH OOH MEMEME!! We'll said sir G.. I told the missus we'd blow our airmiles on a trip to Vancouver the week of the 15th, but I would luuuuuvv to hit it up with ya'll that weekend! Qu'est que t'en dit mon grand Roy? On se graye ti d'une cabine?! yyyeeeeehaawww HD
  8. Oh stop it you...
  9. Interesting Glen.. I just booked the week of the 15th off! I wonder how the fishing is though?! I'm told it's prime time for lunges, but what about eyes? Still, I'd be down for that!! HD
  10. OH CANADA.. you gotta love it! Beauty skis! cheers HD
  11. OOHHH soo sweet!! cheers! HD
  12. mmhmmm.. quite the news.. Need I remind you that carp are an invase species that were INTRODUCED (that's right) here for the purposes of consumption by eastern europeans.. A massive carp die-off could only be beneficial. YAY!! HD
  13. What a great read. Welcome to your new home!! A friendly reminder.. You need not travel far and spend much to find great fishing. It's right at your door step! figuratively speaking of course... For a measly $6.50 a person, you can take the ferry across the Islands and have a gander at all kinds of species. hope to see you out on the water. cheers HD
  14. Yuck Yuck Yuck... and a resounding YUCK!! Nice! teeheeh HD
  15. Sometimes, I feel so good I gotta scream... She said Gordie baby, I know exactly what you mean.. she said.. Well done! yeyeee HD
  16. mmmmm. thats love at first twitch. cheers! HD
  17. Right on Lew! You look like you're straining under the wheight of that fish. Beauty! cheers HD
  18. Lots of good ones here. Aye Roy, could you elaborate a little on yours? I'm not sure we're on the same wave length when I think about dingle if -dangle if!! Bill! That's a great quote. Chretien had such a way with words... I can just picture him trying to say it! MUAHAAH here's one from a song.. see if you can guess where it's from. NO GOOGLING! lol "I had my hands in the river, my feet back up on the banks. Looked up to the lord above and said: Hey man, thanks." cheers
  19. mmmmm yeah. Now we're good. That was very satisfying. thanx HD
  20. Oh... NOOOO. That really makes my heart sink. Brutal.
  21. Forks of the Credit.. if he doesn't mind downsizing a little. cheers HD
  22. You da man homay. As you can see, Ash doesn't discriminate on size, so.. it's all good! cheers HD P.S. Any chance on a little visit in the not-so-distant future?
  23. Holly mother of carp! shwweeet ugliness dude. cheers HD
  24. Ask to see her birder's license too, and then tell her to seak professional help. I get a kick out of messing with the port authority this way! They're all glorified night watchmen who didn't make the academy cause they're mentally unstable. Fishing there is permitted. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Just give 'er. HD
  25. Just heard the news too. RIP George.
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