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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. SWEEEEET! And here I've been tubbing it like a sucker... thanx for sharing! HD
  2. Sweet lord what a pretty fish! HAHAAH Nice one Rich! HD
  3. What did I miss?! Not exactly sure how or why this came about, but can I fish there??? Dem some noice troutsies though! HD
  4. Man, dem is some phat cats!! Thanx for posting. HD
  5. Nice work! Rather have beaver chewing on that dogwood than see a cormorant flying off with one for their nest.. I've heard of the odd brown caught there but they're few and far between. Have you had a gander at Ashbridges? You might hook into less pike "incidentals"... tight loops HD
  6. Quit submitting pictures of your back yard Snap. Besides, I don't think rednecks drink merlot, or would they spend countless hours stacking wine bottles just for show. Merlot is for cissies, right Glen? Snap... that's rap lingo for yee yeeeee, and OH NO YOU DI'NT!! Dunno why you felt compelled to switch it.. IT STINKS.
  7. In the words of Chunk when he was accosted by Sloth in The Goonies, is there an echo in here??! LOL HD
  8. BLASPHEMY! You should see my nectarine tree, its got tiny (minuscule) sap suckers on it.. Water and a soft dish detergent make fast work of em though. This works well, provided the solution is diluted. let it grow, let it grow; let it blossom, let it flow; in the summer, in the snow; Love is lovely, so let it grow. HD
  9. Oh that's all honky dory, does this mean the inner harbour is open on the 3rd? Does this mean we can troll 2 rods at the spit Erik? shes coming soon! YEEHAW HD
  10. Aphids? Plant lice maybe? We need some close-ups... How much sun do the plants get in that particular area? If it's fungi, the plant may not be getting enough sun/too much water.. Thought the thread was going sativa style there for a sec. My eyes were as big as loonies! Off topic, found a giant garbage bag of clones at the launch the other day... Big yields for all! HD
  11. They might get plenty of fish, but they're probably recluses who don't get enough kuna. HD
  12. Steve, no need to be rash. We're gonna take heat for everything from proper landing to holding techniques on this board. Don't let that deter you from posting. You're not an MP and this is not election time. Please keep em coming! HD
  13. WOW. Didn't see that one coming. Those kind of comments outta make you real popular around here. You must loads of action off the water! But whatever, nobody cares righ?! HAHAAH
  14. I'm sure you have rules and good practices and abide them everytime you hit the tribs. It's just hard sometimes to not think objectively. We've probably just been couped up for too long. I'm also a tad envious of your knowledge and success. Respect brotha. Hope to see you in action someday. I'll no doubt learn something. peace HD
  15. Bashing posts is no fun, but seriously. You post quite a bit, and everytime, it's the same thing. Muddy trout. People will see this, so you best leave yourself open some level for critizism. Doesn't this look better? And wouldn't you think it gives a more positive impression? cheers HD
  16. That's awesome Clive! Pike sure have quite the range... how many continents is it? check out those yaouge taimen they're holding up... bizzaro! cheers HD
  17. ah jeeeez Wayne, why on earth would you think that? LOL
  18. Is it? I see zone 20. Does this mean that the inner harbour (zone 16) is open on the tenth and the Islands (zone 20) are open on the 3rd? cheers HD
  19. Aahh of course. I stand corrected. Thanx! More pike for me.. HD
  20. Lake O. is zone 14 now? funny, its in zone 16 on the regz...
  21. Hey Bucktail, ya best check your regz, it's actually the second Saturday for zone 16. That would be the 10th of May... heheeh Good luck out there! HD
  22. ppfffff... That chair can't be more than 30in, tops.. Time for chrome budday.. cheers! HD
  23. 9lbs!! Did you happen to save any tissues? Get well soon. cheers HD
  24. Where on earth did you get those stats?!! If that were true, I shoulda caught 60 fish this morning instead of 2.. OOPS... Am I getting off-track? Somedody stop me!! cheers HD
  25. I've learned from my sources that the pick is on it's way..
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