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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Translator. Working on getting my professional certification. Right now, I'm stuck at a desk and I don't get much done (thanx OFC LOL) and the pay isn't all that great. Once I get that little piece of paper... OH BOY, It's weekends away, everything done wi-fi, and a whole lot more fishing time... Kewl thread! HD
  2. More components. Frontier uses the same high end guides on all there noodlers I believe.. Get the 13' in a 2 piece if you can manage. You'll be glad you did! HD
  3. Yyeeee boyee that would be stellar. Let's dou it. See ya then! HD
  4. mmmmm very noice! careful John... you may turn into a purist! cheers HD
  5. Yoo B to Cizzow. I got all that stuff.. Do you still need the ultralight? I got a loomis with your name on it.. It's real purty and it matches your banjo! gimme a buzz homay. HD
  6. Well done! Don't listen to Clifford.. Bly can outfish him with paper clips and snot. Gitty on up! HD
  7. Good point. The resort is guarded by gun point and your local attractions, other than the local cigar shop, will include putas and starving dogs. If it's culture you're after... Santiago de Cuba!! HD
  8. What resort are you staying at?! I'm sure there's reputable charter service run through your hotel. Beware the charters run outside the resort though!! I learned the hard way last time I was up there! cheers HD
  9. mmmm now we're talking. Beauty fish dude. I've got some from the last coupla weeks I wanna share too, when I get around to it. B-BUMP! cheers HD
  10. Generalisations aside, this thread is from May 10th and should never have been open for discution. I finds these threads bring out the worst in otherwise good people. If this thread is still in circulation, it's because no lines were crossed and it was kept somewhat clean. JB, you just told everyone here that we sucked. Why is that I wonder? Enlighten me. HD
  11. It would certainly seem that way.. I can assure you however that that's not the case. You might want to reconsider those words there mate. You're sturring up old sludge that would have been best left to settle. HD
  12. Luuvv it. Well done. Sight casting to aggressive fish is that much more intense. Every once in a while we find ourselves in that particular situation, and we just can't believe it when they take. You can't help it but feel that ferocious surge of energy when the fish charges for your bait. awesome. cheers HD
  13. Sweeeet. That must have been a great day. Beauty 'ski and quite the mission accomplished! cheers HD
  14. Will do! Eyes should be doing in Sandy... I've caught them even a high noon. I'll make the cross-over if the condtions are right though. I've never caught a musky!! Thanx bud HD
  15. Nicely done! Beauty eyes to boot, too bad about the 'skis not cooperating though. I'll be heading to Sandy Lake next weekend hopefully.. Maybe I'll take a gander at lower buck while I'm there. cheers! HD
  16. Stoty... you're freaking possessed man!! Ever consider joining a hockey board? Seriously, other threads are getting pushed back before we can read em cause you're using the board as a chat room. It's a bit much. Fire away.. HD
  17. Noice! The great fish god was looking over you Chris. You must have been a good boy this year.. Order one for me Raf! cheers HD
  18. Go with the GLX. You'll get more complements on the river.
  19. Noice! That be a chinny though. Still, better than a kick in the teeth. yyaaarrr HD
  20. HAHAAH. You should feist your eyes on my k2s... they're lovely! Let's do a Barby sometime. YO B-C.. That means you too brotha. It's Friday peoples.. Let's get S-T-U-P-I-D. HD
  21. Duude! What a koinkidink.. I've got some moose tenderlon thawing on the counter.. I'm supposed to hit this Birthday BBQ with the missus, but I doubt they'll dig it... they'll all be silk wearing vegans! You in a sharing mood? Get me outta this thing dagnit. I'm gonna blow a gasket. yyeee wut HD
  22. No worries. I shoulda made that homay(s).. Get better son. No better therapy than a little bait polishing session, a litle Queens and some chicken noodle soop.. HD
  23. You've caught eyes there?! I've caught nothing but diddly!! That lake holds all kinds though. Maybe my chi was thrown off cause of exams and girls.. yyyeeeee HD
  24. Brotha.. It's a world class smallmouth fishery, and they lluuuuvv top water baits. Too bad opener is still a ways away.. teehhhee Whats the good word for tonight homay? H to the D
  25. Blimey... It's soo.. LONG!! Good one Cliff!
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